如何制作linux GUI ?

时间:2021-03-14 23:18:33

My main experience is with C && C++, so I'd prefer to remain with them. I don't want to use anything like QT, GTK, or wxWidgets or any tool kits. I'd like to learn native programming and this sort of defeats the purpose. With that in mind I'd also like to avoid Java.

我在C && && c++的主要经验,所以我更愿意和他们呆在一起。我不想使用QT、GTK、wxWidgets或任何工具包。我想学习原生程序设计,但这种方法没有达到目的。考虑到这一点,我还想避免使用Java。

I understand gnome and xfce and KDE and such are all Desktop Environments for Linux, and the base installed typically is X (Xorg). When coding for Linux, do you code for X, or for the desktop environment? Is there a standard Linux header for this (like win32 has windows.h) for Linux? or is it different coding methods for every desktop environment?

我知道gnome、xfce和KDE等都是Linux的桌面环境,安装的基础通常是X (Xorg)。在为Linux编码时,您是为X编码,还是为桌面环境编码?是否有一个标准的Linux头文件(比如win32有windows.h)用于Linux?还是每个桌面环境都有不同的编码方法?

any help is greatly appreciated.


11 个解决方案



X is a hideous layer to program for and, despite your intent to avoid Java, QT or any of the excellent UI abstraction layers, you'll be doing yourself a disservice by coding to that level. I've done it (a long time ago when Motif was in its infancy on the platform we were using) and I would not do it again if there was an easier way.


Your use of the phrase "native programming" confuses me a little. If you want to learn native programming, it's to the APIs that you choose to call. Using similar reasoning, you shouldn't be coding in C either, instead opting for assembler (or direct machine code) since C provides an abstraction to the hardware.


If you want to learn X programming, that's fine. You'll end up with a lot more control over your interface but almost everyone else will be out-performing you in terms of delivery of software. Myself, I'd prefer to code to a higher-level API that I can use on many platforms - it gives me both faster delivery times and more market potential.


You don't build a house out of atoms, you build it out of bricks. My suggestion is to use the tools, that's what they're there for.




I don't want to use anything like QT, GTK, or wxWidgets or any tool kits. I'd like to learn native programming and this sort of defeats the purpose.


No you don't. Back in an early version of X11, like R1 or R2, I coded a complete "Hello, world" program in Xlib alone.

不,你没有。回到X11的早期版本,比如R1或R2,我单独在Xlib中编写了一个完整的“Hello, world”程序。

Roughly 700 lines of C.


You don't want to go there.




I guess you could write C code directly against Xlib, but you'd end up recreating all the functionality that GTK+ or QT provide that X doesn't alone.




Unix (and by extension, Linux) doesn't actually define anything to do with GUIs. X, which is commonly used, doesn't define anything to do with widgets or styles or anything of that nature - it's concerned mostly with drawing primitives and event handling. Essentially, if you wanted to write in pure X, you'd be defining the shape and behaviour of every element on screen. If you were crazy enough to abandon X, you'd be working at the graphics framebuffer level...


You're better off using some toolkit - if you're looking for light-weight, why not try FLTK?




GTK, QT and wx are toolkits that build on X to provide a friendlier API.


If you don't use an existing toolkit you'll need to write things at a very low level - directly handling mouse and keyboard events. If you want a button or a textbox you'll have to write it yourself using the low level xlib primitives.


Before trying this you're probably better off picking the toolkit of your preferred desktop environment and starting with that.




There is simply no such thing as "native" in this case. Windows and OS X just have an official option, while X does not.

在这种情况下根本不存在所谓的“本土”。Windows和OS X只有一个官方选项,而X没有。



The "native" interface for Linux & most other Unix-like OSs is Xlib, the lowest-level C API for X11.

Linux的“本机”接口和大多数其他类unix的OSs是Xlib, X11的最低级别C API。

GTK, Qt & others are all (so far as I know) implemented in terms of Xlib at their core. As others have said, Xlib gives you maximal control but you'll have to work for it (and others may run circles around you in terms of delivering a product).


As a point of reference, I personally implemented a fairly feature-rich & modern (i.e. flowable) cross-platform (Win32 + X11) GUI library in C++. Total count is about 29 KLOC of C++, of which about 2500 lines each was required for the X11 & Win32 shimming. The rest is for platform-neutral Widget implementations. Unless you're prepared to make a commitment like that, I strongly recommend going with one of the higher level libraries (Qt would probably be my choice, though I can't stand the preprocessor approach).

作为参考,我个人在c++中实现了一个功能丰富、现代的(即可流动的)跨平台(Win32 + X11) GUI库。总数量约为29 KLOC的c++,其中大约2500行是X11和Win32 shimming所需要的。其余部分用于与平台无关的小部件实现。除非您准备做出这样的承诺,否则我强烈建议您使用更高级别的库(Qt可能是我的选择,尽管我无法忍受预处理器方法)。

BTW, a big plus for Xlib is its raw portability--any Unix box with a screen will have it, and it can be made to work on Windows & OS X as well.

顺便说一句,Xlib的一大优点是它的原始可移植性——任何带屏幕的Unix盒子都有它,而且它还可以在Windows和OS X上使用。



I feel it necessary to counterpoint the unanimity of the other answers here. X11 is indeed low level. But to "truly" understand what's going on, you should have some familiarity with how X11 works. Since all the toolkits work on top of X, you're using it whether you like it or not. There is nice tutorial online somewhere that I'm too lazy to search for. It guides you through building a simple Hello World. To do it, you'll have to learn how to create a window, request events, map the window, and process events in a loop. You could even go so far as to order some used books on Amazon. The O'Reilly vols 1 and 2 (for now get the cheapest editions, but nothing earlier than X11R4) are essential for reference and to get the full story of how the pieces work together. For learning, however, the best book is X Window Applications Programming by Eric Johnson and Kevin Reichard.

我觉得有必要反驳这里其他答案的一致。X11确实很低。但是要“真正”理解发生了什么,您应该对X11的工作方式有一些了解。因为所有的工具包都在X的上面工作,所以不管你喜欢与否,你都在使用它。网上有很好的教程,我懒得去找。它指导您构建一个简单的Hello World。为此,您必须学习如何在循环中创建窗口、请求事件、映射窗口和处理事件。你甚至可以在亚马逊上订购一些二手书。O'Reilly vols 1和2(目前得到最便宜的版本,但没有比X11R4更早的版本)对于参考和了解各个部分如何工作的完整故事是必不可少的。然而,对于学习来说,最好的书是Eric Johnson和Kevin Reichard编写的X Window Applications。

At some point along this journey, as everyone else says, you will find you've had enough. Two pages of code just to select a visual, and then you still have to populate a colormap before you can paint your custom bitmap. And then two days of rewriting and debugging to realize that it all does work; you just forgot to XFlush()!


The struggle is important, because you'll appreciate the toolkits more once you find the one you like.




I would suggest lesstif/motif as well. It also builds on top of X and the learning curve is, in my opinion, isn't as steep as GTK or Qt. The UI's you build with it aren't going to be as sophisticated as ones you could build with GTK or Qt though. More information can be found here.


As others have mentioned you probably don't want to X it's a pain.




Why not choose one among, say, Qt, wxWidgets and GTK and learn its internals, rather than its API? I do not mean just for the sake of it, but with the aim of contributing to the parts you find most appealing. In this way you'd fulfill your goal and get to do something useful, for you and also for others. I think this would be more rewarding than assigning yourself the rather artificial task of building an application with what amount to the wrong tools.




oh yeah, there is such "native" things:


FBUI, svgalib, directfb, exa(kdrive), SDL, Allegro..+Wayland, although not mainstream.

FBUI, svgalib, directfb, exa(kdrive), SDL, Allegro。+韦兰,虽然不是主流。


http://home.comcast.net/ ~ fbui /







+ http://wayland.freedesktop.org/

+ http://wayland.freedesktop.org/



X is a hideous layer to program for and, despite your intent to avoid Java, QT or any of the excellent UI abstraction layers, you'll be doing yourself a disservice by coding to that level. I've done it (a long time ago when Motif was in its infancy on the platform we were using) and I would not do it again if there was an easier way.


Your use of the phrase "native programming" confuses me a little. If you want to learn native programming, it's to the APIs that you choose to call. Using similar reasoning, you shouldn't be coding in C either, instead opting for assembler (or direct machine code) since C provides an abstraction to the hardware.


If you want to learn X programming, that's fine. You'll end up with a lot more control over your interface but almost everyone else will be out-performing you in terms of delivery of software. Myself, I'd prefer to code to a higher-level API that I can use on many platforms - it gives me both faster delivery times and more market potential.


You don't build a house out of atoms, you build it out of bricks. My suggestion is to use the tools, that's what they're there for.




I don't want to use anything like QT, GTK, or wxWidgets or any tool kits. I'd like to learn native programming and this sort of defeats the purpose.


No you don't. Back in an early version of X11, like R1 or R2, I coded a complete "Hello, world" program in Xlib alone.

不,你没有。回到X11的早期版本,比如R1或R2,我单独在Xlib中编写了一个完整的“Hello, world”程序。

Roughly 700 lines of C.


You don't want to go there.




I guess you could write C code directly against Xlib, but you'd end up recreating all the functionality that GTK+ or QT provide that X doesn't alone.




Unix (and by extension, Linux) doesn't actually define anything to do with GUIs. X, which is commonly used, doesn't define anything to do with widgets or styles or anything of that nature - it's concerned mostly with drawing primitives and event handling. Essentially, if you wanted to write in pure X, you'd be defining the shape and behaviour of every element on screen. If you were crazy enough to abandon X, you'd be working at the graphics framebuffer level...


You're better off using some toolkit - if you're looking for light-weight, why not try FLTK?




GTK, QT and wx are toolkits that build on X to provide a friendlier API.


If you don't use an existing toolkit you'll need to write things at a very low level - directly handling mouse and keyboard events. If you want a button or a textbox you'll have to write it yourself using the low level xlib primitives.


Before trying this you're probably better off picking the toolkit of your preferred desktop environment and starting with that.




There is simply no such thing as "native" in this case. Windows and OS X just have an official option, while X does not.

在这种情况下根本不存在所谓的“本土”。Windows和OS X只有一个官方选项,而X没有。



The "native" interface for Linux & most other Unix-like OSs is Xlib, the lowest-level C API for X11.

Linux的“本机”接口和大多数其他类unix的OSs是Xlib, X11的最低级别C API。

GTK, Qt & others are all (so far as I know) implemented in terms of Xlib at their core. As others have said, Xlib gives you maximal control but you'll have to work for it (and others may run circles around you in terms of delivering a product).


As a point of reference, I personally implemented a fairly feature-rich & modern (i.e. flowable) cross-platform (Win32 + X11) GUI library in C++. Total count is about 29 KLOC of C++, of which about 2500 lines each was required for the X11 & Win32 shimming. The rest is for platform-neutral Widget implementations. Unless you're prepared to make a commitment like that, I strongly recommend going with one of the higher level libraries (Qt would probably be my choice, though I can't stand the preprocessor approach).

作为参考,我个人在c++中实现了一个功能丰富、现代的(即可流动的)跨平台(Win32 + X11) GUI库。总数量约为29 KLOC的c++,其中大约2500行是X11和Win32 shimming所需要的。其余部分用于与平台无关的小部件实现。除非您准备做出这样的承诺,否则我强烈建议您使用更高级别的库(Qt可能是我的选择,尽管我无法忍受预处理器方法)。

BTW, a big plus for Xlib is its raw portability--any Unix box with a screen will have it, and it can be made to work on Windows & OS X as well.

顺便说一句,Xlib的一大优点是它的原始可移植性——任何带屏幕的Unix盒子都有它,而且它还可以在Windows和OS X上使用。



I feel it necessary to counterpoint the unanimity of the other answers here. X11 is indeed low level. But to "truly" understand what's going on, you should have some familiarity with how X11 works. Since all the toolkits work on top of X, you're using it whether you like it or not. There is nice tutorial online somewhere that I'm too lazy to search for. It guides you through building a simple Hello World. To do it, you'll have to learn how to create a window, request events, map the window, and process events in a loop. You could even go so far as to order some used books on Amazon. The O'Reilly vols 1 and 2 (for now get the cheapest editions, but nothing earlier than X11R4) are essential for reference and to get the full story of how the pieces work together. For learning, however, the best book is X Window Applications Programming by Eric Johnson and Kevin Reichard.

我觉得有必要反驳这里其他答案的一致。X11确实很低。但是要“真正”理解发生了什么,您应该对X11的工作方式有一些了解。因为所有的工具包都在X的上面工作,所以不管你喜欢与否,你都在使用它。网上有很好的教程,我懒得去找。它指导您构建一个简单的Hello World。为此,您必须学习如何在循环中创建窗口、请求事件、映射窗口和处理事件。你甚至可以在亚马逊上订购一些二手书。O'Reilly vols 1和2(目前得到最便宜的版本,但没有比X11R4更早的版本)对于参考和了解各个部分如何工作的完整故事是必不可少的。然而,对于学习来说,最好的书是Eric Johnson和Kevin Reichard编写的X Window Applications。

At some point along this journey, as everyone else says, you will find you've had enough. Two pages of code just to select a visual, and then you still have to populate a colormap before you can paint your custom bitmap. And then two days of rewriting and debugging to realize that it all does work; you just forgot to XFlush()!


The struggle is important, because you'll appreciate the toolkits more once you find the one you like.




I would suggest lesstif/motif as well. It also builds on top of X and the learning curve is, in my opinion, isn't as steep as GTK or Qt. The UI's you build with it aren't going to be as sophisticated as ones you could build with GTK or Qt though. More information can be found here.


As others have mentioned you probably don't want to X it's a pain.




Why not choose one among, say, Qt, wxWidgets and GTK and learn its internals, rather than its API? I do not mean just for the sake of it, but with the aim of contributing to the parts you find most appealing. In this way you'd fulfill your goal and get to do something useful, for you and also for others. I think this would be more rewarding than assigning yourself the rather artificial task of building an application with what amount to the wrong tools.




oh yeah, there is such "native" things:


FBUI, svgalib, directfb, exa(kdrive), SDL, Allegro..+Wayland, although not mainstream.

FBUI, svgalib, directfb, exa(kdrive), SDL, Allegro。+韦兰,虽然不是主流。


http://home.comcast.net/ ~ fbui /







+ http://wayland.freedesktop.org/

+ http://wayland.freedesktop.org/