Using pandas and numpy. How may I achieve the following:
df['thecol'] = np.where(
(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift(1)) &
(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift(2)) &
(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift(3)) &
(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift(4)) &
(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift(5)) &
(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift(6)) &
(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift(7)) &
(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift(8)) &
(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift(9)) &
(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift(10))
Without such ugly repetition of code, if it is only the number that is changing? I would like to have the same code with any number that I provide without typing it all out manually?
It is meant to compare the current value in column "a" to a value in same column one row above, and two rows above, etc, and result in "istrue" if all of these conditions are true
I tried shifting the dataframe in a for loop then appending the value to a list and calculating the maximum of it to only have (df["a"] >= maxvalue) once but it wouldn't work for me either. I am a novice at Python and will likely ask more silly questions in the near future
我尝试在for循环中移动数据帧,然后将值附加到列表并计算它的最大值只有(df [“a”]> = maxvalue)一次,但它对我也不起作用。我是Python的新手,可能会在不久的将来提出更多愚蠢的问题
This works but I would like it to also work without this much repetetive code so I can learn to code properly. I tried examples with yield generator but could not manage to get it working either
这有效,但我希望它也能在没有这么多重复代码的情况下工作,这样我就可以学会正确编码。我尝试了yield yield的例子,但无法让它工作
@Edit: Answered by Wen. I needed rolling
In the end I came up with this terrible terrible approach:
def whereconditions(n):
s1 = 'df["thecol"] = np.where('
L = []
while n > 0:
s2 = '(df["a"] >= df["a"].shift('+str(n)+')) &'
n = n -1
s3 = ",'istrue','isnottrue')"
r = s1+str([x for x in L]).replace("'","").replace(",","").replace("&]","")+s3
return str(r.replace("([(","(("))
call = whereconditions(10)
1 个解决方案
Sounds Like you need rolling
Sounds Like you need rolling