[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)

时间:2022-04-07 23:56:13


首先,如果你看一下starling的类结构图的话,你会发现starling和本地显示列表结构不同的地方在于它没有InteractiveObject类(InteractiveObject 类是用户可以使用鼠标和键盘与之交互的所有显示对象的抽象基类),所有的显示对象使用默认的交互,换句话说,在displayobject中定义了这些交互行为(starling其实从本地stage中注册事件,然后通过自己的结构将本地MouseEvent和TouchEvent结合成为它自己的独有的TouchEvent,这样开发桌面应用时,基本不用做什么修改就可以移植到移动平台了,大家知道的,现在平板电脑正在疯狂普及呐!)。

我们在前面已经用到过touch事件了。我们从最基本的东西开始,比如捕捉当鼠标触碰到quad时触发的事件。为了实现这点我们使用 TouchEvent.TOUCH事件:

1 // when the sprite is touched 2 _customSprite.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onTouchedSprite); 



[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)
 1 private function onTouch (e:TouchEvent):void  2 {  3   // get the mouse location related to the stage  4     var touch:Touch = e.getTouch(stage);  5     var pos:Point = touch.getLocation(stage);  6   7     trace ( touch.phase );  8   9     // store the mouse coordinates 10     _mouseY = pos.y; 11     _mouseX = pos.x; 12 } 
[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)


1 •  began : A mouse or finger starts interacting (similar to a mouse down state). 2 •  ended : A mouse or finger stop interacting (similar to a native click state). 3 •  hover : A mouse or finger is hovering an object. (similar to a native mouse over state) 4 •  moved : A mouse or finger is moving an object (similar to a native  mouse down state + a mouse move state). 5 •  stationary : A mouse or finger stopped interactng with an object and stays over it. 


[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)
1 •  ctrlKey : A boolean returning the state of the ctrl key (down or not). 2 •  getTouch: Gets the first Touch object that originated over a certain target and are in a certain phase. 3 •  getTouches : Gets a set of Touch objects that originated over a certain target and are in a certain phase. 4 •  shiftKey: A boolean returning the state of the shift key (down or not). 5 •  timestamp : The time the event occurred (in seconds since application launch). 6 •  touches : All touches that are currently happening. 
[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)



[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)
 1 •  clone : Clones the object.  2 •  getLocation: Converts the current location of a touch to the local coordinate system of a display object.  3 •  getPreviousLocation: Converts the previous location of a touch to the local coordinate system of a display  4 object.  5 •  globalX: The x-position of the touch in screen coordinates.  6 •  globalY : The y-position of the touch in screen coordinates.  7 •  id: A unique id for the object.  8 •  phase : The current phase the touch is in.  9 •  previousGlobalX : The previous x-position of the touch in screen coordinates. 10 •  previousGlobalY : The previous y-position of the touch in screen coordinates 11 •  tapCount : The number of taps the finger made in a short amount of time. Use this to detect double-taps, etc. 12 •  target : The display object at which the touch occurred. 13 •  timestamp : The moment the event occurred (in seconds since application start). 14  
[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)




[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)
package{     import flash.display.Sprite;     import flash.display.StageAlign;     import flash.display.StageScaleMode;     import starling.core.Starling; 

    [SWF(width="1280", height="752", frameRate="60", backgroundColor="#002143")]     public class Startup extends Sprite     {         private var mStarling:Starling; 

        public function Startup()         {            // stats class for fps       addChild ( new Stats() ); 

      stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;       stage.scaleMode = StageScaleMode.NO_SCALE; 

      // create our Starling instance               mStarling = new Starling(Game, stage);       // emulate multi-touch       mStarling.simulateMultitouch = true;              // set anti-aliasing (higher the better quality but slower performance)              mStarling.antiAliasing = 1;              // start it!       mStarling.start();         }     } } 
[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)


[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)



[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)
 1 package   2 {  3     import flash.geom.Point;  4   5     import starling.display.Sprite;  6     import starling.events.Event;  7     import starling.events.Touch;  8     import starling.events.TouchEvent;  9     import starling.events.TouchPhase; 10  11     public class Game extends Sprite 12     { 13     private var customSprite:CustomSprite; 14      15         public function Game() 16         {   17       addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, onAdded); 18         } 19  20     private function onAdded ( e:Event ):void 21     { 22       // create the custom sprite 23       customSprite = new CustomSprite(200, 200); 24        25       // positions it by default in the center of the stage 26       // we add half width because of the registration point of the custom sprite (middle) 27       customSprite.x = (stage.stageWidth - customSprite.width >> 1 ) + (customSprite.width >> 1); 28       customSprite.y = (stage.stageHeight - customSprite.height >> 1) + (customSprite.height >> 1); 29        30       // show it 31       addChild(customSprite); 32  33       // we listen to the mouse movement on the stage 34       //stage.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onTouch); 35       // need to comment this one ? ;) 36       stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onFrame); 37       // when the sprite is touched 38       customSprite.addEventListener(TouchEvent.TOUCH, onTouchedSprite); 39     } 40  41     private function onFrame (e:Event):void 42     { 43       // we update our custom sprite 44       customSprite.update(); 45     } 46  47     private function onTouchedSprite(e:TouchEvent):void 48     { 49             // retrieves the touch points 50             var touches:Vector.<Touch> = e.touches; 51  52             // if two fingers 53             if ( touches.length == 2 ) 54             { 55                 var finger1:Touch = touches[0]; 56                 var finger2:Touch = touches[1]; 57  58                 var distance:int; 59                 var dx:int; 60                 var dy:int; 61  62                 // if both fingers moving (dragging) 63                 if ( finger1.phase == TouchPhase.MOVED && finger2.phase == TouchPhase.MOVED ) 64                 { 65                     // calculate the distance between each axes 66                     dx = Math.abs ( finger1.globalX - finger2.globalX ); 67                     dy = Math.abs ( finger1.globalY - finger2.globalY ); 68                      69                     // calculate the distance 70                     distance = Math.sqrt(dx*dx+dy*dy); 71  72                     trace ( distance ); 73                 } 74             } 75     } 76     } 77 } 
[转]starling教程-触摸事件(Touch Events)(四)
