
时间:2021-09-09 00:24:05

The documentation in android says


you can use the methods of the Trace class to add instrumentation to 
your application code and see the results in a Systrace report.

I have added the below methods to my code



// block of code


Now where can I check the results of this section. I start the systrace tool from the android device monitor and recorded it for 30 secs(performed the button click that executes the above the block). It generates the trace.html file but how do i get the above section information from this html file


3 个解决方案


It is there, I myself searched for it about one hour :D


If you have only one thread, it's shown in UI thread row, otherwise it's shown in your-defined thread row.


If you can not find it, use the search toolbox, in top right corner of page, type 'test-trace' there and it will show you the start time of that in detail



this screenshot may help you



The systrace output only includes the tags that are listed on the command line. For app-specific tracing, that means adding a --app=package-name argument. This is necessary because systrace logs the entire system, and you wouldn't want it to automatically pick up the traces for every app and component.

systrace输出仅包括命令行中列出的标记。对于特定于应用程序的跟踪,这意味着添加--app = package-name参数。这是必要的,因为systrace会记录整个系统,您不希望它自动为每个应用程序和组件选取跟踪。

You can find an example here. For a program with package name com.faddensoft.multicoretest, you would use a command line like:


python systrace.py --app=com.faddensoft.multicoretest gfx view sched dalvik

With that, your tracing should appear in the row of the thread that's issuing the trace calls. (Open the HTML file in a web browser; might need to use Chrome.)

这样,您的跟踪应该出现在发出跟踪调用的线程的行中。 (在Web浏览器中打开HTML文件;可能需要使用Chrome。)


Probably you recorded too long, make sure to increase buffer size with -b command, or simply follow this example:


python systrace.py  -app=package_name sched freq idle am wm gfx view dalvik input binder_driver -t 30 -o test.html -b 30384


It is there, I myself searched for it about one hour :D


If you have only one thread, it's shown in UI thread row, otherwise it's shown in your-defined thread row.


If you can not find it, use the search toolbox, in top right corner of page, type 'test-trace' there and it will show you the start time of that in detail



this screenshot may help you



The systrace output only includes the tags that are listed on the command line. For app-specific tracing, that means adding a --app=package-name argument. This is necessary because systrace logs the entire system, and you wouldn't want it to automatically pick up the traces for every app and component.

systrace输出仅包括命令行中列出的标记。对于特定于应用程序的跟踪,这意味着添加--app = package-name参数。这是必要的,因为systrace会记录整个系统,您不希望它自动为每个应用程序和组件选取跟踪。

You can find an example here. For a program with package name com.faddensoft.multicoretest, you would use a command line like:


python systrace.py --app=com.faddensoft.multicoretest gfx view sched dalvik

With that, your tracing should appear in the row of the thread that's issuing the trace calls. (Open the HTML file in a web browser; might need to use Chrome.)

这样,您的跟踪应该出现在发出跟踪调用的线程的行中。 (在Web浏览器中打开HTML文件;可能需要使用Chrome。)


Probably you recorded too long, make sure to increase buffer size with -b command, or simply follow this example:


python systrace.py  -app=package_name sched freq idle am wm gfx view dalvik input binder_driver -t 30 -o test.html -b 30384