
时间:2022-06-01 19:13:25

I am currently testing this in Mozilla FireFox 3.0.5 using FireBug 1.3.0 with jQuery 1.2.6.

我目前正在使用带有jQuery 1.2.6的FireBug 1.3.0在Mozilla FireFox 3.0.5中进行测试。

First try

document.getElementById("x").onfocus = function ()
    var helloWorld = "Hello World";

FireBug console:

document.getElementById("helloworld").onfocus.toString() = function body as a string


$("#helloworld").get(0).onfocus.toString() = function body as a string


Second try

$("#helloworld").focus(function ()
    var helloWorld = "Hello World";

FireBug console:

document.getElementById("helloworld").onfocus.toString() = FireBug returns nothing

document.getElementById(“helloworld”)。onfocus.toString()= FireBug什么都不返回

$("#helloworld").get(0).onfocus.toString() = FireBug returns nothing

$(“#helloworld”)。get(0).onfocus.toString()= FireBug什么都不返回

What am I missing here? Why can't I find the callbacks when attaching them with jQuery?


2 个解决方案


To view events that jQuery has bound use :



If you bind the focus as per your example and you run the above in firebug console it will return


Object focus=Object


jQuery doesn't attach the callbacks directly, instead it stores them internally in a registry. Whenever an event is triggered, jQuery looks in the registry and calls the callback that you asked for earlier.


This gives you the advantage of being able to stack multiple callbacks onto a single element's event, but it has the disadvantage that you must use jQuery's event handler routines to set, get, and remove the callbacks.



To view events that jQuery has bound use :



If you bind the focus as per your example and you run the above in firebug console it will return


Object focus=Object


jQuery doesn't attach the callbacks directly, instead it stores them internally in a registry. Whenever an event is triggered, jQuery looks in the registry and calls the callback that you asked for earlier.


This gives you the advantage of being able to stack multiple callbacks onto a single element's event, but it has the disadvantage that you must use jQuery's event handler routines to set, get, and remove the callbacks.
