使用用户身份验证,发送/接收数据创建Node.js + socket.io服务器/客户端

时间:2022-07-24 23:53:36

I need to create web-based system with users live interaction (sending/receiving data) based on Node.js + socket.io. I've googled a lot of materials about Node.js and websockets but there are very much different solutions (using different frameworks and technologies) according different parts of my needs.

我需要创建基于Web的系统,用户可以基于Node.js + socket.io进行实时交互(发送/接收数据)。我搜索了很多关于Node.js和websockets的资料,但根据我的需求,我们有不同的解决方案(使用不同的框架和技术)。

Please recommend some good and effective solution to create such web-based system where users could authenticate themselves using PHP sessions and some users directly using node.js require('mysql')..

请推荐一些好的有效解决方案来创建这样的基于Web的系统,用户可以使用PHP会话进行身份验证,一些用户直接使用node.js require('mysql')。

How to keep live sessions with Node.js+socket.io after user authentication and keep updated live results even if browser window was unexpectedly closed?

如何在用户身份验证后保持与Node.js + socket.io的实时会话,并保持更新的实时结果,即使浏览器窗口意外关闭?

How to send/receive data arrays or only changed data keys values from one user to another and send data only to specified group of users from administrator?


Please provide me some information and/or links according your experience with similar web-based system needs.


Thanks in advance for your help and patience.


1 个解决方案



You could actually build what (I think) you're describing purely using Node.JS, Socket.IO, session sockets, Redis, and passport.js


http://passportjs.org/ is an excellent library for doing user login in Node.JS


http://redis.io/topics/quickstart can be used as a session store, along with session sockets. By using a session store, you ensure that as long as the session store is active, a user's session will not be destroyed by simply closing the browser window. You would have to either kill the session store, destroy the session, or configure the session store to automatically destroy the session after some time


To send messages over a socket.io socket to a particular user, you can save his socket when he first connects. It would look something like this


var storedSockets = {}
io.socket.on("connection", function (socket) {
    storedSockets[socket.id] = socket

Now, whenever you want to connect to that particular socket, you can access it through storedSockets like this


storedSockets[socket_id_of_required_socket].emit("testing", {})

Of course, you need to store the socket id somewhere safe and have a reliable way to retrieve the one you want. For example, if you have a Users table in your database, you could store each users socket id with his record. For groups, just find all the users that fall in a group, and one after the other retrieve their sockets and send the messages




You could actually build what (I think) you're describing purely using Node.JS, Socket.IO, session sockets, Redis, and passport.js


http://passportjs.org/ is an excellent library for doing user login in Node.JS


http://redis.io/topics/quickstart can be used as a session store, along with session sockets. By using a session store, you ensure that as long as the session store is active, a user's session will not be destroyed by simply closing the browser window. You would have to either kill the session store, destroy the session, or configure the session store to automatically destroy the session after some time


To send messages over a socket.io socket to a particular user, you can save his socket when he first connects. It would look something like this


var storedSockets = {}
io.socket.on("connection", function (socket) {
    storedSockets[socket.id] = socket

Now, whenever you want to connect to that particular socket, you can access it through storedSockets like this


storedSockets[socket_id_of_required_socket].emit("testing", {})

Of course, you need to store the socket id somewhere safe and have a reliable way to retrieve the one you want. For example, if you have a Users table in your database, you could store each users socket id with his record. For groups, just find all the users that fall in a group, and one after the other retrieve their sockets and send the messages
