
时间:2021-08-19 00:34:15

Quoting this answer:


Apart from tuples being immutable there is also a semantic distinction that should guide their usage. Tuples are heterogeneous data structures (i.e., their entries have different meanings), while lists are homogeneous sequences. Tuples have structure, lists have order.

This makes sense to me. But why does Django use tuples and not lists for settings? Example:



Isn't this (and all the other settings) a perfect case semantically for a list?


3 个解决方案



Based on user1474837's helpful link to the Django ticket on this question, it seems clear that tuples are used for backwards compatibility with the way settings were done from the start, which was with tuples due to the belief they were faster than lists. (They are, but only very slightly, according to data cited in the ticket discussion.)

基于user1474837在此问题上对Django票证的有用链接,似乎很明显,元组用于向后兼容设置从一开始就完成的设置,这与元组有关,因为他们相信它们比列表更快。 (根据票证讨论中引用的数据,它们是,但只是非常轻微。)

Specifically, Django docs used to say:


For settings that are sequences, use tuples instead of lists. This is purely for performance.


Later in the discussion, a Django core developer notes:


We're certainly not about to move from tuples to lists there because it would break existing code that already expects things to be tuples. I'll remove the performance note, however, since it's not worth scaring people.


Note the word "purely" in the original documentation -- which if taken at face value would mean indicating settings are immutable is not a reason tuples are used. Also note someone in the ticket discussion references settings as "sort of" immutable, so it's not even clear settings are in fact immutable.

请注意原始文档中的“纯粹”一词 - 如果采用面值,则表示设置是不可变的,这不是使用元组的原因。还要注意票证讨论中的某些人将设置称为“排序”不可变,因此甚至不清楚设置实际上是不可变的。

P.S. For interest, note the ticket resolution ends with:


Changed the "write your own settings" recommendation to mention that Django uses tuples, but not making it a recommendation. That might head off the endless tuples vs. lists debates.




This was changed in Django 1.9:

这在Django 1.9中有所改变:

Default settings that were tuples are now lists

The default settings in django.conf.global_settings were a combination of lists and tuples. All settings that were formerly tuples are now lists.






I think the part of reason is tuple is read-only which will more safe and more suitable for setting.




Based on user1474837's helpful link to the Django ticket on this question, it seems clear that tuples are used for backwards compatibility with the way settings were done from the start, which was with tuples due to the belief they were faster than lists. (They are, but only very slightly, according to data cited in the ticket discussion.)

基于user1474837在此问题上对Django票证的有用链接,似乎很明显,元组用于向后兼容设置从一开始就完成的设置,这与元组有关,因为他们相信它们比列表更快。 (根据票证讨论中引用的数据,它们是,但只是非常轻微。)

Specifically, Django docs used to say:


For settings that are sequences, use tuples instead of lists. This is purely for performance.


Later in the discussion, a Django core developer notes:


We're certainly not about to move from tuples to lists there because it would break existing code that already expects things to be tuples. I'll remove the performance note, however, since it's not worth scaring people.


Note the word "purely" in the original documentation -- which if taken at face value would mean indicating settings are immutable is not a reason tuples are used. Also note someone in the ticket discussion references settings as "sort of" immutable, so it's not even clear settings are in fact immutable.

请注意原始文档中的“纯粹”一词 - 如果采用面值,则表示设置是不可变的,这不是使用元组的原因。还要注意票证讨论中的某些人将设置称为“排序”不可变,因此甚至不清楚设置实际上是不可变的。

P.S. For interest, note the ticket resolution ends with:


Changed the "write your own settings" recommendation to mention that Django uses tuples, but not making it a recommendation. That might head off the endless tuples vs. lists debates.




This was changed in Django 1.9:

这在Django 1.9中有所改变:

Default settings that were tuples are now lists

The default settings in django.conf.global_settings were a combination of lists and tuples. All settings that were formerly tuples are now lists.






I think the part of reason is tuple is read-only which will more safe and more suitable for setting.
