
时间:2021-04-14 00:03:31

I am using code like the following to redirect stdout before calling a noisy function from an external library written in Fortran:


// copy standard output
out = dup(STDOUT_FILENO);

// close standard output

// use log file as standard output
log = open(log_file, O_WRONLY | O_CREAT, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR);
if(log != STDOUT_FILENO)
    fprintf(stderr, "could not create log file %s", log_file);

// call the library function that uses a lot of printf

// restore original standard output
dup2(out, STDOUT_FILENO);

// close copy of standard output

To summarise my intention of the above code snippet: copy stdout, close stdout (frees file descriptor 0), open file (uses lowest file descriptor = 0 = stdout), run code with redirected stdout, and reset stdout.

总结一下我对上面代码片段的意图:复制stdout,关闭stdout(释放文件描述符0),打开文件(使用最低文件描述符= 0 = stdout),运行带有重定向标准输出的代码,然后重置标准输出。

This works perfectly well when I run my code using the terminal as stdout. However, when I set stdout to a file (using $ mycode > myfile.txt) the redirection fails, and I end up with the output of func() in myfile.txt instead of the log file. How is this possible?

当我使用终端作为stdout运行我的代码时,这非常有效。但是,当我将stdout设置为一个文件(使用$ mycode> myfile.txt)时,重定向失败,我最终在myfile.txt中输出func()而不是日志文件。这怎么可能?

1 个解决方案



You need to do fflush(stdout) before you restore the original stdout with dup2.


The reason it works with a terminal is because stdout is line buffered for a terminal. So your output gets flushed immediately to the redirected file. But when you start your program with stdout to a file, stdout becomes fully buffered, so your func output will be in a buffer waiting to be flushed. When you restore the original stdout without flushing, the output gets written to the original stdout when the program exits.




You need to do fflush(stdout) before you restore the original stdout with dup2.


The reason it works with a terminal is because stdout is line buffered for a terminal. So your output gets flushed immediately to the redirected file. But when you start your program with stdout to a file, stdout becomes fully buffered, so your func output will be in a buffer waiting to be flushed. When you restore the original stdout without flushing, the output gets written to the original stdout when the program exits.
