
时间:2021-12-24 00:20:59

How does one go about converting an image to black and white in PHP?


Not just turning it into greyscale but every pixel made black or white?


7 个解决方案



Simply round the grayscale color to either black or white.


float gray = (r + g + b) / 3
if(gray > 0x7F) return 0xFF;
return 0x00;



Using the php gd library:

使用php gd库:

imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST, -100);

Check the user comments in the link above for more examples.




You could shell out to imagemagick, assuming your host supports it. What function do you want to use for deciding if a pixel should be black or white?




If you intend to do this yourself, you will need to implement a dithering algorithm. But as @jonni says, using an existing tool would be much easier?




$rgb = imagecolorat($original, $x, $y);
        $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
        $g = ($rgb >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
        $b = $rgb & 0xFF;

        $gray = $r + $g + $b/3;
        if ($gray >0xFF) {$grey = 0xFFFFFF;}
        else { $grey=0x000000;}



This function work like a charm


    public function ImageToBlackAndWhite($im) {

    for ($x = imagesx($im); $x--;) {
        for ($y = imagesy($im); $y--;) {
            $rgb = imagecolorat($im, $x, $y);
            $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
            $g = ($rgb >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
            $b = $rgb & 0xFF;
            $gray = ($r + $g + $b) / 3;
            if ($gray < 0xFF) {

                imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, 0xFFFFFF);
                imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, 0x000000);

    imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_NEGATE);




For each pixel you must convert from color to greyscale - something like $grey = $red * 0.299 + $green * 0.587 + $blue * 0.114; (these are NTSC weighting factors; other similar weightings exist. This mimics the eye's varying responsiveness to different colors).

对于每个像素,您必须从颜色转换为灰度 - 类似于$ grey = $ red * 0.299 + $ green * 0.587 + $ blue * 0.114; (这些是NTSC加权因子;存在其他类似的权重。这模仿了眼睛对不同颜色的不同响应性)。

Then you need to decide on a cut-off value - generally half the maximum pixel value, but depending on the image you may prefer a higher value (make the image darker) or lower (make the image brighter).

然后你需要决定一个截止值 - 通常是最大像素值的一半,但根据图像你可能更喜欢更高的值(使图像更暗)或更低(使图像更亮)。

Just comparing each pixel to the cut-off loses a lot of detail - ie large dark areas go completely black - so to retain more information, you can dither. Basically, start at the top left of the image: for each pixel add the error (the difference between the original value and final assigned value) for the pixels to the left and above before comparing to the cut-off value.

只是将每个像素与截止值进行比较会丢失很多细节 - 即大的黑暗区域会变成黑色 - 因此为了保留更多信息,您可以抖动。基本上,从图像的左上角开始:对于每个像素,在与截止值比较之前,为左侧和上方的像素添加误差(原始值和最终指定值之间的差值)。

Be aware that doing this in PHP will be very slow - you would be much further ahead to find a library which provides this.

请注意,在PHP中执行此操作将非常缓慢 - 您将更进一步找到提供此功能的库。



Simply round the grayscale color to either black or white.


float gray = (r + g + b) / 3
if(gray > 0x7F) return 0xFF;
return 0x00;



Using the php gd library:

使用php gd库:

imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_GRAYSCALE);
imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_CONTRAST, -100);

Check the user comments in the link above for more examples.




You could shell out to imagemagick, assuming your host supports it. What function do you want to use for deciding if a pixel should be black or white?




If you intend to do this yourself, you will need to implement a dithering algorithm. But as @jonni says, using an existing tool would be much easier?




$rgb = imagecolorat($original, $x, $y);
        $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
        $g = ($rgb >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
        $b = $rgb & 0xFF;

        $gray = $r + $g + $b/3;
        if ($gray >0xFF) {$grey = 0xFFFFFF;}
        else { $grey=0x000000;}



This function work like a charm


    public function ImageToBlackAndWhite($im) {

    for ($x = imagesx($im); $x--;) {
        for ($y = imagesy($im); $y--;) {
            $rgb = imagecolorat($im, $x, $y);
            $r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
            $g = ($rgb >> 8 ) & 0xFF;
            $b = $rgb & 0xFF;
            $gray = ($r + $g + $b) / 3;
            if ($gray < 0xFF) {

                imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, 0xFFFFFF);
                imagesetpixel($im, $x, $y, 0x000000);

    imagefilter($im, IMG_FILTER_NEGATE);




For each pixel you must convert from color to greyscale - something like $grey = $red * 0.299 + $green * 0.587 + $blue * 0.114; (these are NTSC weighting factors; other similar weightings exist. This mimics the eye's varying responsiveness to different colors).

对于每个像素,您必须从颜色转换为灰度 - 类似于$ grey = $ red * 0.299 + $ green * 0.587 + $ blue * 0.114; (这些是NTSC加权因子;存在其他类似的权重。这模仿了眼睛对不同颜色的不同响应性)。

Then you need to decide on a cut-off value - generally half the maximum pixel value, but depending on the image you may prefer a higher value (make the image darker) or lower (make the image brighter).

然后你需要决定一个截止值 - 通常是最大像素值的一半,但根据图像你可能更喜欢更高的值(使图像更暗)或更低(使图像更亮)。

Just comparing each pixel to the cut-off loses a lot of detail - ie large dark areas go completely black - so to retain more information, you can dither. Basically, start at the top left of the image: for each pixel add the error (the difference between the original value and final assigned value) for the pixels to the left and above before comparing to the cut-off value.

只是将每个像素与截止值进行比较会丢失很多细节 - 即大的黑暗区域会变成黑色 - 因此为了保留更多信息,您可以抖动。基本上,从图像的左上角开始:对于每个像素,在与截止值比较之前,为左侧和上方的像素添加误差(原始值和最终指定值之间的差值)。

Be aware that doing this in PHP will be very slow - you would be much further ahead to find a library which provides this.

请注意,在PHP中执行此操作将非常缓慢 - 您将更进一步找到提供此功能的库。