用于签名和加密文件的客户端 - 服务器解决方案

时间:2022-10-08 23:55:34

I'm looking for a solution to perform file encrypting and signing. This would be done on the client side, and signature check and decryption on the server side.


Some details:

  • This should work for any kind of file (the signature should be "attached" to the file, not inside it like with PDFs)
  • 这适用于任何类型的文件(签名应该“附加”到文件,而不是像PDF一样在其中)

  • At least the server side should be Java based (the client could be a Java applet)
  • 至少服务器端应该是基于Java的(客户端可以是Java applet)

EDIT: The client part is really the greater issue here. While the server side can be implemented with existing libraries, the client should be an existing application (even if commercial).


2 个解决方案


You would need to use PGP or something similar on the client side then. There are standards for signing and verifying signatures on messages and/or files, and there are certainly commercial and free products for this. I would recommend using PGP on the clients, and you can look up either a PGP library for Java to use on the server, or you can check out how PGP wraps up the data to emulate that (after all, signing data is a standard and well documented procedure, albeit cumbersome).


The Bouncy Castle library for Java has some OpenPGP support, you can check it out to see how compatible it is with a PGP implementation for Windows or whatever the clients use. Cryptix also has some OpenPGP support but that library was meant for Java 1.3 and hasn't been updated since 2005. I recommend you use BC instead.

用于Java的Bouncy Castle库具有一些OpenPGP支持,您可以查看它以了解它与Windows的PGP实现以及客户端使用的任何内容的兼容性。 Cryptix也有一些OpenPGP支持,但该库适用于Java 1.3,自2005年以来一直没有更新。我建议您使用BC。


The Cryptix project is an open source java PGP library.

Cryptix项目是一个开源的Java PGP库。


You would need to use PGP or something similar on the client side then. There are standards for signing and verifying signatures on messages and/or files, and there are certainly commercial and free products for this. I would recommend using PGP on the clients, and you can look up either a PGP library for Java to use on the server, or you can check out how PGP wraps up the data to emulate that (after all, signing data is a standard and well documented procedure, albeit cumbersome).


The Bouncy Castle library for Java has some OpenPGP support, you can check it out to see how compatible it is with a PGP implementation for Windows or whatever the clients use. Cryptix also has some OpenPGP support but that library was meant for Java 1.3 and hasn't been updated since 2005. I recommend you use BC instead.

用于Java的Bouncy Castle库具有一些OpenPGP支持,您可以查看它以了解它与Windows的PGP实现以及客户端使用的任何内容的兼容性。 Cryptix也有一些OpenPGP支持,但该库适用于Java 1.3,自2005年以来一直没有更新。我建议您使用BC。


The Cryptix project is an open source java PGP library.

Cryptix项目是一个开源的Java PGP库。