使用python 3列出从文件夹到tkinter窗口的文件名

时间:2022-08-09 00:30:19

i have the following problem: i would like to list all filenames from a folder to a tkinter window + a checkbox (with a unique variable) near each filename. so far i have this:


import tkinter as tk

def gui():
    for f in files:
        'unique var name??'=tk.IntVar()
        tk.Checkbutton(master, text=f, variable='unique var name??').grid(row=i)


this code works, but returns only the last file name from the respective folder + a checkbox in the tkinter window. i don't know how to define a unique tk.IntVar() variable for every checkbox and how to make the master.mainloop() window list all file names. i use python 3.4 on win 7.

此代码有效,但只返回相应文件夹中的最后一个文件名+ tkinter窗口中的一个复选框。我不知道如何为每个复选框定义一个唯一的tk.IntVar()变量,以及如何使master.mainloop()窗口列出所有文件名。我在win 7上使用python 3.4。

thank you in advance!


1 个解决方案


You don't need unique variable names, you only need unique variables. A list or dictionary works great. Since you're associating the variables with filenames, a dictionary with the filename as a key makes sense:


vars = {}
for f in files:
    var = tk.IntVar()
    tk.Checkbutton(master, text=f, variable=var).grid(row=i)
    vars[f] = var

Later, to print the value of all the variables, just iterate over the dictionary:


for (name, var) in vars.iteritems():
    print(name, var.get())

BTW: you have a bug in your code, in that you never increment the row number. You end up stacking all of the buttons on top of each other in the same row. You need to add something like i += 1 inside your loop.

顺便说一句:你的代码中有一个错误,因为你永远不会增加行号。您最终将所有按钮堆叠在同一行中。你需要在循环中添加类似i + = 1的东西。


You don't need unique variable names, you only need unique variables. A list or dictionary works great. Since you're associating the variables with filenames, a dictionary with the filename as a key makes sense:


vars = {}
for f in files:
    var = tk.IntVar()
    tk.Checkbutton(master, text=f, variable=var).grid(row=i)
    vars[f] = var

Later, to print the value of all the variables, just iterate over the dictionary:


for (name, var) in vars.iteritems():
    print(name, var.get())

BTW: you have a bug in your code, in that you never increment the row number. You end up stacking all of the buttons on top of each other in the same row. You need to add something like i += 1 inside your loop.

顺便说一句:你的代码中有一个错误,因为你永远不会增加行号。您最终将所有按钮堆叠在同一行中。你需要在循环中添加类似i + = 1的东西。