Python初学者在这里:TypeError: 'str'对象不支持项分配

时间:2022-08-27 00:32:41

I just started programming with python a couple days ago with no prior experience in programming.


I've been following tutorials online and decided to challenge myself by making a hangman-esque game. I'm trying to make it so that a guess replaces the position an alphabet in the hidden word but python is returning this error. Right now the word is called name and the hidden_name are just #'s in the same length.


    name = input ("what is your name ::")
    hidden_name = ("#" * len(name))
    print (hidden_name)

    guess = input ("Guess a letter ::")
    def guess_update(guess, name, hidden_name):
        right = guess in name 
        i = 0
        for c in name:
            if c == guess:
                hidden_name[i] = c
            i += 1
    if guess in name:
        guess_update(guess, name, hidden_name)
        print ("Your progess is ::", hidden_name)

Thanks for helping this newbie out :)


2 个解决方案



Strings in Python are immutable, so you cannot do this:


hidden_name[i] = c

One option which will achieve the desired effect for your game is:


hidden_name = hidden_name[:i] + c + hidden_name[i+1:]

This works because you are creating a new string using concatenation, and re-assigning the result back to the variable, rather than attempting to edit the existing string.




Strings in python are inmutable, so you cannot change its content. One solution would be to split the string, change the letter and stick it back together:


splitted = list(hidden_name)
splitted[i] = c
hidden_name = ''.join(splitted)



Strings in Python are immutable, so you cannot do this:


hidden_name[i] = c

One option which will achieve the desired effect for your game is:


hidden_name = hidden_name[:i] + c + hidden_name[i+1:]

This works because you are creating a new string using concatenation, and re-assigning the result back to the variable, rather than attempting to edit the existing string.




Strings in python are inmutable, so you cannot change its content. One solution would be to split the string, change the letter and stick it back together:


splitted = list(hidden_name)
splitted[i] = c
hidden_name = ''.join(splitted)