MVC - 如何从主页面上的文件夹中放置随机图像

时间:2021-11-16 00:32:19

I have an MVC app and I want on the top of the master page to have a series of random images from the folder.


To do this I have to write code but not where to write the code?? It has to be done in one place.


I will probably just set the images at the beginning of the session so they are cached by the browser and improve performance of the site.



4 个解决方案


Caching is Key


As the others have said, you've got to use caching since you are performing repetitive disk I/O on data that doesn't change often.

正如其他人所说,你必须使用缓存,因为你在不经常更改的数据上执行重复的磁盘I / O.

My example creates and caches a List<T> of the image file paths you will need for each subsequent request. System.Web.Caching is perfect for this because you can create a CacheDependency object directly on your image directory -- if a file gets changed or added, your cache is automatically invalidated. It is then recreated the next time it is requested.

我的示例创建并缓存了每个后续请求所需的映像文件路径的List 。 System.Web.Caching非常适用于此,因为您可以直接在映像目录上创建CacheDependency对象 - 如果文件被更改或添加,您的缓存将自动失效。然后在下次请求时重新创建它。

Avoiding Duplicates with the HashSet<T>


I bet you don't want two of the same pictures ever showing up in your header!


Randomizing using Random.Next does not exclude previously generated duplicates. I used a HashSet<T> as a poor man's unique randomizer since the HashSet<T> will only allow you to add unique values.

使用Random.Next进行随机化不会排除先前生成的重复项。我使用HashSet 作为穷人的独特随机函数,因为HashSet 只允许您添加唯一值。

The Model

This operation should be part of your model in MVC. You change it to go along with your other data fetching classes as you see fit.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Caching;

public class RandomImage
    public static string[] GetImages(string folder, int count)
        HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
        string virtualFolderPath = string.Format("/content/{0}/", folder);
        string absoluteFolderPath = context.Server.MapPath(virtualFolderPath);

        Cache cache = context.Cache;
        var images = cache[folder + "_images"] as List<string>;

        // cache string array if it does not exist
        if (images == null)
            var di = new DirectoryInfo(absoluteFolderPath);
            images = (from fi in di.GetFiles()
                            where fi.Extension.ToLower() == ".jpg" || fi.Extension.ToLower() == ".gif"
                            select string.Format("{0}{1}", virtualFolderPath, fi.Name))

            // create cach dependency on image randomFolderName
            cache.Insert(folder + "_images", images, new CacheDependency(absoluteFolderPath));

        Random random = new Random();
        var imageSet = new HashSet<string>();
        if (count > images.Count())
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");

        while (imageSet.Count() < count)
            //using an hashset will ensure a random set with unique values.

        return imageSet.ToArray();

The Controller

Access the method in your controller something like....


string[] images = Models.RandomImage.GetImages("myPictures", 4);


Write a helper function that would get a random filename from an array of filenames which is generated at application startup.



Well, to get the images:


string[] get_images(string folder) {
     string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.jpg"/* or whatever */);
     List<string> rand = new List<string>();
     Random r = new Random();
     for ( int i = 0; i < numImages; i++ ) {
     return rand.ToArray();

And then in the master page:


<% PrintImages(); %>

Where PrintImages() is:


string[] img = get_images(Server.MapPath("~/Content/RandomImages"));
foreach (string i in img) { Response.Write("<img src=\"/Content/RandomImages/"+i+"\" />"); }

That is a rough solution, and caching would be good - that would really thrash a disk.

这是一个粗略的解决方案,缓存会很好 - 这会真正破坏磁盘。


I'd want to make sure that simply reading the directory each time and generating the file names is a real bottleneck before I'd do anything more complicated. It's certainly less efficient, but the code is arguably simpler. If it isn't a bottleneck, then the controller action responsible for rendering the view is the right place for the code. Note that you'll need to turn of output caching for the action (if it isn't already) if you want the image to change each time.


If it turns out that reading the file names and constructing the links really is a bottleneck -- it may take much less time than reading the actual file -- AND the files in the directory can change while the application is running, then constructing a collection of them and storing them in the session on login is a reasonable way to handle it. The caveat is that if the application is also responsible for uploading the images (so that it knows when they change), you might be able to load them at application start and keep them in a global instance which is updated by the application as images are uploaded (or removed).

如果事实证明读取文件名和构建链接确实是一个瓶颈 - 它可能比读取实际文件花费的时间少得多 - 并且目录中的文件可以在应用程序运行时更改,然后构建集合他们在登录时将它们存储在会话中是一种合理的方法来处理它。需要注意的是,如果应用程序还负责上传图像(以便它知道何时更改),您可以在应用程序启动时加载它们并将它们保存在由应用程序更新的全局实例中,因为图像是上传(或删除)。

Once you have your collection of images (by reading each time, from the session, or a global instance), use a random number generator to pick the image that you want to display or a set that you want to rotate through using something like the jQuery Cycle plugin, pass it (them) to the view and have it render the image tags.

获得图像集后(通过每次,从会话或全局实例读取),使用随机数生成器选择要显示的图像或要使用类似于jQuery Cycle插件,将它(它们)传递给视图并让它渲染图像标签。


Caching is Key


As the others have said, you've got to use caching since you are performing repetitive disk I/O on data that doesn't change often.

正如其他人所说,你必须使用缓存,因为你在不经常更改的数据上执行重复的磁盘I / O.

My example creates and caches a List<T> of the image file paths you will need for each subsequent request. System.Web.Caching is perfect for this because you can create a CacheDependency object directly on your image directory -- if a file gets changed or added, your cache is automatically invalidated. It is then recreated the next time it is requested.

我的示例创建并缓存了每个后续请求所需的映像文件路径的List 。 System.Web.Caching非常适用于此,因为您可以直接在映像目录上创建CacheDependency对象 - 如果文件被更改或添加,您的缓存将自动失效。然后在下次请求时重新创建它。

Avoiding Duplicates with the HashSet<T>


I bet you don't want two of the same pictures ever showing up in your header!


Randomizing using Random.Next does not exclude previously generated duplicates. I used a HashSet<T> as a poor man's unique randomizer since the HashSet<T> will only allow you to add unique values.

使用Random.Next进行随机化不会排除先前生成的重复项。我使用HashSet 作为穷人的独特随机函数,因为HashSet 只允许您添加唯一值。

The Model

This operation should be part of your model in MVC. You change it to go along with your other data fetching classes as you see fit.


using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Caching;

public class RandomImage
    public static string[] GetImages(string folder, int count)
        HttpContext context = HttpContext.Current;
        string virtualFolderPath = string.Format("/content/{0}/", folder);
        string absoluteFolderPath = context.Server.MapPath(virtualFolderPath);

        Cache cache = context.Cache;
        var images = cache[folder + "_images"] as List<string>;

        // cache string array if it does not exist
        if (images == null)
            var di = new DirectoryInfo(absoluteFolderPath);
            images = (from fi in di.GetFiles()
                            where fi.Extension.ToLower() == ".jpg" || fi.Extension.ToLower() == ".gif"
                            select string.Format("{0}{1}", virtualFolderPath, fi.Name))

            // create cach dependency on image randomFolderName
            cache.Insert(folder + "_images", images, new CacheDependency(absoluteFolderPath));

        Random random = new Random();
        var imageSet = new HashSet<string>();
        if (count > images.Count())
            throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("count");

        while (imageSet.Count() < count)
            //using an hashset will ensure a random set with unique values.

        return imageSet.ToArray();

The Controller

Access the method in your controller something like....


string[] images = Models.RandomImage.GetImages("myPictures", 4);


Write a helper function that would get a random filename from an array of filenames which is generated at application startup.



Well, to get the images:


string[] get_images(string folder) {
     string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(folder, "*.jpg"/* or whatever */);
     List<string> rand = new List<string>();
     Random r = new Random();
     for ( int i = 0; i < numImages; i++ ) {
     return rand.ToArray();

And then in the master page:


<% PrintImages(); %>

Where PrintImages() is:


string[] img = get_images(Server.MapPath("~/Content/RandomImages"));
foreach (string i in img) { Response.Write("<img src=\"/Content/RandomImages/"+i+"\" />"); }

That is a rough solution, and caching would be good - that would really thrash a disk.

这是一个粗略的解决方案,缓存会很好 - 这会真正破坏磁盘。


I'd want to make sure that simply reading the directory each time and generating the file names is a real bottleneck before I'd do anything more complicated. It's certainly less efficient, but the code is arguably simpler. If it isn't a bottleneck, then the controller action responsible for rendering the view is the right place for the code. Note that you'll need to turn of output caching for the action (if it isn't already) if you want the image to change each time.


If it turns out that reading the file names and constructing the links really is a bottleneck -- it may take much less time than reading the actual file -- AND the files in the directory can change while the application is running, then constructing a collection of them and storing them in the session on login is a reasonable way to handle it. The caveat is that if the application is also responsible for uploading the images (so that it knows when they change), you might be able to load them at application start and keep them in a global instance which is updated by the application as images are uploaded (or removed).

如果事实证明读取文件名和构建链接确实是一个瓶颈 - 它可能比读取实际文件花费的时间少得多 - 并且目录中的文件可以在应用程序运行时更改,然后构建集合他们在登录时将它们存储在会话中是一种合理的方法来处理它。需要注意的是,如果应用程序还负责上传图像(以便它知道何时更改),您可以在应用程序启动时加载它们并将它们保存在由应用程序更新的全局实例中,因为图像是上传(或删除)。

Once you have your collection of images (by reading each time, from the session, or a global instance), use a random number generator to pick the image that you want to display or a set that you want to rotate through using something like the jQuery Cycle plugin, pass it (them) to the view and have it render the image tags.

获得图像集后(通过每次,从会话或全局实例读取),使用随机数生成器选择要显示的图像或要使用类似于jQuery Cycle插件,将它(它们)传递给视图并让它渲染图像标签。