一个用于谷歌应用引擎的python web框架。

时间:2021-02-23 23:14:37

(Please note that this question and some of the answers are old)


I want to use an existing python framework to develop an application on google appengine.


It should be quick and easy to start and support test driven development practices in an easy way.


Can you recommend a stack? What about django?


Additional Information:


There are several django ports, but the * questions are already old. There were several django/appengine solutions, I do not know which one is currently leading. (This is now outdated, see accepted answer and also the other answers).


But also other frameworks are interesting, not only django.


What also sounds good but is not a condition is the possibility to run the app on the framework and the appengine and maybe later run it on a self hosted (noSql-) version of this framework (which maybe could be django, or maybe somehting else).


7 个解决方案



For me the choice is djangoappengine.


It's a fork of the django project made specifically for no-sql databases like Google App Engine and MongoDB. The main benefit of it is that you get to piggy-back on all the cool stuff coming out of the django project, while also running on GAE's scalable architecture. Another benefit is that with djangoappengine, you can more easily move off of App Engine than if you used their API directly (although that is probably easier said than done).


There were rumors that Django would merge the changes into the mainline Django project, but it has not happened yet (as of May 2014).


Some relevant links:




I personally have enjoyed using Flask on App Engine using this template: https://github.com/kamalgill/flask-appengine-template


The code is organized pretty well in this template and it includes many of the nice development features like profiling and app stats.




If you want to build large scale application and need a more flexible framework, then you can take a look at


Pyramid Python Framework


Previously it was called Pylons. There are lot of good companies using this framework.


You can find instructions for the process of deploying it to appengine on their website: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_cookbook/en/latest/deployment/gae_buildout.html The process uses buildout and also includes a local testing environment.

您可以在其网站上找到将其部署到appengine的过程的说明:http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid id_cookbook/en/latest/deployment/gae_buildout.html该过程使用buildout,还包括一个本地测试环境。



I'm very happy with this boilerplate:




Take a look at its functions and features, it's very complete!




(Note that this answer is old and no longer valid.)


After reading Tom Willis' comment on the question and also this SO question's accepted answer I noticed that webapp/webapp2 looks promising.

在阅读了Tom Willis关于这个问题的评论之后,我注意到webapp/webapp2看起来很有前途。

  • There's some level of commitment from google
  • 谷歌有一定程度的承诺
  • It is not necessary to create and maintain own versions for existing SDK handlers
  • 不需要为现有的SDK处理程序创建和维护自己的版本
  • There are libraries that were created with App Engine in mind which are based on webapp and would need a port or adapter to work with other frameworks
  • 有一些库是基于应用程序引擎创建的,它们基于webapp,需要一个端口或适配器来与其他框架协同工作。
  • It can be used outside appengine
  • 可以在appengine外使用。
  • Unit testing is easy to setup and documented here
  • 单元测试在这里很容易设置和记录



I am enjoying




which was written specifically for GAE. I love Django in general, but not for gae, I felt using django-nonrel still requires too many caveats that it is not worth it.

这是专门为GAE编写的。我喜欢《被解救的姜戈》,但不喜欢gae,我觉得使用Django -nonrel仍然需要太多的说明,说明它不值得。



I wrote GAEStarterKit, which aims to get you up to speed as quickly as possible. It's in a similar vain to projects like GAE-Boilerplate or gae-init, but a few key differences:


  • First and most obvious, I used UIKit over HTML5 Boilerplate. Boilerplate is a great choice, and obviously is popularity comes with perks, but for the purposes of getting started quickly, I find uikit a bit more "complete."
  • 首先,也是最明显的,我在HTML5样板中使用了UIKit。样板是一个很好的选择,显然流行伴随着额外津贴,但是为了快速开始,我发现uikit更“完整”一些。
  • I put a lot of work into making sure the user login/registration system is as well-thought-out as possible. Users can have multiple email addresses, multiple authentication methods, and be associated with multiple tenants, if applicable. The social login side for non-Google users is done via Authomatic, which is a great project and very well-supported.
  • 我做了很多工作,以确保用户登录/注册系统是尽可能周全的。用户可以有多个电子邮件地址、多个身份验证方法,如果适用,还可以与多个租户关联。非google用户的社交登录端是通过Authomatic完成的,这是一个很棒的项目,并且得到了很好的支持。
  • Although it's a little rough around the edges, I did something pretty similar to Django's GenericViews, but in Flask and with GAE Models. I used WTForms integration for that, so it all works pretty well out of the box. It's certainly not perfect, but it's pretty good.
  • 尽管有点粗糙,但我在Flask和GAE模型中做了一些与Django的通用视图非常相似的事情。我使用WTForms集成,所以这一切都很好用。它当然不是完美的,但它非常好。
  • I really took seriously the idea of not repeating myself. For example in gae-init, you'll find a lot of CRUD code. For the admin side, you can add a model to your admin GUI in GAEStarterKit with one import, and one function all.
  • 我真的很认真地考虑过不重复自己的想法。例如,在gae-init中,您将发现许多CRUD代码。对于管理方面,您可以在GAEStarterKit中为管理GUI添加一个模型,其中包含一个导入和一个全部功能。

Might be worth considering.




For me the choice is djangoappengine.


It's a fork of the django project made specifically for no-sql databases like Google App Engine and MongoDB. The main benefit of it is that you get to piggy-back on all the cool stuff coming out of the django project, while also running on GAE's scalable architecture. Another benefit is that with djangoappengine, you can more easily move off of App Engine than if you used their API directly (although that is probably easier said than done).


There were rumors that Django would merge the changes into the mainline Django project, but it has not happened yet (as of May 2014).


Some relevant links:




I personally have enjoyed using Flask on App Engine using this template: https://github.com/kamalgill/flask-appengine-template


The code is organized pretty well in this template and it includes many of the nice development features like profiling and app stats.




If you want to build large scale application and need a more flexible framework, then you can take a look at


Pyramid Python Framework


Previously it was called Pylons. There are lot of good companies using this framework.


You can find instructions for the process of deploying it to appengine on their website: http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid_cookbook/en/latest/deployment/gae_buildout.html The process uses buildout and also includes a local testing environment.

您可以在其网站上找到将其部署到appengine的过程的说明:http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid id_cookbook/en/latest/deployment/gae_buildout.html该过程使用buildout,还包括一个本地测试环境。



I'm very happy with this boilerplate:




Take a look at its functions and features, it's very complete!




(Note that this answer is old and no longer valid.)


After reading Tom Willis' comment on the question and also this SO question's accepted answer I noticed that webapp/webapp2 looks promising.

在阅读了Tom Willis关于这个问题的评论之后,我注意到webapp/webapp2看起来很有前途。

  • There's some level of commitment from google
  • 谷歌有一定程度的承诺
  • It is not necessary to create and maintain own versions for existing SDK handlers
  • 不需要为现有的SDK处理程序创建和维护自己的版本
  • There are libraries that were created with App Engine in mind which are based on webapp and would need a port or adapter to work with other frameworks
  • 有一些库是基于应用程序引擎创建的,它们基于webapp,需要一个端口或适配器来与其他框架协同工作。
  • It can be used outside appengine
  • 可以在appengine外使用。
  • Unit testing is easy to setup and documented here
  • 单元测试在这里很容易设置和记录



I am enjoying




which was written specifically for GAE. I love Django in general, but not for gae, I felt using django-nonrel still requires too many caveats that it is not worth it.

这是专门为GAE编写的。我喜欢《被解救的姜戈》,但不喜欢gae,我觉得使用Django -nonrel仍然需要太多的说明,说明它不值得。



I wrote GAEStarterKit, which aims to get you up to speed as quickly as possible. It's in a similar vain to projects like GAE-Boilerplate or gae-init, but a few key differences:


  • First and most obvious, I used UIKit over HTML5 Boilerplate. Boilerplate is a great choice, and obviously is popularity comes with perks, but for the purposes of getting started quickly, I find uikit a bit more "complete."
  • 首先,也是最明显的,我在HTML5样板中使用了UIKit。样板是一个很好的选择,显然流行伴随着额外津贴,但是为了快速开始,我发现uikit更“完整”一些。
  • I put a lot of work into making sure the user login/registration system is as well-thought-out as possible. Users can have multiple email addresses, multiple authentication methods, and be associated with multiple tenants, if applicable. The social login side for non-Google users is done via Authomatic, which is a great project and very well-supported.
  • 我做了很多工作,以确保用户登录/注册系统是尽可能周全的。用户可以有多个电子邮件地址、多个身份验证方法,如果适用,还可以与多个租户关联。非google用户的社交登录端是通过Authomatic完成的,这是一个很棒的项目,并且得到了很好的支持。
  • Although it's a little rough around the edges, I did something pretty similar to Django's GenericViews, but in Flask and with GAE Models. I used WTForms integration for that, so it all works pretty well out of the box. It's certainly not perfect, but it's pretty good.
  • 尽管有点粗糙,但我在Flask和GAE模型中做了一些与Django的通用视图非常相似的事情。我使用WTForms集成,所以这一切都很好用。它当然不是完美的,但它非常好。
  • I really took seriously the idea of not repeating myself. For example in gae-init, you'll find a lot of CRUD code. For the admin side, you can add a model to your admin GUI in GAEStarterKit with one import, and one function all.
  • 我真的很认真地考虑过不重复自己的想法。例如,在gae-init中,您将发现许多CRUD代码。对于管理方面,您可以在GAEStarterKit中为管理GUI添加一个模型,其中包含一个导入和一个全部功能。

Might be worth considering.
