如何使用Spring MVC返回自定义http错误代码?

时间:2022-05-03 00:19:28

My intention is to return custom http error codes with Spring MVC, for example: 601, 602 ... so that the customer can clearly differentiate between errors.

我的目的是使用Spring MVC返回自定义http错误代码,例如:601,602 ......这样客户就可以清楚地区分错误。

    public @ResponseBody
    ErrorAlmacen generalExceptionHandler(Exception exception, HttpServletResponse response) {
        ErrorAlmacen error = new ErrorAlmacen();
        return error;

But when my @ExceptionHandler set these values ​​in the respose object, Spring somehow translates to 200.


Is it possible to do what I am trying, or Spring is not going to allow me?


1 个解决方案



What you're trying to do is not possible to accomplish.


HTTP is a well-known protocol which can not re-design for your own usage.


A protocol is the "language", the rules that 2 parties aware of and now how to "speak" and communicate with each other.


When you deploy your web application to a web server, that web server can respond to HTTP requests from the client, the client would be a browser of an end user. and that browser expects to receive only and only 200 code for an OK response, and no other HTTP code for OK approval.


Your browser knows to resolve the status 200 and not the 602 that you wish to use.


That is how browsers are built, and you can't change the protocol.




What you're trying to do is not possible to accomplish.


HTTP is a well-known protocol which can not re-design for your own usage.


A protocol is the "language", the rules that 2 parties aware of and now how to "speak" and communicate with each other.


When you deploy your web application to a web server, that web server can respond to HTTP requests from the client, the client would be a browser of an end user. and that browser expects to receive only and only 200 code for an OK response, and no other HTTP code for OK approval.


Your browser knows to resolve the status 200 and not the 602 that you wish to use.


That is how browsers are built, and you can't change the protocol.
