
时间:2021-07-12 23:13:26

We are looking for a way to publish articles in different languages, including differences in writing direction (RTL/LTR) and of course character sets. The maintainer of the current site works with Mambo/Joomla, but has already found severe restrictions in terms of extensibility.

我们正在寻找一种方式来发布不同语言的文章,包括写作方向(RTL / LTR)和当然字符集的差异。当前站点的维护者与Mambo / Joomla一起工作,但在可扩展性方面已经发现了严格的限制。

A similar question has already been asked, but I will add feature and system requirements.


Feature-wise, we need the following functionality:


  • CMS standard features (two-stage publishing, permissions, different publishing mechanisms …)
  • CMS标准功能(两阶段发布,权限,不同的发布机制......)

  • In addition to standard categorization, articles should have a language meta attribute
  • 除标准分类外,文章还应具有语言元属性

  • It should be possible to provide a single article in one or more languages
    • Links between articles should indicate the language of the target article, if it does not match the language of the source article.
    • 文章之间的链接应指明目标文章的语言,如果它与源文章的语言不匹配。

    • It should be possible to link directly to an article published in a certain language (e.g. mysite.com/article/23423/my-cool-title?lang=ar).
    • 应该可以直接链接到以某种语言发布的文章(例如mysite.com/article/23423/my-cool-title?lang=ar)。

  • 应该可以用一种或多种语言提供单个文章如果文章的语言与源文章的语言不匹配,则文章之间的链接应指明目标文章的语言。应该可以直接链接到以某种语言发布的文章(例如mysite.com/article/23423/my-cool-title?lang=ar)。

  • Authors should have some kind of indication of their language capabilities
  • 作者应该对他们的语言能力有某种指示

At the level of system requirements, we have thought of the following alternatives:


  • Standard PHP/MySQL on Apache (LAMP)
  • Apache(LAMP)上的标准PHP / MySQL

  • Google App Engine (preferred django)
  • Google App Engine(首选django)

We are looking for a complete CMS, that can easily be extended and administrated, or a framework that covers most of the functionality. Please consider that we have already read through the answers on the previously mentioned question.


Thank you,


5 个解决方案


Drupal could very easily meet your needs on the LAMP stack. As of Drupal 6 almost everything you need is available. You can have:

Drupal可以非常轻松地满足您在LAMP堆栈上的需求。从Drupal 6开始,几乎所有你需要的东西都可用。你可以有:

  • Multi stage publishing and workflow with the contributed Workflow module
  • 使用提供的Workflow模块进行多阶段发布和工作流程

  • New content can be tagged in a specific language, or created as language neutral
  • 新内容可以使用特定语言进行标记,也可以创建为语言中性

  • I don't know if it would be possible to have the CMS automatically list the target language of a link, but it shouldn't be hard with a few lines of code to add a filter something like [link: article ID or name] to insert a link to the other article that would list the language of the link target
  • 我不知道是否可以让CMS自动列出链接的目标语言,但是用几行代码来添加类似[link:article ID或name]的过滤器应该不难。插入另一篇文章的链接,列出链接目标的语言

  • linking to a specific language/translation of an article is no problem, most folks set that up with path prefixing in Drupal, so an english article would be at example.com/en/article/path and say french at example.com/fr/article/path
  • 链接到特定语言/文章的翻译是没有问题的,大多数人在Drupal中设置路径前缀,所以英文文章将在example.com/en/article/path并在example.com/fr上说法语/条/路径


Have you looked at Django-CMS ?


I don't think it will have everything you mention out of the box, but most of it is there and the rest you can add yourself.



I used Sitellite CMS, it's a good software with I18n support.

我使用了Sitellite CMS,它是一个支持I18n的好软件。


I'm not aware of anything that meets your requirements currently available on App Engine. You could customize something like Bloog, though.

我不知道任何符合您目前在App Engine上可用的要求的内容。但是你可以自定义像Bloog这样的东西。


Checkout django-blocks. Has multi-language Menu, Flatpages and even has a simple Shopping Cart!!



Drupal could very easily meet your needs on the LAMP stack. As of Drupal 6 almost everything you need is available. You can have:

Drupal可以非常轻松地满足您在LAMP堆栈上的需求。从Drupal 6开始,几乎所有你需要的东西都可用。你可以有:

  • Multi stage publishing and workflow with the contributed Workflow module
  • 使用提供的Workflow模块进行多阶段发布和工作流程

  • New content can be tagged in a specific language, or created as language neutral
  • 新内容可以使用特定语言进行标记,也可以创建为语言中性

  • I don't know if it would be possible to have the CMS automatically list the target language of a link, but it shouldn't be hard with a few lines of code to add a filter something like [link: article ID or name] to insert a link to the other article that would list the language of the link target
  • 我不知道是否可以让CMS自动列出链接的目标语言,但是用几行代码来添加类似[link:article ID或name]的过滤器应该不难。插入另一篇文章的链接,列出链接目标的语言

  • linking to a specific language/translation of an article is no problem, most folks set that up with path prefixing in Drupal, so an english article would be at example.com/en/article/path and say french at example.com/fr/article/path
  • 链接到特定语言/文章的翻译是没有问题的,大多数人在Drupal中设置路径前缀,所以英文文章将在example.com/en/article/path并在example.com/fr上说法语/条/路径


Have you looked at Django-CMS ?


I don't think it will have everything you mention out of the box, but most of it is there and the rest you can add yourself.



I used Sitellite CMS, it's a good software with I18n support.

我使用了Sitellite CMS,它是一个支持I18n的好软件。


I'm not aware of anything that meets your requirements currently available on App Engine. You could customize something like Bloog, though.

我不知道任何符合您目前在App Engine上可用的要求的内容。但是你可以自定义像Bloog这样的东西。


Checkout django-blocks. Has multi-language Menu, Flatpages and even has a simple Shopping Cart!!
