django-admin makemessages --no-obsolete doesn't seem to be working

时间:2022-02-06 00:06:06

First of all, I am expecting --no-obsolete would comment out msgid and msgstr if gettext is deleted, right?

首先,我期待 - 如果删除了gettext,no-obsolete将注释掉msgid和msgstr,对吧?

How I am testing is:


  1. I wrote gettext("some string here") in view
  2. 我在视图中写了gettext(“some string here”)

  3. I ran makemessages command
  4. 我跑了makemessages命令

  5. It wrote a .po file as expected
  6. 它按预期编写了一个.po文件

  7. Then I deleted gettext() line from view and saved file, verified runserver working.
  8. 然后我从视图中删除了gettext()行并保存了文件,验证了runserver的工作情况。

  9. I ran makemessages --no-obsolete and it has not made any changes to .po file.
  10. 我运行makemessages --no-obsolete并没有对.po文件进行任何更改。

.po file content extract .


#. Translators: This message is a test of wrap line
#: servers/
msgid "Do let me know if it works."
msgstr ""

dev environment

Django = 1.11
OS = Mac/Ubuntu 14.04

Django = 1.11 OS = Mac / Ubuntu 14.04



USE_I18N = True

USE_L10N = True

USE_TZ = True

      os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "locale"),

3 个解决方案



What the --no-obsolete does is to run a command called msgattrib with the --no-obsolete option on the content the po file. A typical case would be you generate your po file with makemessages, you get this:


#: servers/
msgid "Do let me know if it works."
msgstr ""

Then you translate:


#: servers/
msgid "Do let me know if it works."
msgstr "translation"

Then you remove the gettext entry, it'll still by default keep the translation, but mark it as obsolete.


#: servers/
#~msgid "Do let me know if it works."
#~msgstr "translation"

If you set --no-obsolete option, then once your po file is done, it'll run msgattr with no-obsolete option. This will remove lines tagged with #~. See


But, the way makemessages is built, is that this will be called once the po file is written. But if there are no gettext in the files being processed, then it won't write to the po file. It'll just stop before getting to this msgattrib command. The po file you see is the one generated by the previous makemessages command. So the no-obsolete won't do anything.


There's no real solution to this. the no-obsolete option doesn't deal with the cases where you don't have any gettext to process.




So I think @JulienGrégoire was right about the fact that if there is no translation processed then the --no-obsolete won't work. There needs to be at least one translation captured for --no-obsolete to work.


But the solution to this quite simple. You can update your to define LANGUAGES like below


from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
    ('en', _('English')),
    ('fr', _('French')),

Now your settings will always generate a translation. So it will make sure that you get --no-obsolete working every time you use it




Now with the help of Julien and Tarun, I found following observations.


python makemessages -l <locale>

python makemessages -l <​​locale>

If there is no gettext in the file being processed, the above command won't write/update .po file. That means if the corresponding .po file earlier had entries for msgstr and msgid, then it won't remove those entries unless file being processed had at least one gettext.


Note: Above behavior is irrespective of --no-obsolete


Now to make the --no-obsolete work as expected we need to follow the steps below.

现在要按预期进行 - 不过时的工作,我们需要按照以下步骤操作。

  1. First thing run python makemessages -l <locale>, this would write .po file with msgid and msgstr.

    首先运行python makemessages -l <​​locale>,这将使用msgid和msgstr编写.po文件。

  2. Now set msgstr and run python compilemessages -l <locale>. This command writes .mo file in the same directory as .po file.

    现在设置msgstr并运行python compilemessages -l <​​locale>。此命令将.mo文件写入与.po文件相同的目录中。

  3. Now next time when you run makemessages again (without --no-obsolete), .po and .mo files are compared and missing/deleted gettext are commented in .po file.


  4. And when you run makemessages --no-obsolete, commented entries are removed from the .po file.
  5. 当你运行makemessages --no-obsolete时,注释的条目将从.po文件中删除。


if you have 3 gettext entries, and you run makemessages first time, it would write 3 msgid and 3 msgstr in .po file. Now if you remove all gettext entries, .po file won't be updated after you run makemessages again, but if your keep at least 1 gettext entry in same file and run makemessages again, it would delete all msgid and msgstr for deleted gettext entries.

如果你有3个gettext条目,并且你第一次运行makemessages,它会在.po文件中写入3 msgid和3 msgstr。现在,如果删除所有gettext条目,再次运行makemessages后将不会更新.po文件,但如果您在同一文件中保留至少1个gettext条目并再次运行makemessages,它将删除已删除的gettext条目的所有msgid和msgstr 。

But if you run compilemessages after makemessages, .mo file is created and then for subsequent makemessages commands .po and .mo files are compared and then msgid and msgstr is commented in .po file for deleted gettext entries.


Then finally when you run makemessages with --no-obsolete option the commented messages from .po files are deleted permanently.




What the --no-obsolete does is to run a command called msgattrib with the --no-obsolete option on the content the po file. A typical case would be you generate your po file with makemessages, you get this:


#: servers/
msgid "Do let me know if it works."
msgstr ""

Then you translate:


#: servers/
msgid "Do let me know if it works."
msgstr "translation"

Then you remove the gettext entry, it'll still by default keep the translation, but mark it as obsolete.


#: servers/
#~msgid "Do let me know if it works."
#~msgstr "translation"

If you set --no-obsolete option, then once your po file is done, it'll run msgattr with no-obsolete option. This will remove lines tagged with #~. See


But, the way makemessages is built, is that this will be called once the po file is written. But if there are no gettext in the files being processed, then it won't write to the po file. It'll just stop before getting to this msgattrib command. The po file you see is the one generated by the previous makemessages command. So the no-obsolete won't do anything.


There's no real solution to this. the no-obsolete option doesn't deal with the cases where you don't have any gettext to process.




So I think @JulienGrégoire was right about the fact that if there is no translation processed then the --no-obsolete won't work. There needs to be at least one translation captured for --no-obsolete to work.


But the solution to this quite simple. You can update your to define LANGUAGES like below


from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _
    ('en', _('English')),
    ('fr', _('French')),

Now your settings will always generate a translation. So it will make sure that you get --no-obsolete working every time you use it




Now with the help of Julien and Tarun, I found following observations.


python makemessages -l <locale>

python makemessages -l <​​locale>

If there is no gettext in the file being processed, the above command won't write/update .po file. That means if the corresponding .po file earlier had entries for msgstr and msgid, then it won't remove those entries unless file being processed had at least one gettext.


Note: Above behavior is irrespective of --no-obsolete


Now to make the --no-obsolete work as expected we need to follow the steps below.

现在要按预期进行 - 不过时的工作,我们需要按照以下步骤操作。

  1. First thing run python makemessages -l <locale>, this would write .po file with msgid and msgstr.

    首先运行python makemessages -l <​​locale>,这将使用msgid和msgstr编写.po文件。

  2. Now set msgstr and run python compilemessages -l <locale>. This command writes .mo file in the same directory as .po file.

    现在设置msgstr并运行python compilemessages -l <​​locale>。此命令将.mo文件写入与.po文件相同的目录中。

  3. Now next time when you run makemessages again (without --no-obsolete), .po and .mo files are compared and missing/deleted gettext are commented in .po file.


  4. And when you run makemessages --no-obsolete, commented entries are removed from the .po file.
  5. 当你运行makemessages --no-obsolete时,注释的条目将从.po文件中删除。


if you have 3 gettext entries, and you run makemessages first time, it would write 3 msgid and 3 msgstr in .po file. Now if you remove all gettext entries, .po file won't be updated after you run makemessages again, but if your keep at least 1 gettext entry in same file and run makemessages again, it would delete all msgid and msgstr for deleted gettext entries.

如果你有3个gettext条目,并且你第一次运行makemessages,它会在.po文件中写入3 msgid和3 msgstr。现在,如果删除所有gettext条目,再次运行makemessages后将不会更新.po文件,但如果您在同一文件中保留至少1个gettext条目并再次运行makemessages,它将删除已删除的gettext条目的所有msgid和msgstr 。

But if you run compilemessages after makemessages, .mo file is created and then for subsequent makemessages commands .po and .mo files are compared and then msgid and msgstr is commented in .po file for deleted gettext entries.


Then finally when you run makemessages with --no-obsolete option the commented messages from .po files are deleted permanently.
