
时间:2022-07-21 00:17:48

colorout is no longer on CRAN. As @user2647661 points out below, the package is still being maintained and can be downloaded from the author's website.

colorout不再在CRAN上。正如@ user2647661指出的那样,该软件包仍在维护中,可以从作者的网站下载。

My question: Is there another R package that provides similar functionality or at least a quick hack that shows errors in red? (I use R inside a Gnome Terminal on Ubuntu.)

我的问题:是否有另一个R包提供类似的功能或至少一个快速黑客显示红色错误? (我在Ubuntu的Gnome终端中使用R。)

I am aware of Alex's question about printing errors in red. @Eric Fail's answer suggests that something like this can be build using error handling functions. However, I am not familiar enough with R to fully understand his suggestion. Has anybody implemented something like this yet?

我知道亚历克斯关于以红色打印错误的问题。 @Eric Fail的回答表明可以使用错误处理函数构建类似的东西。但是,我对R不够熟悉,无法完全理解他的建议。有没有人实现过这样的东西呢?

1 个解决方案



The package is no longer on CRAN but it's still being maintained. Please, look at http://www.lepem.ufc.br/jaa/colorout.html




The package is no longer on CRAN but it's still being maintained. Please, look at http://www.lepem.ufc.br/jaa/colorout.html
