
时间:2022-05-06 00:31:06


I'm porting the QuickCheck unit test framework to C (see the working code at GitHub). The syntax will be:


for_all(property, gen1, gen2, gen3 ...);

Where property is a function to test, for example bool is_odd(int). gen1, gen2, etc. are functions that generate input values for property. Some generate integers, some generate chars, some generate strings, and so on.

其中属性是要测试的函数,例如bool is_odd(int)。gen1、gen2等是为属性生成输入值的函数。有些生成整数,有些生成字符,有些生成字符串,等等。

for_all will accept a function with arbitrary inputs (any number of arguments, any types of arguments). for_all will run the generators, creating test values to pass to the property function. For example, the property is_odd is a function with type bool f(int). for_all will use the generates to create 100 test cases. If the property returns false for any of them, for_all will print the offending test case values. Otherwise, for_all will print "SUCCESS".

for_all将接受一个具有任意输入(任意数量的参数,任意类型的参数)的函数。for_all将运行生成器,创建测试值以传递给属性函数。例如,属性is_odd是一个类型为bool f(int)的函数。for_all将使用生成来创建100个测试用例。如果其中任何一个属性返回false,则for_all将打印出错的测试用例值。否则,for_all将打印“SUCCESS”。

Thus for_all should use a va_list to access the generators. Once we call the generator functions, how do we pass them to the property function?



If is_odd has the type bool f(int), how would we implement a function apply() that has this syntax:

如果is_odd的类型是bool f(int),我们如何实现具有这种语法的函数apply():

apply(is_odd, generated_values);

Secondary Issue

See SO.


How can we intelligently print the arbitrary values of a failing test case? A test case may be a single integer, or two characters, or a string, or some combination of the above? We won't know ahead of time whether to use:


  • printf("%d %d %d\n", some_int, some_int, some_int);
  • printf(“%d %d %d %d\n”、some_int、some_int、some_int);
  • printf("%c\n" a_character);
  • printf(" % c \ n " a_character);
  • printf("%s%s\n", a_string, a_struct_requiring_its_own_printf_function);
  • printf(" % s % s \ n ",a_string,a_struct_requiring_its_own_printf_function);

1 个解决方案



The C language is a statically-typed language. It does not have the powers of runtime reflection that other languages do. It also does not provide ways to build arbitrary function calls from runtime-provided types. You need to have some way of knowing what the function signature of is_odd is and how many parameter it accepts and what the types of those parameters is. It doesn't even know when it has reached the end of the ... argument list; you need an explicit terminator.


enum function_signature {

typedef bool (*function_returning_bool_accepting_int)(int);
typedef int (*function_generates_int)();

void for_all(function_signature signature, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, signature);
    switch (function_signature)
    case returns_bool_accepts_int:
            function_returning_bool_accepting_int fn = va_arg(ap, function_returning_bool_accepting_int);
            function_generates_int generator;
            do {
                generator = va_arg(ap, function_generates_int);
                if (generator) fn(generator());
            } while (generator);
    ... etc ...

Your problem is that QuickCheck was designed to take advantage of JavaScripts high dynamic programmability, something missing from C.


Update If you allow arbitrary function signatures, then you need a way to make it static again, say, by making the caller provide the appropriate adapters.


typedef void (*function_pointer)();
typedef bool (*function_applicator)(function_pointer, function_pointer);

void for_all(function_applicator apply, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, apply);
    function_pointer target = va_arg(ap, function_pointer);
    function_pointer generator;
    do {
        generator = va_arg(ap, function_pointer);
        if (generator) apply(target, generator);
    } while (generator);

// sample caller
typedef bool (*function_returning_bool_accepting_int)(int);
typedef int (*function_returning_int)();
bool apply_one_int(function_pointer target_, function_pointer generator_)
    function_returning_bool_accepting_int target = (function_returning_bool_accepting_int)target_;
    function_returning_int generator = (function_returning_int)generator_;
    return target(generator());

for_all(apply_one_int, is_odd, generated_values1, generated_values2, (function_pointer)0);




The C language is a statically-typed language. It does not have the powers of runtime reflection that other languages do. It also does not provide ways to build arbitrary function calls from runtime-provided types. You need to have some way of knowing what the function signature of is_odd is and how many parameter it accepts and what the types of those parameters is. It doesn't even know when it has reached the end of the ... argument list; you need an explicit terminator.


enum function_signature {

typedef bool (*function_returning_bool_accepting_int)(int);
typedef int (*function_generates_int)();

void for_all(function_signature signature, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, signature);
    switch (function_signature)
    case returns_bool_accepts_int:
            function_returning_bool_accepting_int fn = va_arg(ap, function_returning_bool_accepting_int);
            function_generates_int generator;
            do {
                generator = va_arg(ap, function_generates_int);
                if (generator) fn(generator());
            } while (generator);
    ... etc ...

Your problem is that QuickCheck was designed to take advantage of JavaScripts high dynamic programmability, something missing from C.


Update If you allow arbitrary function signatures, then you need a way to make it static again, say, by making the caller provide the appropriate adapters.


typedef void (*function_pointer)();
typedef bool (*function_applicator)(function_pointer, function_pointer);

void for_all(function_applicator apply, ...)
    va_list ap;
    va_start(ap, apply);
    function_pointer target = va_arg(ap, function_pointer);
    function_pointer generator;
    do {
        generator = va_arg(ap, function_pointer);
        if (generator) apply(target, generator);
    } while (generator);

// sample caller
typedef bool (*function_returning_bool_accepting_int)(int);
typedef int (*function_returning_int)();
bool apply_one_int(function_pointer target_, function_pointer generator_)
    function_returning_bool_accepting_int target = (function_returning_bool_accepting_int)target_;
    function_returning_int generator = (function_returning_int)generator_;
    return target(generator());

for_all(apply_one_int, is_odd, generated_values1, generated_values2, (function_pointer)0);
