
时间:2022-01-26 00:16:04

I'm creating a web page, and I can't (with html code) add a draw box*?


*It's a box, like a Microsoft Paint, only with one brush, where the user make a draw by a click draged.

*它是一个盒子,就像Microsoft Paint一样,只有一个画笔,用户通过点击拖动画画。

3 个解决方案


I'm afraid there is no simple way to do what you want to do. The current version of HTML (4.01, I believe) does not support this at all. HTML 5, which is still in development, has a <canvas> element that can be used with javascript to create the kind of thing you are looking for, but only the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari support it.

我担心没有简单的方法可以做你想做的事。当前版本的HTML(4.01,我相信)根本不支持这一点。 HTML 5仍处于开发阶段,它有一个 元素,可以与javascript一起使用来创建你想要的东西,但只有最新版本的Firefox,Chrome,Opera和Safari支持它。

See: w3schools.com/tags/html5_canvas.asp for an explanation of the <canvas> element and dev.w3.org/html5/spec/#the-canvas-element for the full (uncompleted) specs.

有关完整(未完成)规范的 元素和dev.w3.org/html5/spec/#the-canvas-element的说明,请参阅:w3schools.com/tags/html5_canvas.asp。

See: http://devfiles.myopera.com/articles/649/example1.html for an example of the kind of design you are looking for.



The following links may be helpful:


Also, have a look at this * thread: Drawing on top of an image in Javascript.




There's no HTML element that's a "draw box". You'll need to find something built in JavaScript/Flash/Java and drop it into your page.

没有HTML元素是“绘图框”。您需要找到用JavaScript / Flash / Java构建的内容并将其放入您的页面。

Try CanvasPaint or this other Canvas Painter.

试试CanvasPaint或其他Canvas Painter。


I'm afraid there is no simple way to do what you want to do. The current version of HTML (4.01, I believe) does not support this at all. HTML 5, which is still in development, has a <canvas> element that can be used with javascript to create the kind of thing you are looking for, but only the latest versions of Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Safari support it.

我担心没有简单的方法可以做你想做的事。当前版本的HTML(4.01,我相信)根本不支持这一点。 HTML 5仍处于开发阶段,它有一个 元素,可以与javascript一起使用来创建你想要的东西,但只有最新版本的Firefox,Chrome,Opera和Safari支持它。

See: w3schools.com/tags/html5_canvas.asp for an explanation of the <canvas> element and dev.w3.org/html5/spec/#the-canvas-element for the full (uncompleted) specs.

有关完整(未完成)规范的 元素和dev.w3.org/html5/spec/#the-canvas-element的说明,请参阅:w3schools.com/tags/html5_canvas.asp。

See: http://devfiles.myopera.com/articles/649/example1.html for an example of the kind of design you are looking for.



The following links may be helpful:


Also, have a look at this * thread: Drawing on top of an image in Javascript.




There's no HTML element that's a "draw box". You'll need to find something built in JavaScript/Flash/Java and drop it into your page.

没有HTML元素是“绘图框”。您需要找到用JavaScript / Flash / Java构建的内容并将其放入您的页面。

Try CanvasPaint or this other Canvas Painter.

试试CanvasPaint或其他Canvas Painter。