
时间:2021-05-05 23:40:52

I am running to a problem where I have a WPF shader effect (modified from Rene Schulte) to simulate Dot Matrix Display (DMD). Everything works great, but all dots are aliased.

我正在运行一个问题,我有一个WPF着色效果(从Rene Schulte修改)模拟点矩阵显示(DMD)。一切都很好,但所有的点都是假的。

See attached image. WPF着色效果-抗锯齿不显示


I tried many features within WPF, to bring antialiasing, nothing to do.


in constructor (image within a textbox);


RenderOptions.SetBitmapScalingMode(MarqueeTB, BitmapScalingMode.HighQuality);
RenderOptions.SetEdgeMode(MarqueeTB, EdgeMode.Unspecified);
RenderOptions.SetClearTypeHint(MarqueeTB, ClearTypeHint.Enabled);

I don't think it is my graphic card or Windows config. I did some testing on two PCs, same results; Windows 8.1 and Windows 7.

我不认为这是我的图形卡或Windows配置。我在两台pc上做了一些测试,结果是一样的;Windows 8.1和Windows 7。

I have no clue how to proceed. Any help or advises would be welcome.


Thanks in advance, regards, Shader code:


//   Project:           Shaders
//   Description:       Mosaic Shader for Coding4Fun.
//   Changed by:        $Author$
//   Changed on:        $Date$
//   Changed in:        $Revision$
//   Project:           $URL$
//   Id:                $Id$
//   Copyright (c) 2010 Rene Schulte

/// <description>Mosaic Shader for Coding4Fun.</description>

/// <summary>The number pixel blocks.</summary>
/// <type>Single</type>
/// <minValue>2</minValue>
/// <maxValue>500</maxValue>
/// <defaultValue>50</defaultValue>
float BlockCount : register(C0);

/// <summary>The rounding of a pixel block.</summary>
/// <type>Single</type>
/// <minValue>0</minValue>
/// <maxValue>1</maxValue>
/// <defaultValue>0.45</defaultValue>
float Max : register(C2);

/// <summary>The aspect ratio of the image.</summary>
/// <type>Single</type>
/// <minValue>0</minValue>
/// <maxValue>10</maxValue>
/// <defaultValue>1</defaultValue>
float AspectRatio : register(C3);

// Sampler
sampler2D input : register(S0);

// Static computed vars for optimization
static float2 BlockCount2 = float2(BlockCount, BlockCount  / AspectRatio);
static float2 BlockSize2 = 1.0f / BlockCount2; 

// Shader
float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
     // Calculate block center
     float2 blockPos = floor(uv * BlockCount2);
     float2 blockCenter = blockPos * BlockSize2 + BlockSize2 * 0.5;

     // Scale coordinates back to original ratio for rounding
     float2 uvScaled = float2(uv.x * AspectRatio, uv.y);
     float2 blockCenterScaled = float2(blockCenter.x * AspectRatio, blockCenter.y);

     // Round the block by testing the distance of the pixel coordinate to the center
     float dist = length(uvScaled - blockCenterScaled) * BlockCount2;
     if(dist < 0 || dist > Max)
         return 1;

     // Sample color at the calculated coordinate
     return tex2D(input, blockCenter);

2 个解决方案



Is it layout rounding? Try MarqueeTB.UseLayoutRounding = false;

布局舍入吗?MarqueeTB试试。UseLayoutRounding = false;



Here is a solution & the corrected code accordingly. I am not sure if this is 'the best' way, but it worked. (see antialiasedCircle section, solution from: http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/34582/how-do-i-use-screen-space-derivatives-to-antialias-a-parametric-shape-in-a-pixel )

这里有一个解决方案和相应的修正代码。我不确定这是否是“最好的”方法,但它确实奏效了。(参见antialiasedCircle一节,解决方案:http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/34582/how-do-i-use-screen- screen-space派生到antialias-a- parameter - shapmly)

//   Project:           Dot Matrix Display (DMD) Shader
//  Inspired from From Mosaic shader Copyright (c) 2010 Rene Schulte

/// <summary>The number pixel blocks.</summary>
/// <type>Single</type>
/// <minValue>2</minValue>
/// <maxValue>500</maxValue>
/// <defaultValue>34</defaultValue>

float BlockCount : register(C0);

/// <summary>The rounding of a pixel block.</summary>
/// <type>Single</type>
/// <minValue>0</minValue>
/// <maxValue>1</maxValue>
/// <defaultValue>0.45</defaultValue>
float Max : register(C2);

/// <summary>The aspect ratio of the image.</summary>
/// <type>Single</type>
/// <minValue>0</minValue>
/// <maxValue>10</maxValue>
/// <defaultValue>1.55</defaultValue>
float AspectRatio : register(C3);

/// <summary>The monochrome color used to tint the input.</summary>
/// <defaultValue>Yellow</defaultValue>
float4 FilterColor : register(C1);

/// <summary>monochrome.</summary>
/// <defaultValue>1</defaultValue>
float IsMonochrome : register(C4);

// Sampler
sampler2D input : register(S0);

// Static computed vars for optimization
static float2 BlockCount2 = float2(BlockCount, BlockCount  / AspectRatio);
static float2 BlockSize2 = 1.0f / BlockCount2; 

float4 setMonochrome(float4 color) : COLOR
   float4 monochrome= color;
   if(((int)IsMonochrome) == 1)
      float3 rgb = color.rgb;
      float3 luminance = dot(rgb, float3(0.30, 0.59, 0.11));
     monochrome= float4(luminance * FilterColor.rgb, color.a);
    return monochrome;

float4 SetDMD(float2 uv : TEXCOORD, sampler2D samp) : COLOR
     // Calculate block center
     float2 blockPos = floor(uv * BlockCount2);
     float2 blockCenter = blockPos * BlockSize2 + BlockSize2 * 0.5;

     // Scale coordinates back to original ratio for rounding
     float2 uvScaled = float2(uv.x * AspectRatio, uv.y);
     float2 blockCenterScaled = float2(blockCenter.x * AspectRatio, blockCenter.y);

     // Round the block by testing the distance of the pixel coordinate to the center
     float dist = length(uvScaled - blockCenterScaled) * BlockCount2;

      float4 insideColor= tex2D(samp, blockCenter);

     float4 outsideColor = insideColor; 
         outsideColor.r = 0; 
         outsideColor.g = 0; 
         outsideColor.b = 0; 
         outsideColor.a = 1; 

      float distFromEdge = Max - dist;  // positive when inside the circle
     float thresholdWidth = .22;  // a constant you'd tune to get the right level of softness
     float antialiasedCircle = saturate((distFromEdge / thresholdWidth) + 0.5);

     return lerp(outsideColor, insideColor, antialiasedCircle);

// Shader
float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
     float4 DMD= SetDMD(uv, input);
     DMD = setMonochrome(DMD);

     return DMD;

Here is an image of the successful solution; WPF着色效果-抗锯齿不显示




Is it layout rounding? Try MarqueeTB.UseLayoutRounding = false;

布局舍入吗?MarqueeTB试试。UseLayoutRounding = false;



Here is a solution & the corrected code accordingly. I am not sure if this is 'the best' way, but it worked. (see antialiasedCircle section, solution from: http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/34582/how-do-i-use-screen-space-derivatives-to-antialias-a-parametric-shape-in-a-pixel )

这里有一个解决方案和相应的修正代码。我不确定这是否是“最好的”方法,但它确实奏效了。(参见antialiasedCircle一节,解决方案:http://gamedev.stackexchange.com/questions/34582/how-do-i-use-screen- screen-space派生到antialias-a- parameter - shapmly)

//   Project:           Dot Matrix Display (DMD) Shader
//  Inspired from From Mosaic shader Copyright (c) 2010 Rene Schulte

/// <summary>The number pixel blocks.</summary>
/// <type>Single</type>
/// <minValue>2</minValue>
/// <maxValue>500</maxValue>
/// <defaultValue>34</defaultValue>

float BlockCount : register(C0);

/// <summary>The rounding of a pixel block.</summary>
/// <type>Single</type>
/// <minValue>0</minValue>
/// <maxValue>1</maxValue>
/// <defaultValue>0.45</defaultValue>
float Max : register(C2);

/// <summary>The aspect ratio of the image.</summary>
/// <type>Single</type>
/// <minValue>0</minValue>
/// <maxValue>10</maxValue>
/// <defaultValue>1.55</defaultValue>
float AspectRatio : register(C3);

/// <summary>The monochrome color used to tint the input.</summary>
/// <defaultValue>Yellow</defaultValue>
float4 FilterColor : register(C1);

/// <summary>monochrome.</summary>
/// <defaultValue>1</defaultValue>
float IsMonochrome : register(C4);

// Sampler
sampler2D input : register(S0);

// Static computed vars for optimization
static float2 BlockCount2 = float2(BlockCount, BlockCount  / AspectRatio);
static float2 BlockSize2 = 1.0f / BlockCount2; 

float4 setMonochrome(float4 color) : COLOR
   float4 monochrome= color;
   if(((int)IsMonochrome) == 1)
      float3 rgb = color.rgb;
      float3 luminance = dot(rgb, float3(0.30, 0.59, 0.11));
     monochrome= float4(luminance * FilterColor.rgb, color.a);
    return monochrome;

float4 SetDMD(float2 uv : TEXCOORD, sampler2D samp) : COLOR
     // Calculate block center
     float2 blockPos = floor(uv * BlockCount2);
     float2 blockCenter = blockPos * BlockSize2 + BlockSize2 * 0.5;

     // Scale coordinates back to original ratio for rounding
     float2 uvScaled = float2(uv.x * AspectRatio, uv.y);
     float2 blockCenterScaled = float2(blockCenter.x * AspectRatio, blockCenter.y);

     // Round the block by testing the distance of the pixel coordinate to the center
     float dist = length(uvScaled - blockCenterScaled) * BlockCount2;

      float4 insideColor= tex2D(samp, blockCenter);

     float4 outsideColor = insideColor; 
         outsideColor.r = 0; 
         outsideColor.g = 0; 
         outsideColor.b = 0; 
         outsideColor.a = 1; 

      float distFromEdge = Max - dist;  // positive when inside the circle
     float thresholdWidth = .22;  // a constant you'd tune to get the right level of softness
     float antialiasedCircle = saturate((distFromEdge / thresholdWidth) + 0.5);

     return lerp(outsideColor, insideColor, antialiasedCircle);

// Shader
float4 main(float2 uv : TEXCOORD) : COLOR
     float4 DMD= SetDMD(uv, input);
     DMD = setMonochrome(DMD);

     return DMD;

Here is an image of the successful solution; WPF着色效果-抗锯齿不显示
