创建FTP用户以访问/ var / www / html / uploads文件夹以从PHP程序中编写

时间:2022-02-17 00:29:10

I did setup FTP and created user and changed home directory to /var/www/html as stated in below link.

我设置了FTP并创建了用户并将主目录更改为/ var / www / html,如下面的链接所示。

Setting up FTP on Amazon Cloud Server

在Amazon Cloud Server上设置FTP

Now, I can connect FTP but I can't see files list, unable to upload files to /var/www/html folder.

现在,我可以连接FTP但我看不到文件列表,无法将文件上传到/ var / www / html文件夹。

1 个解决方案


A few steps to do here -

这里有几个步骤 -

1) Check your vsftpd.conf file and look for line chroot_local_user, it should be set to yes.


2) Check for permissions on files and folders under /var/www/html.

2)检查/ var / www / html下文件和文件夹的权限。


A few steps to do here -

这里有几个步骤 -

1) Check your vsftpd.conf file and look for line chroot_local_user, it should be set to yes.


2) Check for permissions on files and folders under /var/www/html.

2)检查/ var / www / html下文件和文件夹的权限。