
时间:2022-04-29 23:19:22

Supposedly a trivial task to server 403/404/500 error pages when using django-cms. Followed instructions on an old forum post to create this:


from cms.views import details

def custom_404(request):
    response = details(request, 'page-not-found')
    response.status_code = 404
    return response
... has some lines like this:


handler404 = 'error_pages.views.custom_404'

From traceback django cms can't locate 404 page:

来自traceback django cms找不到404页面:

File "/home/username/.virtualenvs/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cms/", line 22, in _handle_no_page
    raise Http404('CMS: Page not found for "%s"' % slug)

Http404: CMS: Page not found for "page-not-found"

Obviously added the required custom pages in django-cms with the slug: 'page-not-found'. Am I missing something obvious? Running on production server with debug=False. Running django-cms 2.4.2 (edit)

很显然,在django-cms中添加了所需的自定义页面:slug:'page-not-found'。我错过了一些明显的东西吗使用debug = False在生产服务器上运行。运行django-cms 2.4.2(编辑)

Perhaps it is better to just serve plain ol' error messages with hardcoded stylesheets?


3 个解决方案



After walking into countless walls over-thinking the issues, I just went with using the basic 403/404/500 handlers:


from django.utils.functional import curry
from django.views.defaults import *
handler500 = curry(server_error, template_name='500.html')
handler404 = curry(page_not_found, template_name='404.html')
handler403 = curry(permission_denied, template_name='403.html')

Created the templates for each error and put in absolute URLs for the stylesheets.


Problem solved. Wasted a bunch of time on something this trivial.




Here is a working (with DEBUG at True or False) 404 handler:


def handler404(request):
    if hasattr(request, '_current_page_cache'):
        delattr(request, '_current_page_cache')

    response = details(request, '404')
    response.status_code = 404
    return response



EDIT / Easy solution


After more searching and thinking, an easier solution would be to create the default/standard 404.html, and therein use django-cms static easy as it gets!


Original (still working) Answer


After struggling updating my handler404 from an old cms project, and not finding any infos on this topic, and the accepted answer not being a real solution to the problem, I investigated and found a version that works in django-cms 3.4.

在努力从旧的cms项目更新我的handler404,并没有找到关于这个主题的任何信息,并且接受的答案不是问题的真正解决方案之后,我调查并发现了一个适用于django-cms 3.4的版本。

Worth noting


  • delete the _current_page_cache on the request
  • 删除请求中的_current_page_cache
  • set request.current_page, or cms_tags will not use your 404 page and render empty
  • 设置request.current_page,或者cms_tags不会使用您的404页面并呈现为空
  • call the main cms details view for rendering the page
  • 调用主cms详细信息视图以呈现页面
  • finally, call response.render() (as mentioned in comments)
  • 最后,调用response.render()(如评论中所述)

The view


def handler404(request):
    if hasattr(request, '_current_page_cache'):  # we'll hit the cache otherwise
        delattr(request, '_current_page_cache')
    page = get_page_from_request(request, '404')
    request.current_page = page  # templatags seem to use this.
    response = details(request, '404')  # the main cms view
    if hasattr(response, 'render'):  # 301/302 dont have it!
        response.render()  # didnt know about this, but it's needed
    response.status_code = 404  # the obvious
    return response



After walking into countless walls over-thinking the issues, I just went with using the basic 403/404/500 handlers:


from django.utils.functional import curry
from django.views.defaults import *
handler500 = curry(server_error, template_name='500.html')
handler404 = curry(page_not_found, template_name='404.html')
handler403 = curry(permission_denied, template_name='403.html')

Created the templates for each error and put in absolute URLs for the stylesheets.


Problem solved. Wasted a bunch of time on something this trivial.




Here is a working (with DEBUG at True or False) 404 handler:


def handler404(request):
    if hasattr(request, '_current_page_cache'):
        delattr(request, '_current_page_cache')

    response = details(request, '404')
    response.status_code = 404
    return response



EDIT / Easy solution


After more searching and thinking, an easier solution would be to create the default/standard 404.html, and therein use django-cms static easy as it gets!


Original (still working) Answer


After struggling updating my handler404 from an old cms project, and not finding any infos on this topic, and the accepted answer not being a real solution to the problem, I investigated and found a version that works in django-cms 3.4.

在努力从旧的cms项目更新我的handler404,并没有找到关于这个主题的任何信息,并且接受的答案不是问题的真正解决方案之后,我调查并发现了一个适用于django-cms 3.4的版本。

Worth noting


  • delete the _current_page_cache on the request
  • 删除请求中的_current_page_cache
  • set request.current_page, or cms_tags will not use your 404 page and render empty
  • 设置request.current_page,或者cms_tags不会使用您的404页面并呈现为空
  • call the main cms details view for rendering the page
  • 调用主cms详细信息视图以呈现页面
  • finally, call response.render() (as mentioned in comments)
  • 最后,调用response.render()(如评论中所述)

The view


def handler404(request):
    if hasattr(request, '_current_page_cache'):  # we'll hit the cache otherwise
        delattr(request, '_current_page_cache')
    page = get_page_from_request(request, '404')
    request.current_page = page  # templatags seem to use this.
    response = details(request, '404')  # the main cms view
    if hasattr(response, 'render'):  # 301/302 dont have it!
        response.render()  # didnt know about this, but it's needed
    response.status_code = 404  # the obvious
    return response