
时间:2022-02-08 02:15:10

Let say we have 2 variable that use in multiple events.


But each variable take value from event itself.


For example

$('#el1').click(function() {
    var a = $('#inp').val(); //same as a below event
    var b = $(this).attr('for'); //same as b below event
    data = { c1 : a, c2 : b };

$('#el2').click(function() {
    var a = $('#inp').val(); // same as a above event
    var b = $(this).attr('for'); // same as b above event
    data = { f1 : a, f2 : b };

In above code that wrote same variable for some events. Each variable has same element attribute but also will bind different value, cause the variable put into different event.


You know we only need wrote same variable at once. without make same variable twice in it events.


Then how to do..?


1 个解决方案



If you want to do this, you need to use global variables. This explains the rules for javascript variable scope.


Generally, global variables should be used sparingly, to avoid getting them mixed up throughout your code. Also, there are problems with what you want to do.


Let's look at b first. You are thinking that they are the "same variable." But they aren't: this refers to el1 in your first event, and it refers to el2 in your second event. So, just because you are defining them with the same code, they are not going to be the same value. You need to keep them separate.


Now, suppose you do create a global variable for a, like this:


var a = $('#inp').val(); 

$('#el1').click(function() {
    var b = $(this).attr('for'); 
    data = { c1 : a, c2 : b };

$('#el2').click(function() {
    var b = $(this).attr('for'); // same as b above event
    data = { f1 : a, f2 : b };

When you do this, a will equal the value of your inp element at the point in time that you declare the variable. That value will have changed by the time that you fire your click event, so you will have an error that will be very hard to find if you don't understand this.


If you really want to, you can do a global variable like this:


var a = $('#inp');

and then in your handler:


data = { c1 : a.val(), c2 : b }

This will work because the reference to your inp element will remain the same as long as the page runs. But val() will change, so you can't include it.


While it does save some processor work to avoid getting the element multiple times by storing a reference to it in a variable, you have to balance that against adding complications to your code. Development overhead can be a lot more expensive than performance overhead. (If that weren't true, nobody would be using jQuery, since plain old javascript runs faster and takes up less space.) For this reason, I don't recommend that you do this. The only reason that it makes sense to use your a and b variables at all is that it makes the line that assigns your data variable easier to read. As such, it's best to leave them as they are.

虽然它确实节省了一些处理器工作以避免通过在变量中存储对元素的引用来多次获取元素,但是您必须平衡它以防止为代码添加复杂性。开发开销可能比性能开销昂贵得多。 (如果不是这样,没有人会使用jQuery,因为普通的旧javascript运行速度更快,占用的空间更少。)因此,我不建议你这样做。使用a和b变量有意义的唯一原因是它使分配数据变量的行更容易阅读。因此,最好将它们保持原样。

The best time to store a property of a DOM element to a variable is if you are referencing it in a loop, and it doesn't change while you're in that loop. In that case I would say that it's best practice to do so.




If you want to do this, you need to use global variables. This explains the rules for javascript variable scope.


Generally, global variables should be used sparingly, to avoid getting them mixed up throughout your code. Also, there are problems with what you want to do.


Let's look at b first. You are thinking that they are the "same variable." But they aren't: this refers to el1 in your first event, and it refers to el2 in your second event. So, just because you are defining them with the same code, they are not going to be the same value. You need to keep them separate.


Now, suppose you do create a global variable for a, like this:


var a = $('#inp').val(); 

$('#el1').click(function() {
    var b = $(this).attr('for'); 
    data = { c1 : a, c2 : b };

$('#el2').click(function() {
    var b = $(this).attr('for'); // same as b above event
    data = { f1 : a, f2 : b };

When you do this, a will equal the value of your inp element at the point in time that you declare the variable. That value will have changed by the time that you fire your click event, so you will have an error that will be very hard to find if you don't understand this.


If you really want to, you can do a global variable like this:


var a = $('#inp');

and then in your handler:


data = { c1 : a.val(), c2 : b }

This will work because the reference to your inp element will remain the same as long as the page runs. But val() will change, so you can't include it.


While it does save some processor work to avoid getting the element multiple times by storing a reference to it in a variable, you have to balance that against adding complications to your code. Development overhead can be a lot more expensive than performance overhead. (If that weren't true, nobody would be using jQuery, since plain old javascript runs faster and takes up less space.) For this reason, I don't recommend that you do this. The only reason that it makes sense to use your a and b variables at all is that it makes the line that assigns your data variable easier to read. As such, it's best to leave them as they are.

虽然它确实节省了一些处理器工作以避免通过在变量中存储对元素的引用来多次获取元素,但是您必须平衡它以防止为代码添加复杂性。开发开销可能比性能开销昂贵得多。 (如果不是这样,没有人会使用jQuery,因为普通的旧javascript运行速度更快,占用的空间更少。)因此,我不建议你这样做。使用a和b变量有意义的唯一原因是它使分配数据变量的行更容易阅读。因此,最好将它们保持原样。

The best time to store a property of a DOM element to a variable is if you are referencing it in a loop, and it doesn't change while you're in that loop. In that case I would say that it's best practice to do so.
