如何删除文件最后一行的最后一个字符? [重复]

时间:2021-12-06 00:02:13

This question already has an answer here:


I have this set of lines in a file:



and I want the file like this without the last ",":



How can I do it in bash? Any idea?


2 个解决方案



You can use sed:


sed '$ s/.$//' your_file
  • First $ is to tell sed to match only last line
  • 第一个$是告诉sed只匹配最后一行

  • s is for "substitute", note the empty string between the two last /s
  • s代表“替代”,注意两个最后/秒之间的空字符串

  • .$ is a regex that matches the last character in the file
  • 。$是与文件中最后一个字符匹配的正则表达式

Note that you can use whatever separator you want instead of /, for example you can rewrite the expression:


sed '$ s-.$--' your_file



In vim, you could use :substitute or :s to do this as well. It's a vim-built in -- you can read about it here http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Search_and_replace

在vim中,您可以使用:substitute或:s来执行此操作。这是一个vim内置 - 你可以在这里阅读它http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Search_and_replace

The syntax is very similar to the other posted solution, you'd go into the command mode and type in :$s/.$//g

语法与其他发布的解决方案非常相似,您将进入命令模式并键入:$ s /.$// g



You can use sed:


sed '$ s/.$//' your_file
  • First $ is to tell sed to match only last line
  • 第一个$是告诉sed只匹配最后一行

  • s is for "substitute", note the empty string between the two last /s
  • s代表“替代”,注意两个最后/秒之间的空字符串

  • .$ is a regex that matches the last character in the file
  • 。$是与文件中最后一个字符匹配的正则表达式

Note that you can use whatever separator you want instead of /, for example you can rewrite the expression:


sed '$ s-.$--' your_file



In vim, you could use :substitute or :s to do this as well. It's a vim-built in -- you can read about it here http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Search_and_replace

在vim中,您可以使用:substitute或:s来执行此操作。这是一个vim内置 - 你可以在这里阅读它http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Search_and_replace

The syntax is very similar to the other posted solution, you'd go into the command mode and type in :$s/.$//g

语法与其他发布的解决方案非常相似,您将进入命令模式并键入:$ s /.$// g