
时间:2021-12-15 23:15:48

I have a table called 'Fields' that contains application fields. In this table I store metadata for each fields (TableName, ColumnName, JoinType (inner/outer).


I have something working but it's not as clean as I'd like.


Has anyone tackled this before?


I'm looking for some ideas around better practices.


2 个解决方案


Dynamic data / fields are always fun.


The way I've approached this before is to have a table which defines the fields I want. A very basic example is:


GroupId int, <- allows me to group fields together for a common purpose

GroupId int,< - 允许我将字段组合在一起以达到共同目的

FieldId int, <- unique identifier for joins

FieldId int,< - 连接的唯一标识符

FieldName varchar(100), <- obvious

FieldName varchar(100),< - 明显

DataType int <- joins on a table which contains available types such as text, phone, email, that may have special processing characteristics.

DataType int < - 连接到包含可能具有特殊处理特征的可用类型(如文本,电话,电子邮件)的表上。

DisplayOrder int, <- what order will the fields be shown on the screen.

DisplayOrder int,< - 字段在屏幕上显示的顺序。

Then I have another table to hold the actual data: EntryId int, <- Groups the values to a unique entry point. GroupId int, FieldId int, Value varchar(max) <-use whatever number you feel will contain the data; or max if you have the right version of sql server

然后我有另一个表来保存实际数据:EntryId int,< - 将值组合到一个唯一的入口点。 GroupId int,FieldId int,Value varchar(max)< - 使用您认为包含数据的任何数字;如果你有正确版本的sql server,则为max

Finally, I dynamically generate views which turn the actual data 90 degrees for easier reporting.


By doing it this way, you have a lot of freedom on what you're collecting without modifying the underlying code.



I wrote a query generator in the past, that could join tables automatically and put things together to generate dynamic reports.


I think, today, I would take NHibernate. Although it is a ORM, it manages joins and creates the queries according to the mapping data that is quite similar to your meta data.


Of course you still would have to do specific things that are not covered by NHibernate. But it's an excellent start.



Dynamic data / fields are always fun.


The way I've approached this before is to have a table which defines the fields I want. A very basic example is:


GroupId int, <- allows me to group fields together for a common purpose

GroupId int,< - 允许我将字段组合在一起以达到共同目的

FieldId int, <- unique identifier for joins

FieldId int,< - 连接的唯一标识符

FieldName varchar(100), <- obvious

FieldName varchar(100),< - 明显

DataType int <- joins on a table which contains available types such as text, phone, email, that may have special processing characteristics.

DataType int < - 连接到包含可能具有特殊处理特征的可用类型(如文本,电话,电子邮件)的表上。

DisplayOrder int, <- what order will the fields be shown on the screen.

DisplayOrder int,< - 字段在屏幕上显示的顺序。

Then I have another table to hold the actual data: EntryId int, <- Groups the values to a unique entry point. GroupId int, FieldId int, Value varchar(max) <-use whatever number you feel will contain the data; or max if you have the right version of sql server

然后我有另一个表来保存实际数据:EntryId int,< - 将值组合到一个唯一的入口点。 GroupId int,FieldId int,Value varchar(max)< - 使用您认为包含数据的任何数字;如果你有正确版本的sql server,则为max

Finally, I dynamically generate views which turn the actual data 90 degrees for easier reporting.


By doing it this way, you have a lot of freedom on what you're collecting without modifying the underlying code.



I wrote a query generator in the past, that could join tables automatically and put things together to generate dynamic reports.


I think, today, I would take NHibernate. Although it is a ORM, it manages joins and creates the queries according to the mapping data that is quite similar to your meta data.


Of course you still would have to do specific things that are not covered by NHibernate. But it's an excellent start.
