Windows WPF或Silverlight中的VT100终端仿真

时间:2022-09-13 00:20:24

I'm pondering creating a WPF or Silverlight app that acts just like a terminal window. Except, since it is in WPF/Silverlight, it will be able to 'enhance' the terminal experience with effects, images, etc.

我正在考虑创建一个像终端窗口一样的WPF或Silverlight应用程序。除了,因为它在WPF / Silverlight中,它将能够通过效果,图像等“增强”终端体验。

I'm trying to figure out the best way to emulate a terminal. I know how to handle the VT100 emulation as far as parsing, etc. But how to display it? I considered using a RichTextBox and essentially converting the VT100 escape codes into RTF.


The problem I see with that is performance. The terminal may be getting only a few characters at a time, and to be able to load them into the textbox as-we-go I would constantly be creating TextRanges and using Load() to load the RTF. Also, in order for each loading 'session' to be complete, it would have to be fully describing RTF. For example, if the current color is Red, each load into the TextBox would need the RTF codes to make the text red, or I assume the RTB won't load it as red.


This seems very redundant -- the resulting RTF document built by the emulation will be extremely messy. Also, movement of the caret doesn't seem like it would be ideally handled by the RTB. I need something custom, methinks, but that scares me!

这似乎非常多余 - 由仿真构建的RTF文档将非常混乱。此外,插入符号的移动似乎不是理想情况下RTB处理的。我需要一些自定义的东西,但这让我很害怕!

Hoping to hear bright ideas or pointers to existing solutions. Perhaps there is a way to embed an actual terminal and overlay stuff on top of it. The only thing I've found is an old WinForms control.


UPDATE: See how the proposed solution fails due to perf in my answer below. :(
VT100 Terminal Emulation in Windows WPF or Silverlight

更新:在下面的答案中查看由于perf的建议解决方案是如何失败的。 :( Windows WPF或Silverlight中的VT100终端仿真

4 个解决方案



If you try to implement this with RichTextBox and RTF you will quickly run into many limitations and find yourself spending much more time working around differences than if you implemented the functionality yourself.


In fact it is quite easy to implement VT100 terminal emulation using WPF. I know because just now I implemented an almost-complete VT100 emulator in an hour or so. To be precise, I implmented everything except:


  • Keyboard input,
  • 键盘输入,
  • Alternate character sets,
  • 替代字符集,
  • A few esoteric VT100 modes I've never seen used,
  • 我从未见过的一些深奥的VT100模式,

The most interesting parts were:


  • The double width / double height characters, for which I used RenderTransform and RenderTransformOrigin
  • 双宽度/双高度字符,我使用了RenderTransform和RenderTransformOrigin
  • The blinking, for which I used an animation on a shared object so all characters will blink together
  • 闪烁,我在共享对象上使用动画,所有字符将一起闪烁
  • The underline, for which I used a Grid and a Rectangle so it would look more like a VT100 display
  • 下划线,我使用了Grid和Rectangle,因此看起来更像是VT100显示器
  • The cursor and selection, for which I set a flag on the cells themselves and use DataTriggers to change the display
  • 光标和选择,我在单元格上设置了一个标志,并使用DataTriggers来更改显示
  • The use of both a single-dimensional array and a nested array pointing to the same objects to make it easy to do scrolling and selection
  • 使用指向同一对象的一维数组和嵌套数组,可以轻松进行滚动和选择

Here is the XAML:


<Style TargetType="my:VT100Terminal">
  <Setter Property="Template">
      <ControlTemplate TargetType="my:VT100Terminal">
          <!-- Add status bars, etc to the DockPanel at this point -->
          <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Display}" />

<ItemsPanelTemplate x:Key="DockPanelLayout">
  <DockPanel />

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type my:TerminalDisplay}">
  <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Lines}" TextElement.FontFamily="Courier New">
        <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}" ItemsPanel="{StaticResource DockPanelLayout}" />

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type my:TerminalCell}">
    <TextBlock x:Name="tb"
        Text="{Binding Character}"
        Foreground="{Binding Foreground}"
        Background="{Binding Background}"
        FontWeight="{Binding FontWeight}"
        RenderTransformOrigin="{Binding TranformOrigin}">
          <ScaleTransform ScaleX="{Binding ScaleX}" ScaleY="{Binding ScaleY}" />
    <Rectangle Visibility="{Binding UnderlineVisiblity}" Height="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Margin="0 0 0 2" />
    <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsCursor}" Value="true">
      <Setter TargetName="tb" Property="Foreground" Value="{Binding Background}" />
      <Setter TargetName="tb" Property="Background" Value="{Binding Foreground}" />
    <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsMouseSelected}" Value="true">
      <Setter TargetName="tb" Property="Foreground" Value="White" />
      <Setter TargetName="tb" Property="Background" Value="Blue" />

And here is the code:


public class VT100Terminal : Control
  bool _selecting;

  static VT100Terminal()
    DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(VT100Terminal), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(VT100Terminal)));

  // Display
  public TerminalDisplay Display { get { return (TerminalDisplay)GetValue(DisplayProperty); } set { SetValue(DisplayProperty, value); } }
  public static readonly DependencyProperty DisplayProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Display", typeof(TerminalDisplay), typeof(VT100Terminal));

  public VT100Terminal()
    Display = new TerminalDisplay();

    MouseLeftButtonDown += HandleMouseMessage;
    MouseMove += HandleMouseMessage;
    MouseLeftButtonUp += HandleMouseMessage;

    KeyDown += HandleKeyMessage;

    CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Copy, ExecuteCopy, CanExecuteCopy));

  public void ProcessCharacter(char ch)

  private void HandleMouseMessage(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    if(!_selecting && e.RoutedEvent != Mouse.MouseDownEvent) return;
    if(e.RoutedEvent == Mouse.MouseUpEvent) _selecting = false;

    var block = e.Source as TextBlock; if(block==null) return;
    var cell = ((TextBlock)e.Source).DataContext as TerminalCell; if(cell==null) return;
    var index = Display.GetIndex(cell); if(index<0) return;
    if(e.GetPosition(block).X > block.ActualWidth/2) index++;

    if(e.RoutedEvent == Mouse.MouseDownEvent)
      Display.SelectionStart = index;
      _selecting = true;
    Display.SelectionEnd = index;

  private void HandleKeyMessage(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    // TODO: Code to covert e.Key to VT100 codes and report keystrokes to client

  private void CanExecuteCopy(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
    if(Display.SelectedText!="") e.CanExecute = true;
  private void ExecuteCopy(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
      e.Handled = true;

public enum CharacterDoubling
  Normal = 5,
  Width = 6,
  HeightUpper = 3,
  HeightLower = 4,

public class TerminalCell : INotifyPropertyChanged
  char _character;
  Brush _foreground, _background;
  CharacterDoubling _doubling;
  bool _isBold, _isUnderline;
  bool _isCursor, _isMouseSelected;

  public char Character { get { return _character; } set { _character = value; Notify("Character", "Text"); } }
  public Brush Foreground { get { return _foreground; } set { _foreground = value; Notify("Foreground"); } }
  public Brush Background { get { return _background; } set { _background = value; Notify("Background"); } }
  public CharacterDoubling Doubling { get { return _doubling; } set { _doubling = value; Notify("Doubling", "ScaleX", "ScaleY", "TransformOrigin"); } }
  public bool IsBold { get { return _isBold; } set { _isBold = value; Notify("IsBold", "FontWeight"); } }
  public bool IsUnderline { get { return _isUnderline; } set { _isUnderline = value; Notify("IsUnderline", "UnderlineVisibility"); } }

  public bool IsCursor { get { return _isCursor; } set { _isCursor = value; Notify("IsCursor"); } }
  public bool IsMouseSelected { get { return _isMouseSelected; } set { _isMouseSelected = value; Notify("IsMouseSelected"); } }

  public string Text { get { return Character.ToString(); } }
  public int ScaleX { get { return Doubling!=CharacterDoubling.Normal ? 2 : 1; } }
  public int ScaleY { get { return Doubling==CharacterDoubling.HeightUpper || Doubling==CharacterDoubling.HeightLower ? 2 : 1; } }
  public Point TransformOrigin { get { return Doubling==CharacterDoubling.HeightLower ? new Point(1,0) : new Point(0,0); } }
  public FontWeight FontWeight { get { return IsBold ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal; } }
  public Visibility UnderlineVisibility { get { return IsUnderline ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; } }

  // INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
  private void Notify(params string[] propertyNames) { foreach(string name in propertyNames) Notify(name); }
  private void Notify(string propertyName)
      PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

public class TerminalDisplay : INotifyPropertyChanged
  // Basic state
  private TerminalCell[] _buffer;
  private TerminalCell[][] _lines;
  private int _height, _width;
  private int _row, _column; // Cursor position
  private int _scrollTop, _scrollBottom;
  private List<int> _tabStops;
  private int _selectStart, _selectEnd; // Text selection
  private int _saveRow, _saveColumn; // Saved location

  // Escape character processing
  string _escapeChars, _escapeArgs;

  // Modes
  private bool _vt52Mode;
  private bool _autoWrapMode;
  // current attributes
  private bool _boldMode, _lowMode, _underlineMode, _blinkMode, _reverseMode, _invisibleMode;
  // saved attributes
  private bool _saveboldMode, _savelowMode, _saveunderlineMode, _saveblinkMode, _savereverseMode, _saveinvisibleMode;
  private Color _foreColor, _backColor;
  private CharacterDoubling _doubleMode;

  // Computed from current mode
  private Brush _foreground;
  private Brush _background;

  // Hidden control used to synchronize blinking
  private FrameworkElement _blinkMaster;

  public TerminalDisplay()

  public void Reset()
    _height = 24;
    _width = 80;
    _row = 0;
    _column = 0;
    _scrollTop = 0;
    _scrollBottom = _height;
    _vt52Mode = false;
    _autoWrapMode = true;
    _selectStart = 0;
    _selectEnd = 0;
    _tabStops = new List<int>();
    _saveboldMode = _savelowMode = _saveunderlineMode = _saveblinkMode = _savereverseMode = _saveinvisibleMode = false;
    _saveRow = _saveColumn = 0;
  private void ResetBuffer()
    _buffer = (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, Width * Height) select new TerminalCell()).ToArray();
  private void ResetCharacterModes()
    _boldMode = _lowMode = _underlineMode = _blinkMode = _reverseMode = _invisibleMode = false;
    _doubleMode = CharacterDoubling.Normal;
    _foreColor = Colors.White;
    _backColor = Colors.Black;

  public int Height { get { return _height; } set { _height = value; ResetBuffer(); } }
  public int Width { get { return _width; } set { _width = value; ResetBuffer(); } }

  public int Row { get { return _row; } set { CursorCell.IsCursor = false; _row=value; CursorCell.IsCursor = true; Notify("Row", "CursorCell"); } }
  public int Column { get { return _column; } set { CursorCell.IsCursor = false; _column=value; CursorCell.IsCursor = true; Notify("Row", "CursorCell"); } }

  public int SelectionStart { get { return _selectStart; } set { _selectStart = value; UpdateSelection(); Notify("SelectionStart", "SelectedText"); } }
  public int SelectionEnd { get { return _selectEnd; } set { _selectEnd = value; UpdateSelection(); Notify("SelectionEnd", "SelectedText"); } }

  public TerminalCell[][] Lines { get { return _lines; } }

  public TerminalCell CursorCell { get { return GetCell(_row, _column); } }

  public TerminalCell GetCell(int row, int column)
    if(row<0 || row>=Height || column<0 || column>=Width)
      return new TerminalCell();
    return _buffer[row*Height + column];

  public int GetIndex(int row, int column)
    return row * Height + column;

  public int GetIndex(TerminalCell cell)
    return Array.IndexOf(_buffer, cell);

  public string SelectedText
      int start = Math.Min(_selectStart, _selectEnd);
      int end = Math.Max(_selectStart, _selectEnd);
      if(start==end) return string.Empty;
      var builder = new StringBuilder();
      for(int i=start; i<end; i++)
        if(i!=start && (i%Width==0))
          while(builder.Length>0 && builder[builder.Length-1]==' ')
      return builder.ToString();


  public void ProcessCharacter(char ch)
      case '\x1b': _escapeChars = ""; _escapeArgs = ""; break;
      case '\r': Column = 0; break;
      case '\n': NextRowWithScroll();break;

      case '\t':
        Column = (from stop in _tabStops where stop>Column select (int?)stop).Min() ?? Width - 1;

        CursorCell.Character = ch;

        if(CursorCell.Doubling!=CharacterDoubling.Normal) ++Column;
              Column = 0;
  private void ProcessEscapeCharacter(char ch)
    if(_escapeChars.Length==0 && "78".IndexOf(ch)>=0)
      _escapeChars += ch.ToString();
    else if(_escapeChars.Length>0 && "()Y".IndexOf(_escapeChars[0])>=0)
      _escapeChars += ch.ToString();
      if(_escapeChars.Length != (_escapeChars[0]=='Y' ? 3 : 2)) return;
    else if(ch==';' || char.IsDigit(ch))
      _escapeArgs += ch.ToString();
      _escapeChars += ch.ToString();
      if("[#?()Y".IndexOf(ch)>=0) return;
    _escapeChars = null;
    _escapeArgs = null;

  private void ProcessEscapeSequence()
      Row = (int)_escapeChars[1] - 64;
      Column = (int)_escapeChars[2] - 64;
    if(_vt52Mode && (_escapeChars=="D" || _escapeChars=="H")) _escapeChars += "_";

    var args = _escapeArgs.Split(';');
    int? arg0 = args.Length>0 && args[0]!="" ? int.Parse(args[0]) : (int?)null;
    int? arg1 = args.Length>1 && args[1]!="" ? int.Parse(args[1]) : (int?)null;
      case "[A": case "A": Row -= Math.Max(arg0??1, 1); break;
      case "[B": case "B": Row += Math.Max(arg0??1, 1); break;
      case "[c": case "C": Column += Math.Max(arg0??1, 1); break;
      case "[D": case "D": Column -= Math.Max(arg0??1, 1); break;

      case "[f":
      case "[H": case "H_":
        Row = Math.Max(arg0??1, 1) - 1; Column = Math.Max(arg0??1, 1) - 1;

      case "M": PriorRowWithScroll(); break;
      case "D_": NextRowWithScroll(); break;
      case "E": NextRowWithScroll(); Column = 0; break;

      case "[r": _scrollTop = (arg0??1)-1; _scrollBottom = (arg0??_height); break;

      case "H": if(!_tabStops.Contains(Column)) _tabStops.Add(Column); break;
      case "g": if(arg0==3) _tabStops.Clear(); else _tabStops.Remove(Column); break;

      case "[J": case "J":
          case 0: ClearRange(Row, Column, Height, Width); break;
          case 1: ClearRange(0, 0, Row, Column + 1); break;
          case 2: ClearRange(0, 0, Height, Width); break;
      case "[K": case "K":
          case 0: ClearRange(Row, Column, Row, Width); break;
          case 1: ClearRange(Row, 0, Row, Column + 1); break;
          case 2: ClearRange(Row, 0, Row, Width); break;

      case "?l":
      case "?h":
        var h = _escapeChars=="?h";
          case 2: _vt52Mode = h; break;
          case 3: Width = h ? 132 : 80; ResetBuffer(); break;
          case 7: _autoWrapMode = h; break;
      case "<": _vt52Mode = false; break;

      case "m":
        if (args.Length == 0) ResetCharacterModes();
        foreach(var arg in args)
              case "0": ResetCharacterModes(); break;
              case "1": _boldMode = true; break;
              case "2": _lowMode = true; break;
              case "4": _underlineMode = true; break;
              case "5": _blinkMode = true; break;
              case "7": _reverseMode = true; break;
              case "8": _invisibleMode = true; break;

      case "#3": case "#4": case "#5": case "#6":
        _doubleMode = (CharacterDoubling)((int)_escapeChars[1] - (int)'0');

      case "[s": _saveRow = Row; _saveColumn = Column; break;
      case "7": _saveRow = Row; _saveColumn = Column;
          _saveboldMode = _boldMode; _savelowMode = _lowMode;
          _saveunderlineMode = _underlineMode; _saveblinkMode = _blinkMode;
          _savereverseMode = _reverseMode; _saveinvisibleMode = _invisibleMode;
      case "[u": Row = _saveRow; Column = _saveColumn; break;
      case "8": Row = _saveRow; Column = _saveColumn;
          _boldMode = _saveboldMode; _lowMode = _savelowMode;
          _underlineMode = _saveunderlineMode; _blinkMode = _saveblinkMode;
          _reverseMode = _savereverseMode; _invisibleMode = _saveinvisibleMode;

      case "c": Reset(); break;

      // TODO: Character set selection, several esoteric ?h/?l modes
    if(Column<0) Column=0;
    if(Column>=Width) Column=Width-1;
    if(Row<0) Row=0;
    if(Row>=Height) Row=Height-1;

  private void PriorRowWithScroll()
    if(Row==_scrollTop) ScrollDown(); else Row--;

  private void NextRowWithScroll()
    if(Row==_scrollBottom-1) ScrollUp(); else Row++;

  private void ScrollUp()
    Array.Copy(_buffer, _width * (_scrollTop + 1), _buffer, _width * _scrollTop, _width * (_scrollBottom - _scrollTop - 1));
    ClearRange(_scrollBottom-1, 0, _scrollBottom-1, Width);

  private void ScrollDown()
    Array.Copy(_buffer, _width * _scrollTop, _buffer, _width * (_scrollTop + 1), _width * (_scrollBottom - _scrollTop - 1));
    ClearRange(_scrollTop, 0, _scrollTop, Width);

  private void ClearRange(int startRow, int startColumn, int endRow, int endColumn)
    int start = startRow * Width + startColumn;
    int end = endRow * Width + endColumn;
    for(int i=start; i<end; i++)

  private void ClearCell(TerminalCell cell)
    cell.Character = ' ';

  private void FormatCell(TerminalCell cell)
    cell.Foreground = _foreground;
    cell.Background = _background;
    cell.Doubling = _doubleMode;
    cell.IsBold = _boldMode;
    cell.IsUnderline = _underlineMode;

  private void UpdateSelection()
    var cursor = _row * Width + _height;
    var inSelection = false;
    for(int i=0; i<_buffer.Length; i++)
      if(i==_selectStart) inSelection = !inSelection;
      if(i==_selectEnd) inSelection = !inSelection;

      var cell = _buffer[i];
      cell.IsCursor = i==cursor;
      cell.IsMouseSelected = inSelection;

  private void UpdateBrushes()
    var foreColor = _foreColor;
    var backColor = _backColor;
      foreColor = foreColor * 0.5f + Colors.Black * 0.5f;
      backColor = backColor * 0.5f + Colors.Black * 0.5f;
    _foreground = new SolidColorBrush(foreColor);
    _background = new SolidColorBrush(backColor);
    if(_reverseMode) Swap(ref _foreground, ref _background);
    if(_invisibleMode) _foreground = _background;
        _blinkMaster = new Control();
        var animation = new DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames { RepeatBehavior=RepeatBehavior.Forever, Duration=TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000) };
        animation.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(0));
        animation.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(1));
        _blinkMaster.BeginAnimation(UIElement.OpacityProperty, animation);
      var rect = new Rectangle { Fill = _foreground };
      rect.SetBinding(UIElement.OpacityProperty, new Binding("Opacity") { Source = _blinkMaster });
      _foreground = new VisualBrush { Visual = rect };
  private void Swap<T>(ref T a, ref T b)
    var temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

  private void UpdateLines()
    _lines = new TerminalCell[Height][];
    for(int r=0; r<Height; r++)
      _lines[r] = new TerminalCell[Width];
      Array.Copy(_buffer, r*Height, _lines[r], 0, Width);

  // INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
  private void Notify(params string[] propertyNames) { foreach(string name in propertyNames) Notify(name); }
  private void Notify(string propertyName)
      PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


Note that if you don't like the visual styling just update the TerminalCell DataTemplate. For example, the cursor could be a blinking rectangle instead of a solid one.

请注意,如果您不喜欢视觉样式,只需更新TerminalCell DataTemplate即可。例如,光标可以是闪烁的矩形而不是实心矩形。

This code was fun to write. Hopefully it will be useful to you. It probably has a bug or two (or three) since I never actually executed it, but I expect those will be easily cleared up. I'd welcome an edit to this answer if you fix something.




I don't understand why you'd be fretting about the RTF getting convoluted. Yes it will. But it isn't your burden to deal with it, a Microsoft programmer did that a while ago, having to write the code to render convoluted RTF. It works well and is entirely opaque to you.


Yes, it isn't going to be super-fast. But what the hey, you're emulating a 80x25 display that used to run at 9600 baud. Completely replacing the control to try to make it optimal makes little sense and is going to be a major undertaking.




Well, to report my status, I have determined that this is not really feasible with WPF or Silverlight.


The problem with the proposed approach is that there are 80*24 TextBlocks plus some other elements, with multiple bindings for forecolor, backcolor, etc. When the screen needs to scroll, each of these bindings must be re-evaluated, and its very, very slow. Updating the entire screen takes a few seconds. In my app that's not acceptable, the screen is going to be scrolling constantly.

提出的方法的问题是有80 * 24个TextBlocks加上一些其他元素,前景色,背景色等多个绑定。当屏幕需要滚动时,必须重新评估这些绑定中的每一个,并且它非常,非常慢。更新整个屏幕需要几秒钟。在我的应用程序中,这是不可接受的,屏幕将不断滚动。

I tried lots of different things to optimize it. I tried using one textblock with 80 runs each per row. I tried batching the change notifications. I tried making it so a 'scroll' event manually updated each textblock. Nothing really helps -- the slow part is updating the UI, not the way it is done.

我尝试了很多不同的东西来优化它。我尝试使用一个文本块,每行80次运行。我尝试批量更改通知。我尝试制作它,以便手动更新每个文本块的“滚动”事件。没有什么真正有用 - 缓慢的部分是更新UI,而不是它的完成方式。

One thing that would have helped is if I devised a mechanism not to have a textblock or run for every cell, but to only change textblocks when the style of the text changes. So a string of same-color-text for example would be only 1 textblock. However, that would be very complicated, and in the end, it would only help scenarios that have little style variation on the screen. My app is going to have lots of colors flying by (think ANSI art), so it would still be slow in that case.


Another thing I thought would help is if I didn't update the textblocks, but rather scrolled them up as the screen scrolled. So textblocks would be moving from the top to the bottom and then only the new ones would need updating. I managed to get that working by using an observable collection. It helped, but its STILL WAY TOO SLOW!


I even considered a custom WPF control using OnRender. I created one that used drawingContext.RenderText in various ways to see how fast it could be. But EVEN THAT is too darn slow to handle constantly updating the screen.


So that's that .. I've given up on this design. I am instead looking at using an actual Console Window as described here:


No output to console from a WPF application?


I don't really like that since the window is separate from the main window though, so I'm looking for a way to embed the console window in the WPF window, if that's even possible. I'll be asking another SO question on that and will link it here when I do.


UPDATE: Embedding the console window failed, too, because it doesn't take kindly to having its title bar removed. I've implemented it as a low level painting custom WinForms control, and I'm hosting that in WPF. That works beautifully and after some optimizations, its very very fast.




The only way to display text effectively is using TextFormatter. I've implemented telnet client for text-based RPG games and it works pretty well. You can check sources at




If you try to implement this with RichTextBox and RTF you will quickly run into many limitations and find yourself spending much more time working around differences than if you implemented the functionality yourself.


In fact it is quite easy to implement VT100 terminal emulation using WPF. I know because just now I implemented an almost-complete VT100 emulator in an hour or so. To be precise, I implmented everything except:


  • Keyboard input,
  • 键盘输入,
  • Alternate character sets,
  • 替代字符集,
  • A few esoteric VT100 modes I've never seen used,
  • 我从未见过的一些深奥的VT100模式,

The most interesting parts were:


  • The double width / double height characters, for which I used RenderTransform and RenderTransformOrigin
  • 双宽度/双高度字符,我使用了RenderTransform和RenderTransformOrigin
  • The blinking, for which I used an animation on a shared object so all characters will blink together
  • 闪烁,我在共享对象上使用动画,所有字符将一起闪烁
  • The underline, for which I used a Grid and a Rectangle so it would look more like a VT100 display
  • 下划线,我使用了Grid和Rectangle,因此看起来更像是VT100显示器
  • The cursor and selection, for which I set a flag on the cells themselves and use DataTriggers to change the display
  • 光标和选择,我在单元格上设置了一个标志,并使用DataTriggers来更改显示
  • The use of both a single-dimensional array and a nested array pointing to the same objects to make it easy to do scrolling and selection
  • 使用指向同一对象的一维数组和嵌套数组,可以轻松进行滚动和选择

Here is the XAML:


<Style TargetType="my:VT100Terminal">
  <Setter Property="Template">
      <ControlTemplate TargetType="my:VT100Terminal">
          <!-- Add status bars, etc to the DockPanel at this point -->
          <ContentPresenter Content="{Binding Display}" />

<ItemsPanelTemplate x:Key="DockPanelLayout">
  <DockPanel />

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type my:TerminalDisplay}">
  <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding Lines}" TextElement.FontFamily="Courier New">
        <ItemsControl ItemsSource="{Binding}" ItemsPanel="{StaticResource DockPanelLayout}" />

<DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type my:TerminalCell}">
    <TextBlock x:Name="tb"
        Text="{Binding Character}"
        Foreground="{Binding Foreground}"
        Background="{Binding Background}"
        FontWeight="{Binding FontWeight}"
        RenderTransformOrigin="{Binding TranformOrigin}">
          <ScaleTransform ScaleX="{Binding ScaleX}" ScaleY="{Binding ScaleY}" />
    <Rectangle Visibility="{Binding UnderlineVisiblity}" Height="1" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Margin="0 0 0 2" />
    <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsCursor}" Value="true">
      <Setter TargetName="tb" Property="Foreground" Value="{Binding Background}" />
      <Setter TargetName="tb" Property="Background" Value="{Binding Foreground}" />
    <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding IsMouseSelected}" Value="true">
      <Setter TargetName="tb" Property="Foreground" Value="White" />
      <Setter TargetName="tb" Property="Background" Value="Blue" />

And here is the code:


public class VT100Terminal : Control
  bool _selecting;

  static VT100Terminal()
    DefaultStyleKeyProperty.OverrideMetadata(typeof(VT100Terminal), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(typeof(VT100Terminal)));

  // Display
  public TerminalDisplay Display { get { return (TerminalDisplay)GetValue(DisplayProperty); } set { SetValue(DisplayProperty, value); } }
  public static readonly DependencyProperty DisplayProperty = DependencyProperty.Register("Display", typeof(TerminalDisplay), typeof(VT100Terminal));

  public VT100Terminal()
    Display = new TerminalDisplay();

    MouseLeftButtonDown += HandleMouseMessage;
    MouseMove += HandleMouseMessage;
    MouseLeftButtonUp += HandleMouseMessage;

    KeyDown += HandleKeyMessage;

    CommandBindings.Add(new CommandBinding(ApplicationCommands.Copy, ExecuteCopy, CanExecuteCopy));

  public void ProcessCharacter(char ch)

  private void HandleMouseMessage(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
    if(!_selecting && e.RoutedEvent != Mouse.MouseDownEvent) return;
    if(e.RoutedEvent == Mouse.MouseUpEvent) _selecting = false;

    var block = e.Source as TextBlock; if(block==null) return;
    var cell = ((TextBlock)e.Source).DataContext as TerminalCell; if(cell==null) return;
    var index = Display.GetIndex(cell); if(index<0) return;
    if(e.GetPosition(block).X > block.ActualWidth/2) index++;

    if(e.RoutedEvent == Mouse.MouseDownEvent)
      Display.SelectionStart = index;
      _selecting = true;
    Display.SelectionEnd = index;

  private void HandleKeyMessage(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
    // TODO: Code to covert e.Key to VT100 codes and report keystrokes to client

  private void CanExecuteCopy(object sender, CanExecuteRoutedEventArgs e)
    if(Display.SelectedText!="") e.CanExecute = true;
  private void ExecuteCopy(object sender, ExecutedRoutedEventArgs e)
      e.Handled = true;

public enum CharacterDoubling
  Normal = 5,
  Width = 6,
  HeightUpper = 3,
  HeightLower = 4,

public class TerminalCell : INotifyPropertyChanged
  char _character;
  Brush _foreground, _background;
  CharacterDoubling _doubling;
  bool _isBold, _isUnderline;
  bool _isCursor, _isMouseSelected;

  public char Character { get { return _character; } set { _character = value; Notify("Character", "Text"); } }
  public Brush Foreground { get { return _foreground; } set { _foreground = value; Notify("Foreground"); } }
  public Brush Background { get { return _background; } set { _background = value; Notify("Background"); } }
  public CharacterDoubling Doubling { get { return _doubling; } set { _doubling = value; Notify("Doubling", "ScaleX", "ScaleY", "TransformOrigin"); } }
  public bool IsBold { get { return _isBold; } set { _isBold = value; Notify("IsBold", "FontWeight"); } }
  public bool IsUnderline { get { return _isUnderline; } set { _isUnderline = value; Notify("IsUnderline", "UnderlineVisibility"); } }

  public bool IsCursor { get { return _isCursor; } set { _isCursor = value; Notify("IsCursor"); } }
  public bool IsMouseSelected { get { return _isMouseSelected; } set { _isMouseSelected = value; Notify("IsMouseSelected"); } }

  public string Text { get { return Character.ToString(); } }
  public int ScaleX { get { return Doubling!=CharacterDoubling.Normal ? 2 : 1; } }
  public int ScaleY { get { return Doubling==CharacterDoubling.HeightUpper || Doubling==CharacterDoubling.HeightLower ? 2 : 1; } }
  public Point TransformOrigin { get { return Doubling==CharacterDoubling.HeightLower ? new Point(1,0) : new Point(0,0); } }
  public FontWeight FontWeight { get { return IsBold ? FontWeights.Bold : FontWeights.Normal; } }
  public Visibility UnderlineVisibility { get { return IsUnderline ? Visibility.Visible : Visibility.Hidden; } }

  // INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
  private void Notify(params string[] propertyNames) { foreach(string name in propertyNames) Notify(name); }
  private void Notify(string propertyName)
      PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;

public class TerminalDisplay : INotifyPropertyChanged
  // Basic state
  private TerminalCell[] _buffer;
  private TerminalCell[][] _lines;
  private int _height, _width;
  private int _row, _column; // Cursor position
  private int _scrollTop, _scrollBottom;
  private List<int> _tabStops;
  private int _selectStart, _selectEnd; // Text selection
  private int _saveRow, _saveColumn; // Saved location

  // Escape character processing
  string _escapeChars, _escapeArgs;

  // Modes
  private bool _vt52Mode;
  private bool _autoWrapMode;
  // current attributes
  private bool _boldMode, _lowMode, _underlineMode, _blinkMode, _reverseMode, _invisibleMode;
  // saved attributes
  private bool _saveboldMode, _savelowMode, _saveunderlineMode, _saveblinkMode, _savereverseMode, _saveinvisibleMode;
  private Color _foreColor, _backColor;
  private CharacterDoubling _doubleMode;

  // Computed from current mode
  private Brush _foreground;
  private Brush _background;

  // Hidden control used to synchronize blinking
  private FrameworkElement _blinkMaster;

  public TerminalDisplay()

  public void Reset()
    _height = 24;
    _width = 80;
    _row = 0;
    _column = 0;
    _scrollTop = 0;
    _scrollBottom = _height;
    _vt52Mode = false;
    _autoWrapMode = true;
    _selectStart = 0;
    _selectEnd = 0;
    _tabStops = new List<int>();
    _saveboldMode = _savelowMode = _saveunderlineMode = _saveblinkMode = _savereverseMode = _saveinvisibleMode = false;
    _saveRow = _saveColumn = 0;
  private void ResetBuffer()
    _buffer = (from i in Enumerable.Range(0, Width * Height) select new TerminalCell()).ToArray();
  private void ResetCharacterModes()
    _boldMode = _lowMode = _underlineMode = _blinkMode = _reverseMode = _invisibleMode = false;
    _doubleMode = CharacterDoubling.Normal;
    _foreColor = Colors.White;
    _backColor = Colors.Black;

  public int Height { get { return _height; } set { _height = value; ResetBuffer(); } }
  public int Width { get { return _width; } set { _width = value; ResetBuffer(); } }

  public int Row { get { return _row; } set { CursorCell.IsCursor = false; _row=value; CursorCell.IsCursor = true; Notify("Row", "CursorCell"); } }
  public int Column { get { return _column; } set { CursorCell.IsCursor = false; _column=value; CursorCell.IsCursor = true; Notify("Row", "CursorCell"); } }

  public int SelectionStart { get { return _selectStart; } set { _selectStart = value; UpdateSelection(); Notify("SelectionStart", "SelectedText"); } }
  public int SelectionEnd { get { return _selectEnd; } set { _selectEnd = value; UpdateSelection(); Notify("SelectionEnd", "SelectedText"); } }

  public TerminalCell[][] Lines { get { return _lines; } }

  public TerminalCell CursorCell { get { return GetCell(_row, _column); } }

  public TerminalCell GetCell(int row, int column)
    if(row<0 || row>=Height || column<0 || column>=Width)
      return new TerminalCell();
    return _buffer[row*Height + column];

  public int GetIndex(int row, int column)
    return row * Height + column;

  public int GetIndex(TerminalCell cell)
    return Array.IndexOf(_buffer, cell);

  public string SelectedText
      int start = Math.Min(_selectStart, _selectEnd);
      int end = Math.Max(_selectStart, _selectEnd);
      if(start==end) return string.Empty;
      var builder = new StringBuilder();
      for(int i=start; i<end; i++)
        if(i!=start && (i%Width==0))
          while(builder.Length>0 && builder[builder.Length-1]==' ')
      return builder.ToString();


  public void ProcessCharacter(char ch)
      case '\x1b': _escapeChars = ""; _escapeArgs = ""; break;
      case '\r': Column = 0; break;
      case '\n': NextRowWithScroll();break;

      case '\t':
        Column = (from stop in _tabStops where stop>Column select (int?)stop).Min() ?? Width - 1;

        CursorCell.Character = ch;

        if(CursorCell.Doubling!=CharacterDoubling.Normal) ++Column;
              Column = 0;
  private void ProcessEscapeCharacter(char ch)
    if(_escapeChars.Length==0 && "78".IndexOf(ch)>=0)
      _escapeChars += ch.ToString();
    else if(_escapeChars.Length>0 && "()Y".IndexOf(_escapeChars[0])>=0)
      _escapeChars += ch.ToString();
      if(_escapeChars.Length != (_escapeChars[0]=='Y' ? 3 : 2)) return;
    else if(ch==';' || char.IsDigit(ch))
      _escapeArgs += ch.ToString();
      _escapeChars += ch.ToString();
      if("[#?()Y".IndexOf(ch)>=0) return;
    _escapeChars = null;
    _escapeArgs = null;

  private void ProcessEscapeSequence()
      Row = (int)_escapeChars[1] - 64;
      Column = (int)_escapeChars[2] - 64;
    if(_vt52Mode && (_escapeChars=="D" || _escapeChars=="H")) _escapeChars += "_";

    var args = _escapeArgs.Split(';');
    int? arg0 = args.Length>0 && args[0]!="" ? int.Parse(args[0]) : (int?)null;
    int? arg1 = args.Length>1 && args[1]!="" ? int.Parse(args[1]) : (int?)null;
      case "[A": case "A": Row -= Math.Max(arg0??1, 1); break;
      case "[B": case "B": Row += Math.Max(arg0??1, 1); break;
      case "[c": case "C": Column += Math.Max(arg0??1, 1); break;
      case "[D": case "D": Column -= Math.Max(arg0??1, 1); break;

      case "[f":
      case "[H": case "H_":
        Row = Math.Max(arg0??1, 1) - 1; Column = Math.Max(arg0??1, 1) - 1;

      case "M": PriorRowWithScroll(); break;
      case "D_": NextRowWithScroll(); break;
      case "E": NextRowWithScroll(); Column = 0; break;

      case "[r": _scrollTop = (arg0??1)-1; _scrollBottom = (arg0??_height); break;

      case "H": if(!_tabStops.Contains(Column)) _tabStops.Add(Column); break;
      case "g": if(arg0==3) _tabStops.Clear(); else _tabStops.Remove(Column); break;

      case "[J": case "J":
          case 0: ClearRange(Row, Column, Height, Width); break;
          case 1: ClearRange(0, 0, Row, Column + 1); break;
          case 2: ClearRange(0, 0, Height, Width); break;
      case "[K": case "K":
          case 0: ClearRange(Row, Column, Row, Width); break;
          case 1: ClearRange(Row, 0, Row, Column + 1); break;
          case 2: ClearRange(Row, 0, Row, Width); break;

      case "?l":
      case "?h":
        var h = _escapeChars=="?h";
          case 2: _vt52Mode = h; break;
          case 3: Width = h ? 132 : 80; ResetBuffer(); break;
          case 7: _autoWrapMode = h; break;
      case "<": _vt52Mode = false; break;

      case "m":
        if (args.Length == 0) ResetCharacterModes();
        foreach(var arg in args)
              case "0": ResetCharacterModes(); break;
              case "1": _boldMode = true; break;
              case "2": _lowMode = true; break;
              case "4": _underlineMode = true; break;
              case "5": _blinkMode = true; break;
              case "7": _reverseMode = true; break;
              case "8": _invisibleMode = true; break;

      case "#3": case "#4": case "#5": case "#6":
        _doubleMode = (CharacterDoubling)((int)_escapeChars[1] - (int)'0');

      case "[s": _saveRow = Row; _saveColumn = Column; break;
      case "7": _saveRow = Row; _saveColumn = Column;
          _saveboldMode = _boldMode; _savelowMode = _lowMode;
          _saveunderlineMode = _underlineMode; _saveblinkMode = _blinkMode;
          _savereverseMode = _reverseMode; _saveinvisibleMode = _invisibleMode;
      case "[u": Row = _saveRow; Column = _saveColumn; break;
      case "8": Row = _saveRow; Column = _saveColumn;
          _boldMode = _saveboldMode; _lowMode = _savelowMode;
          _underlineMode = _saveunderlineMode; _blinkMode = _saveblinkMode;
          _reverseMode = _savereverseMode; _invisibleMode = _saveinvisibleMode;

      case "c": Reset(); break;

      // TODO: Character set selection, several esoteric ?h/?l modes
    if(Column<0) Column=0;
    if(Column>=Width) Column=Width-1;
    if(Row<0) Row=0;
    if(Row>=Height) Row=Height-1;

  private void PriorRowWithScroll()
    if(Row==_scrollTop) ScrollDown(); else Row--;

  private void NextRowWithScroll()
    if(Row==_scrollBottom-1) ScrollUp(); else Row++;

  private void ScrollUp()
    Array.Copy(_buffer, _width * (_scrollTop + 1), _buffer, _width * _scrollTop, _width * (_scrollBottom - _scrollTop - 1));
    ClearRange(_scrollBottom-1, 0, _scrollBottom-1, Width);

  private void ScrollDown()
    Array.Copy(_buffer, _width * _scrollTop, _buffer, _width * (_scrollTop + 1), _width * (_scrollBottom - _scrollTop - 1));
    ClearRange(_scrollTop, 0, _scrollTop, Width);

  private void ClearRange(int startRow, int startColumn, int endRow, int endColumn)
    int start = startRow * Width + startColumn;
    int end = endRow * Width + endColumn;
    for(int i=start; i<end; i++)

  private void ClearCell(TerminalCell cell)
    cell.Character = ' ';

  private void FormatCell(TerminalCell cell)
    cell.Foreground = _foreground;
    cell.Background = _background;
    cell.Doubling = _doubleMode;
    cell.IsBold = _boldMode;
    cell.IsUnderline = _underlineMode;

  private void UpdateSelection()
    var cursor = _row * Width + _height;
    var inSelection = false;
    for(int i=0; i<_buffer.Length; i++)
      if(i==_selectStart) inSelection = !inSelection;
      if(i==_selectEnd) inSelection = !inSelection;

      var cell = _buffer[i];
      cell.IsCursor = i==cursor;
      cell.IsMouseSelected = inSelection;

  private void UpdateBrushes()
    var foreColor = _foreColor;
    var backColor = _backColor;
      foreColor = foreColor * 0.5f + Colors.Black * 0.5f;
      backColor = backColor * 0.5f + Colors.Black * 0.5f;
    _foreground = new SolidColorBrush(foreColor);
    _background = new SolidColorBrush(backColor);
    if(_reverseMode) Swap(ref _foreground, ref _background);
    if(_invisibleMode) _foreground = _background;
        _blinkMaster = new Control();
        var animation = new DoubleAnimationUsingKeyFrames { RepeatBehavior=RepeatBehavior.Forever, Duration=TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(1000) };
        animation.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(0));
        animation.KeyFrames.Add(new DiscreteDoubleKeyFrame(1));
        _blinkMaster.BeginAnimation(UIElement.OpacityProperty, animation);
      var rect = new Rectangle { Fill = _foreground };
      rect.SetBinding(UIElement.OpacityProperty, new Binding("Opacity") { Source = _blinkMaster });
      _foreground = new VisualBrush { Visual = rect };
  private void Swap<T>(ref T a, ref T b)
    var temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

  private void UpdateLines()
    _lines = new TerminalCell[Height][];
    for(int r=0; r<Height; r++)
      _lines[r] = new TerminalCell[Width];
      Array.Copy(_buffer, r*Height, _lines[r], 0, Width);

  // INotifyPropertyChanged implementation
  private void Notify(params string[] propertyNames) { foreach(string name in propertyNames) Notify(name); }
  private void Notify(string propertyName)
      PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
  public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;


Note that if you don't like the visual styling just update the TerminalCell DataTemplate. For example, the cursor could be a blinking rectangle instead of a solid one.

请注意,如果您不喜欢视觉样式,只需更新TerminalCell DataTemplate即可。例如,光标可以是闪烁的矩形而不是实心矩形。

This code was fun to write. Hopefully it will be useful to you. It probably has a bug or two (or three) since I never actually executed it, but I expect those will be easily cleared up. I'd welcome an edit to this answer if you fix something.




I don't understand why you'd be fretting about the RTF getting convoluted. Yes it will. But it isn't your burden to deal with it, a Microsoft programmer did that a while ago, having to write the code to render convoluted RTF. It works well and is entirely opaque to you.


Yes, it isn't going to be super-fast. But what the hey, you're emulating a 80x25 display that used to run at 9600 baud. Completely replacing the control to try to make it optimal makes little sense and is going to be a major undertaking.




Well, to report my status, I have determined that this is not really feasible with WPF or Silverlight.


The problem with the proposed approach is that there are 80*24 TextBlocks plus some other elements, with multiple bindings for forecolor, backcolor, etc. When the screen needs to scroll, each of these bindings must be re-evaluated, and its very, very slow. Updating the entire screen takes a few seconds. In my app that's not acceptable, the screen is going to be scrolling constantly.

提出的方法的问题是有80 * 24个TextBlocks加上一些其他元素,前景色,背景色等多个绑定。当屏幕需要滚动时,必须重新评估这些绑定中的每一个,并且它非常,非常慢。更新整个屏幕需要几秒钟。在我的应用程序中,这是不可接受的,屏幕将不断滚动。

I tried lots of different things to optimize it. I tried using one textblock with 80 runs each per row. I tried batching the change notifications. I tried making it so a 'scroll' event manually updated each textblock. Nothing really helps -- the slow part is updating the UI, not the way it is done.

我尝试了很多不同的东西来优化它。我尝试使用一个文本块,每行80次运行。我尝试批量更改通知。我尝试制作它,以便手动更新每个文本块的“滚动”事件。没有什么真正有用 - 缓慢的部分是更新UI,而不是它的完成方式。

One thing that would have helped is if I devised a mechanism not to have a textblock or run for every cell, but to only change textblocks when the style of the text changes. So a string of same-color-text for example would be only 1 textblock. However, that would be very complicated, and in the end, it would only help scenarios that have little style variation on the screen. My app is going to have lots of colors flying by (think ANSI art), so it would still be slow in that case.


Another thing I thought would help is if I didn't update the textblocks, but rather scrolled them up as the screen scrolled. So textblocks would be moving from the top to the bottom and then only the new ones would need updating. I managed to get that working by using an observable collection. It helped, but its STILL WAY TOO SLOW!


I even considered a custom WPF control using OnRender. I created one that used drawingContext.RenderText in various ways to see how fast it could be. But EVEN THAT is too darn slow to handle constantly updating the screen.


So that's that .. I've given up on this design. I am instead looking at using an actual Console Window as described here:


No output to console from a WPF application?


I don't really like that since the window is separate from the main window though, so I'm looking for a way to embed the console window in the WPF window, if that's even possible. I'll be asking another SO question on that and will link it here when I do.


UPDATE: Embedding the console window failed, too, because it doesn't take kindly to having its title bar removed. I've implemented it as a low level painting custom WinForms control, and I'm hosting that in WPF. That works beautifully and after some optimizations, its very very fast.




The only way to display text effectively is using TextFormatter. I've implemented telnet client for text-based RPG games and it works pretty well. You can check sources at
