使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

时间:2022-08-15 23:48:21

1. 概述

作为Windows Azure的用户,使用Azure的过程中,最担心的事情就是还没到月底,预设的费用就快消耗完了(下面两张账单图是我最讨厌看到的)。但是仔细分析自己的费用列表,发现绝大部分费用消耗在虚拟机上,而Azure的虚拟机是按照开机时间来计费的,因此迫切需要找到一个方案来节省虚拟机的开销。最简单的方案就是在不需要的时候将虚拟机自动关闭,需要的时间让其自动开机。在Google了一通以后,发现可以通过Azure的自动化(Automation)功能达到上述目的。下面介绍我在Azure上的实践,通过设置Azure Automation,实现定时自动启动和关闭虚拟机。

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机  使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

2. 必要条件

1. Windows Azure的订阅账户

2. 在Azure中有可以正常启动和关闭的虚拟机。可以参考这个链接创建一个虚拟机https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/documentation/articles/virtual-machines-windows-tutorial/ 

3. 创建自动化账户 Automation


使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

4. 创建和管理证书

4.1 在IIS中创建证书

在Azure订阅中运行自动化的任务(脚本),需要使用基于证书的认证。你可以使用第三方的商业证书,也可以在任意一台安装了Internet Infomation Services (IIS)的服务器上创建一个证书。下面介绍如何在Windows Server 2012中使用IIS创建一个自签名的证书:

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

4.2 从IIS中导出.pfx证书

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

4.3 从IIS中导出.cer证书

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

4.4 将.cer证书上传到订阅账户

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

5. 配置自动化脚本

  5.1 配置资产,准备自动化脚本运行过程中需要的素材

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机


使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机


5.2 配置自动化脚本


使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机


使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机


workflow Start-VM-danzhang-win7
       $MyConnection = "AzureConnection-1"
       $MyCert = "AutomationCredential-1"
    # Get the Azure Automation Connection
    $Con = Get-AutomationConnection -Name $MyConnection
    if ($Con -eq $null)
        Write-Output "Connection entered: $MyConnection does not exist in the automation service. Please create one `n"  
        $SubscriptionID = $Con.SubscriptionID
        $ManagementCertificate = $Con.AutomationCertificateName

    # Get Certificate & print out its properties
    $Cert = Get-AutomationCertificate -Name $MyCert
    if ($Cert -eq $null)
        Write-Output "Certificate entered: $MyCert does not exist in the automation service. Please create one `n"  
        $Thumbprint = $Cert.Thumbprint

        #Set and Select the Azure Subscription
         Set-AzureSubscription `
            -SubscriptionName "My Azure Subscription" `
            -Certificate $Cert `
            -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID `

        #Select Azure Subscription
         Select-AzureSubscription `
            -SubscriptionName "My Azure Subscription"

    Write-Output "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"

       Write-Output "Starting the VM.."

       # Please type the name of your Domain Controllers

# function to get local time (example Convert UTC tome to Indian Time Zone)
Function Get-LocalTime($UTCTime)
$strCurrentTimeZone = 'India Standard Time'
$TZ = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($strCurrentTimeZone)
$LocalTime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($UTCTime, $TZ)
Return $LocalTime

#convert date time to UTC time Zone
$date = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
# call function to get local time
$locatTime= Get-LocalTime($date)
#get day of week eg. Friday
$locatTimeDayOfWeek= ($locatTime).DayOfWeek
#get current day of the date eg. if current date is 21 November 2014 09:55:18 then day will be 21
$localTimeDay= ($locatTime).Day


#do not start VM on saturday and Sunday

if($locatTimeDayOfWeek -ne "Saturday" -and $locatTimeDayOfWeek -ne "Sunday")
#$sample = Get-AzureWinRMUri -ServiceName $Using:CloudServiceName -Name $Using:VMName
$StartOutPut = Start-AzureVM -ServiceName "danzhang-win7" -Name "danzhang-win7"
Write-Output $"Virtual Machine danzhang-win7 started."
Write-Output $StartOutPut

elseif($localTimeDay -le 7 -and $locatTimeDayOfWeek -eq "Saturday")
$StartOutPut = Start-AzureVM -ServiceName "danzhang-win7" -Name "danzhang-win7"

Write-Output $"Virtual Machine danzhang-win7 started."
Write-Output $StartOutPut
Write-Output "Virtual Machine is not started, because today is not a working day."

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机


使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机



workflow Stop-VM-danzhang-win7
       $MyConnection = "AzureConnection-1"
       $MyCert = "AutomationCredential-1"
    # Get the Azure Automation Connection
    $Con = Get-AutomationConnection -Name $MyConnection
    if ($Con -eq $null)
        Write-Output "Connection entered: $MyConnection does not exist in the automation service. Please create one `n"  
        $SubscriptionID = $Con.SubscriptionID
        $ManagementCertificate = $Con.AutomationCertificateName

    # Get Certificate & print out its properties
    $Cert = Get-AutomationCertificate -Name $MyCert
    if ($Cert -eq $null)
        Write-Output "Certificate entered: $MyCert does not exist in the automation service. Please create one `n"  
        $Thumbprint = $Cert.Thumbprint

        #Set and Select the Azure Subscription
         Set-AzureSubscription `
            -SubscriptionName "My Azure Subscription" `
            -Certificate $Cert `
            -SubscriptionId $SubscriptionID `

        #Select Azure Subscription
         Select-AzureSubscription `
            -SubscriptionName "My Azure Subscription"

    Write-Output "-------------------------------------------------------------------------"

       Write-Output "Stoping the VM.."

       # Please type the name of your Domain Controllers

# function to get local time (example Convert UTC tome to Indian Time Zone)
Function Get-LocalTime($UTCTime)
$strCurrentTimeZone = 'India Standard Time'
$TZ = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::FindSystemTimeZoneById($strCurrentTimeZone)
$LocalTime = [System.TimeZoneInfo]::ConvertTimeFromUtc($UTCTime, $TZ)
Return $LocalTime

#convert date time to UTC time Zone
$date = (Get-Date).ToUniversalTime()
# call function to get local time
$locatTime= Get-LocalTime($date)
#get day of week eg. Friday
$locatTimeDayOfWeek= ($locatTime).DayOfWeek
#get current day of the date eg. if current date is 21 November 2014 09:55:18 then day will be 21
$localTimeDay= ($locatTime).Day


#do not start VM on saturday and Sunday

if($locatTimeDayOfWeek -ne "Saturday" -and $locatTimeDayOfWeek -ne "Sunday")


#$StopOutPut = Start-AzureVM -ServiceName "mkadamvm" -Name $Using:test

#$sample = Get-AzureWinRMUri -ServiceName $Using:CloudServiceName -Name $Using:VMName

$StopOutPut = Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName "danzhang-win7" -Name "danzhang-win7" -Force
Write-Output $"Virtual Machine danzhang-win7 Stopped."
Write-Output $StopOutPut

elseif($localTimeDay -le 7 -and $locatTimeDayOfWeek -eq "Saturday")
$StopOutPut = Stop-AzureVM -ServiceName "danzhang-win7" -Name "danzhang-win7" -Force

Write-Output $"Virtual Machine danzhang-win7 Stopped."
Write-Output $StartOutPut
Write-Output "Virtual Machine is not started, because today is not a working day."



使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机

使用Azure Automation(自动化)定时关闭和启动虚拟机



http://www.cnblogs.com/danzhang/  ALM MVP 张洪君