如何在Google App Engine上构建flex和python代码之间建立通信

时间:2022-02-13 23:15:22

I want to communicate using flex client with GAE, I am able to communicate using XMl from GAE to FLex but how should I post from flex3 to python code present on App Engine.

我想使用带有GAE的flex客户端进行通信,我能够使用从GAE到FLex的XMl进行通信,但是我应该如何从Flex3发布到App Engine上的python代码。

Can anyone give me a hint about how to send login information from Flex to python Any ideas suggest me some examples.....please provide me some help


Regards, Radhika

2 个解决方案


I've been able to use flex on GAE using the examples found at The GAE SWF Project which uses PyAMF.

我已经能够使用GAE SWF项目中使用PyAMF的示例在GAE上使用flex。


Do a HTTP post from Flex to your AppEngine app using the URLRequest class.



I've been able to use flex on GAE using the examples found at The GAE SWF Project which uses PyAMF.

我已经能够使用GAE SWF项目中使用PyAMF的示例在GAE上使用flex。


Do a HTTP post from Flex to your AppEngine app using the URLRequest class.
