Active-X与Ajax Internet客户端 - 服务器通信

时间:2021-10-03 23:54:40

I have to use scanner on Internet site web page. As far as I know not Flash nor Silverlight is capable to communicate with such hardware nowadays. It looks like there is no alternative to Active-X at present for such operation (correct me if I'm wrong).


After image is scanned I have to send it to server via HTTPS and wait for processing result.


I have some alternatives here:


  • Start ajax polling with regular interval
  • 定期启动ajax轮询
  • Put polling functionality straight into active-x component
  • 将轮询功能直接放入active-x组件中

What approach would you personally preffer?


Is it possible to establish event mechanism for Active-X approach (when server pushes result back to a web-page?). Will events work for javascript/ajax approach?

是否可以为Active-X方法建立事件机制(当服务器将结果推回到网页时?)。事件是否适用于javascript / ajax方法?

Thank you in advance!


1 个解决方案



Have the client scan and upload a file. That's how it's done these days. Scanning software is a part of OS - at least, in Windows and MacOS it is.

让客户端扫描并上传文件。这就是现在这样做的方式。扫描软件是操作系统的一部分 - 至少在Windows和MacOS中是这样。

With an ActiveX object, it will become a support nightmare. Also, think of all the Firefox/Chrome/Opera/Non-Windows users out there.

使用ActiveX对象,它将成为支持噩梦。另外,想想那里的所有Firefox / Chrome / Opera /非Windows用户。

Also, I vaguely recall scanner support will be added in HTML5.




Have the client scan and upload a file. That's how it's done these days. Scanning software is a part of OS - at least, in Windows and MacOS it is.

让客户端扫描并上传文件。这就是现在这样做的方式。扫描软件是操作系统的一部分 - 至少在Windows和MacOS中是这样。

With an ActiveX object, it will become a support nightmare. Also, think of all the Firefox/Chrome/Opera/Non-Windows users out there.

使用ActiveX对象,它将成为支持噩梦。另外,想想那里的所有Firefox / Chrome / Opera /非Windows用户。

Also, I vaguely recall scanner support will be added in HTML5.
