
时间:2021-05-24 00:31:21

Every time I try to find out a variable or string or some text in my codes (in project folder), I am in trouble. It seems I don't know easy techniques to do that.


I was wondering if there is any tool which indexes a specified folder (in my case project folder) and updates in real-time (with updating codes). Also any string can be searched easily (which ever file/s in that project folder contain that string)?


Is there any bult-in support or plugin for Eclipse or Netbeans? (as both of those IDEs index all the codes, so there should be)

是否有Eclipse或Netbeans的bult-in支持或插件? (因为这两个IDE都索引所有代码,所以应该有)

Thanks in advance.


2 个解决方案


exuberant ctags does the indexing you desire. I would imagine plugins exist for many IDEs (it works with vim, which is all I use).


For this general use case, I tend to just use ack from the command line. It is a reasonably fast "grep"-like tool that is well suited for code. It also probably has plugins for a variety of IDEs/text editors.

对于这个一般用例,我倾向于从命令行使用ack。它是一个相当快速的“grep”式工具,非常适合代码。它也可能有各种IDE /文本编辑器的插件。

These are fairly minimal, unix style solutions, but I have found them to meet most of the needs I have even in large, tangled projects.



Since Netbeans 6.5 you have a Quick Search Bar (mostly at the top right), which searches your project folder (and more).

从Netbeans 6.5开始,你有一个快速搜索栏(主要位于右上角),它会搜索你的项目文件夹(以及更多)。


exuberant ctags does the indexing you desire. I would imagine plugins exist for many IDEs (it works with vim, which is all I use).


For this general use case, I tend to just use ack from the command line. It is a reasonably fast "grep"-like tool that is well suited for code. It also probably has plugins for a variety of IDEs/text editors.

对于这个一般用例,我倾向于从命令行使用ack。它是一个相当快速的“grep”式工具,非常适合代码。它也可能有各种IDE /文本编辑器的插件。

These are fairly minimal, unix style solutions, but I have found them to meet most of the needs I have even in large, tangled projects.



Since Netbeans 6.5 you have a Quick Search Bar (mostly at the top right), which searches your project folder (and more).

从Netbeans 6.5开始,你有一个快速搜索栏(主要位于右上角),它会搜索你的项目文件夹(以及更多)。
