使用c#= FileNotFoundException更改pictureBox.Image

时间:2021-02-22 00:24:41

i have a small app in C# winform. It work great but i don't understand how to change the image of a picture box in code :


i have this directory for my image :



myProjectDirectory /斌/照片管理/ myImage.jpg

and this code give me an FileNotFoundException :


this.imgInvader.Image = Image.FromFile("../Pics/invader2.jpg");

i don't understand because i see on * that FromFile method begin at bin/Release. So a ../Pics/myImage.jpg should work no ?

我不明白,因为我在*上看到FromFile方法从bin / Release开始。那么../Pics/myImage.jpg应该不行吗?



3 个解决方案



Use the relative path of the image.


this.imgInvader.Image = Image.FromFile(@"bin\Pics\invader2.jpg");

Here give the path from the location where your code behind file is located. Suppose if your file is in root directory and if your images are in bin/Pics/ folder then the above code works. It automatically gets the path related to the location the program is running from.

这里给出了代码隐藏文件所在位置的路径。假设您的文件位于根目录中,如果您的图像位于bin / Pics /文件夹中,则上述代码可以正常工作。它会自动获取与程序运行位置相关的路径。



Trying to reference image files that are outside the executable output directory is incredibly fragile. There are lots of ways it can go wrong (unfortunately, there's not enough context in your question for anyone to know exactly which of these ways is your specific problem).


If you must use files on disk to store your image resources, then they should be copied into the build output directory (i.e. "Release") and referenced there. Add the file to your Visual Studio project, select it, and in the properties window, set the "Build Action" value to "Content". If the file is in a folder under the project, then it will also be copied to a folder of the same name in the output directory.

如果必须使用磁盘上的文件来存储映像资源,则应将它们复制到构建输出目录(即“发布”)并在那里引用。将文件添加到Visual Studio项目中,选择它,然后在属性窗口中将“Build Action”值设置为“Content”。如果文件位于项目下的文件夹中,则它也将被复制到输出目录中的同名文件夹中。

If you do use files on disk, the other thing to make sure you do is find the executable's directory (e.g. via Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)) and then combine that with your expected relative path (e.g. just the file name, or the file name under whatever folder/subdirectory you gave it in the project, if you did) using the Path.Combine() method, and then using that absolute file name as the source. Otherwise, your code can be confused by changes in the current directory made elsewhere in your program (basically, don't ever rely on the current directory…global state like that is too easy to get mixed up, once you get into the habit of using it).


For example:


string exeDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
string imageFileName = Path.Combine(exeDirectory, "invader2.jpg");

Now, all that said, IMHO it is probably a better idea to add your images as resources in the executable itself, and then reference them from the Properties.Resources class. Then the images are always with the executable, because they are in the same file. The code is a lot easier too, because you're just referencing properties in the Resources class that return the actual Image objects you need.




As the previous comment stated, using resources outside of your exe is not advised however you can still do this by using the Path.GetDirectoryName Method.


I am left to question why your resources are based outside of your exe, why not embed it into your resources located in properties > resources.resx and simply call it with imgInvader.Image = Properties.Resources.FileNamehere; it is a lot safer than trusting the external environment.

我不得不质疑为什么你的资源是在你的exe之外,为什么不将它嵌入你的属性> resources.resx中的资源,只需用imgInvader.Image = Properties.Resources.FileNamehere调用它;它比信任外部环境更安全。



Use the relative path of the image.


this.imgInvader.Image = Image.FromFile(@"bin\Pics\invader2.jpg");

Here give the path from the location where your code behind file is located. Suppose if your file is in root directory and if your images are in bin/Pics/ folder then the above code works. It automatically gets the path related to the location the program is running from.

这里给出了代码隐藏文件所在位置的路径。假设您的文件位于根目录中,如果您的图像位于bin / Pics /文件夹中,则上述代码可以正常工作。它会自动获取与程序运行位置相关的路径。



Trying to reference image files that are outside the executable output directory is incredibly fragile. There are lots of ways it can go wrong (unfortunately, there's not enough context in your question for anyone to know exactly which of these ways is your specific problem).


If you must use files on disk to store your image resources, then they should be copied into the build output directory (i.e. "Release") and referenced there. Add the file to your Visual Studio project, select it, and in the properties window, set the "Build Action" value to "Content". If the file is in a folder under the project, then it will also be copied to a folder of the same name in the output directory.

如果必须使用磁盘上的文件来存储映像资源,则应将它们复制到构建输出目录(即“发布”)并在那里引用。将文件添加到Visual Studio项目中,选择它,然后在属性窗口中将“Build Action”值设置为“Content”。如果文件位于项目下的文件夹中,则它也将被复制到输出目录中的同名文件夹中。

If you do use files on disk, the other thing to make sure you do is find the executable's directory (e.g. via Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location)) and then combine that with your expected relative path (e.g. just the file name, or the file name under whatever folder/subdirectory you gave it in the project, if you did) using the Path.Combine() method, and then using that absolute file name as the source. Otherwise, your code can be confused by changes in the current directory made elsewhere in your program (basically, don't ever rely on the current directory…global state like that is too easy to get mixed up, once you get into the habit of using it).


For example:


string exeDirectory = Path.GetDirectoryName(Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().Location);
string imageFileName = Path.Combine(exeDirectory, "invader2.jpg");

Now, all that said, IMHO it is probably a better idea to add your images as resources in the executable itself, and then reference them from the Properties.Resources class. Then the images are always with the executable, because they are in the same file. The code is a lot easier too, because you're just referencing properties in the Resources class that return the actual Image objects you need.




As the previous comment stated, using resources outside of your exe is not advised however you can still do this by using the Path.GetDirectoryName Method.


I am left to question why your resources are based outside of your exe, why not embed it into your resources located in properties > resources.resx and simply call it with imgInvader.Image = Properties.Resources.FileNamehere; it is a lot safer than trusting the external environment.

我不得不质疑为什么你的资源是在你的exe之外,为什么不将它嵌入你的属性> resources.resx中的资源,只需用imgInvader.Image = Properties.Resources.FileNamehere调用它;它比信任外部环境更安全。