如何将转换为rails应用中的image_tag ?

时间:2021-12-18 00:27:01

This is my first post here and it might sound awfully stupid. Im building my first rails app.


I have this line in my index.html.erb


    <img src="/assets/rand_front/<%= @random_image%>", style='height:50vw;width:100vw;margin-bottom:20px;' >

I want to use image_taginstead of the img src

我想用image_tagem代替img src

What is the correct way to wrap it around the code?


So far I've tried <%= image_tag ( "/assets/rand_front/<%= @random_image%>", style='height:50vw;width:100vw;margin-bottom:20px;') %>

到目前为止,我已经尝试过<%= image_tag ("/assets/rand_front/<%= @random_image%>", style='height:50vw;width:100vw;margin-bottom:20px;') %>

and <%= image_tag ( "/assets/rand_front/<%= @random_image%>"), style='height:50vw;width:100vw;margin-bottom:20px;' %>

<%= image_tag ("/assets/rand_front/<%= @random_image%>"), style='height:50vw;width:100vw;

and many other versions, but none seems to work, what am I doing wrong? and how should I write it properly?


this <%= @random_image%> bit is taking this variable from the index method in the controller.

这个<%= @random_image%>位从控制器的索引方法中提取该变量。

def index
   @products = Product.all.order(created_at: :desc).group_by(&:category_id)
    @images  = ["1.jpg", "2.jpg", "3.jpg", "4.jpg", "5.jpg", "6.jpg", "7.jpg", "8.jpg", "9.jpg", "10.jpg"]
    @random_no = rand(10)
    @random_image = @images[@random_no]

3 个解决方案



<%= image_tag ( "rand_front/#{@random_image}", style='height:50vw;width:100vw;margin-bottom:20px;') %>

image_tag will automatically add assets at start of the path


check Image Tag for Documentation




If I am not mistaken you have a rand_front folder in your assets folder so you should call image_tag("#{@random_image}") since by default the image_tag helper should check all the folders in the assets directory for the image name


For the CSS properties you can consider using the options hash which would allow you to pass in the CSS properties as keys with your desired values


image_tag("#{@random_image}", height: 20, width: 20) You can check out the documentation in the previous answer




This is what Ruby on Rails is explicitly processing

这是Ruby on Rails显式处理的内容

 <%= image_tag("source", {:style => "width:100px;"}) %>

(meaning that Ruby allows you to use this code with out the ( { } ),


For me, first starting out its important to know that this is how Ruby on Rails actually running the code.

对我来说,首先要知道Ruby on Rails是如何运行代码的。

In other words YES you could leave the ( { } ) formality out because Ruby will understand your code, hope that helps to clarify some...




<%= image_tag ( "rand_front/#{@random_image}", style='height:50vw;width:100vw;margin-bottom:20px;') %>

image_tag will automatically add assets at start of the path


check Image Tag for Documentation




If I am not mistaken you have a rand_front folder in your assets folder so you should call image_tag("#{@random_image}") since by default the image_tag helper should check all the folders in the assets directory for the image name


For the CSS properties you can consider using the options hash which would allow you to pass in the CSS properties as keys with your desired values


image_tag("#{@random_image}", height: 20, width: 20) You can check out the documentation in the previous answer




This is what Ruby on Rails is explicitly processing

这是Ruby on Rails显式处理的内容

 <%= image_tag("source", {:style => "width:100px;"}) %>

(meaning that Ruby allows you to use this code with out the ( { } ),


For me, first starting out its important to know that this is how Ruby on Rails actually running the code.

对我来说,首先要知道Ruby on Rails是如何运行代码的。

In other words YES you could leave the ( { } ) formality out because Ruby will understand your code, hope that helps to clarify some...
