
时间:2022-05-10 00:28:12

I'm very very new to PHP, but now I have to help my friend to solve a PHP problem.


He has bought a web site based on PHP, after he upload it to the host, found there is a error:


Fatal error:  Call to undefined function json_encode() in xxx.php

The code is very simple:


echo json_encode(array(
    'result' => true,

It send a json to client.


I know json_encode is added after php 5.2, but the PHP version of his host is PHP 5.1.2, so that's the reason why it reports error.

我知道在php 5.2之后添加了json_encode,但是他的主机的PHP版本是PHP 5.1.2,所以这就是它报告错误的原因。

But we don't have the right to upgrade the PHP version of host, so I have to modify the code. How to let it return a json to client without json_encode?


The webpage in client browser will run this javascript code, to get and check that json:


jQuery.ajax({ 'url': '...', ...,
    'success':function(json) {
        if(json != null && json.result == true) {
           // do something

Thanks a lot!



Since I have no rights to upgrade anything or install new libraries to that host, the only thing I can do is change the code. But I nearly know nothing about php, that I don't know how to use 3rd party libraries either. At last, I fix it as this:


In php:

echo '{"result":"true"}';

In javascript:

if(json!=null && json.result=="true") {
    // do something

8 个解决方案



First of all: you should strongly consider upgrading, since PHP 5.1.x and 5.2.x are no longer supported. You indicated that you do not have the rights to do so, but if you are a paying customer, that should count for something. PHP 5.2 is deprecated as of the last PHP 5.3.6 release.

首先:您应该强烈考虑升级,因为不再支持PHP 5.1.x和5.2.x.您表示您没有权利这样做,但如果您是付费客户,则应该算一些事情。从上一个PHP 5.3.6版本开始,不推荐使用PHP 5.2。

A user on PHP.net has provided for a custom function that does the same. You could rename it to json_decode() and wrap it in a if (!function_exists('json_encode')) statement:


if (!function_exists('json_encode')) {
     function json_encode() {
         // do stuff



He has an older PHP version where json_encode is missing. This can be fixed with various 3rd party libraries.


  • A dated project of mine: http://include-once.org/p/upgradephp/ which provides a drop-in json_encode/json_decode almost identical to PHPs builtin extension (quirky in regards to Unicode).
  • 我的一个过时的项目:http://include-once.org/p/upgradephp/,它提供了一个与PHP内置扩展几乎完全相同的插件json_encode / json_decode(关于Unicode的古怪)。

  • Then there is https://pear.php.net/package/Services_JSON which even adds JSOL (Object Literals are a superset of JSON) support.
  • 然后是https://pear.php.net/package/Services_JSON,它甚至添加了JSOL(Object Literals是JSON的超集)支持。

  • And also http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.json.html which provides a class delivering a pretty thorough reimplementation. (Probably the best-tested version available.)
  • 还有http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.json.html,它提供了一个提供非常彻底的重新实现的类。 (可能是经过最佳测试的版本。)



There's an implementation you can use posted in the comments of the PHP docs for json_encode.




You can use a third party JSON library, such as the one from the PEAR project (they provide all sorts of useful PHP libraries, of varying quality):



I'm sure there are more (I'd try searching Google for PHP JSON libraries).

我相信还有更多(我会尝试在Google上搜索PHP JSON库)。



Why not use a plain PHP json-library which you can include in every setup?

为什么不使用一个普通的PHP json库,你可以在每个设置中包含它?

I googled this one here for you.




Read the comments for json_encode at http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php where you also find a comment containing a manual implementation for php < 5.2: http://www.php.net/manual/de/function.json-encode.php#100835

在http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php上阅读json_encode的注释,您还可以在其中找到包含php <5.2的手动实现的注释:http://www.php。净/手动/德/ function.json-encode.php#100835

Further there are also other implementations available via google.




jsonwrapper implements the json_encode function if it is missing, and leaves it alone if it is already present. So it is nicely future-compatible.




i had to install JSON Libs the other day on my server, try the following:

我不得不在我的服务器上安装JSON Libs,尝试以下方法:

Execute the following commands:


  • pecl install json
  • pecl安装json

  • touch /etc/php.d/json.ini
  • echo "extension=json.so" > /etc/php.d/json.ini
  • echo“extension = json.so”> /etc/php.d/json.ini

  • service httpd restart
  • 服务httpd重启

The first will install the json libraries to your machine, the second line will create the json.ini fiel in the php.d directory and the last line will add the line extension=json.so to the json.ini file.

第一行将json库安装到您的机器上,第二行将在php.d目录中创建json.ini文件,最后一行将把行extension = json.so添加到json.ini文件中。

Hope this helps!




First of all: you should strongly consider upgrading, since PHP 5.1.x and 5.2.x are no longer supported. You indicated that you do not have the rights to do so, but if you are a paying customer, that should count for something. PHP 5.2 is deprecated as of the last PHP 5.3.6 release.

首先:您应该强烈考虑升级,因为不再支持PHP 5.1.x和5.2.x.您表示您没有权利这样做,但如果您是付费客户,则应该算一些事情。从上一个PHP 5.3.6版本开始,不推荐使用PHP 5.2。

A user on PHP.net has provided for a custom function that does the same. You could rename it to json_decode() and wrap it in a if (!function_exists('json_encode')) statement:


if (!function_exists('json_encode')) {
     function json_encode() {
         // do stuff



He has an older PHP version where json_encode is missing. This can be fixed with various 3rd party libraries.


  • A dated project of mine: http://include-once.org/p/upgradephp/ which provides a drop-in json_encode/json_decode almost identical to PHPs builtin extension (quirky in regards to Unicode).
  • 我的一个过时的项目:http://include-once.org/p/upgradephp/,它提供了一个与PHP内置扩展几乎完全相同的插件json_encode / json_decode(关于Unicode的古怪)。

  • Then there is https://pear.php.net/package/Services_JSON which even adds JSOL (Object Literals are a superset of JSON) support.
  • 然后是https://pear.php.net/package/Services_JSON,它甚至添加了JSOL(Object Literals是JSON的超集)支持。

  • And also http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.json.html which provides a class delivering a pretty thorough reimplementation. (Probably the best-tested version available.)
  • 还有http://framework.zend.com/manual/en/zend.json.html,它提供了一个提供非常彻底的重新实现的类。 (可能是经过最佳测试的版本。)



There's an implementation you can use posted in the comments of the PHP docs for json_encode.




You can use a third party JSON library, such as the one from the PEAR project (they provide all sorts of useful PHP libraries, of varying quality):



I'm sure there are more (I'd try searching Google for PHP JSON libraries).

我相信还有更多(我会尝试在Google上搜索PHP JSON库)。



Why not use a plain PHP json-library which you can include in every setup?

为什么不使用一个普通的PHP json库,你可以在每个设置中包含它?

I googled this one here for you.




Read the comments for json_encode at http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php where you also find a comment containing a manual implementation for php < 5.2: http://www.php.net/manual/de/function.json-encode.php#100835

在http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.json-encode.php上阅读json_encode的注释,您还可以在其中找到包含php <5.2的手动实现的注释:http://www.php。净/手动/德/ function.json-encode.php#100835

Further there are also other implementations available via google.




jsonwrapper implements the json_encode function if it is missing, and leaves it alone if it is already present. So it is nicely future-compatible.




i had to install JSON Libs the other day on my server, try the following:

我不得不在我的服务器上安装JSON Libs,尝试以下方法:

Execute the following commands:


  • pecl install json
  • pecl安装json

  • touch /etc/php.d/json.ini
  • echo "extension=json.so" > /etc/php.d/json.ini
  • echo“extension = json.so”> /etc/php.d/json.ini

  • service httpd restart
  • 服务httpd重启

The first will install the json libraries to your machine, the second line will create the json.ini fiel in the php.d directory and the last line will add the line extension=json.so to the json.ini file.

第一行将json库安装到您的机器上,第二行将在php.d目录中创建json.ini文件,最后一行将把行extension = json.so添加到json.ini文件中。

Hope this helps!
