如何使用bucket存储服务谷歌flex/app engine环境中的静态文件?

时间:2022-10-12 23:15:57

I have a nodejs backend and a reactjs frontend. I am using the gcloud flex environment (app engine) and want to serve all the frontend files using a CDN. I would not want the requests to touch my nodejs server. I am unable to configure my projects app.yaml to do the same.

我有一个nodejs后端和一个堆js前端。我正在使用gcloud flex环境(app engine),并希望使用CDN服务所有前端文件。我不希望请求触及nodejs服务器。我无法配置我的projects app.yaml来做同样的事情。

I suspect that my requests are not being served from a CDN because if I comment the below line in my nodejs code, I can no longer access index.html .


app.use('/', express.static(path.resolve('./frontend/dist')));

Below is the YAML file.


- url: /(.*\.html)
  mime_type: text/html 
  static_files: frontend/dist/\1 
  upload: frontend/dist/(.*\.html)

- url: /styles/(.*\.css) 
  mime_type: text/css 
  static_files: frontend/dist/styles/\1 
  upload: frontend/dist/styles/(.*\.css)

- url: /scripts/(.*\.js) 
  mime_type: text/javascript 
  static_files: frontend/dist/scripts/\1 
  upload: frontend/dist/scripts/(.*\.js)

- url: /images/(.*\.(bmp|gif|ico|jpeg|jpg|png)) 
  static_files: frontend/dist/images/\1 
  upload: frontend/dist/images/(.*\.(bmp|gif|ico|jpeg|jpg|png))

- url: / 
  static_files: frontend/dist/index.html 
  upload: frontend/dist/index.html

-  url: /.* 
  script: IGNORED
  secure: always

Is there a way to configure app engine such that the static file requests don't react my nodejs backend servers?

有没有一种方法可以配置app engine,使静态文件请求不会对nodejs后端服务器作出响应?



1 个解决方案



You're mixing up standard GAE env app.yaml elements (the static content config) into your flex env app app.yaml.

您正在将标准的GAE env app.yaml元素(静态内容配置)混合到您的flex env应用程序app.yaml中。

Serving the static content is different in the flex environment.


Your express.static-based method for serving static files actually corresponds to Serving from your application:


Serving from your application


Most web frameworks include support for serving static files. In this sample, the application uses the express.static middleware to serve files from the ./public directory to the /static URL.


To serve static content without the requests hitting your app you need to follow the Serving from Cloud Storage:


Example of serving static files from a Cloud Storage bucket


This simple example creates a Cloud Storage bucket and uploads static assets using the Cloud SDK:


  1. Create a bucket. It's common, but not required, to name your bucket after your project ID. The bucket name must be globally unique.


    gsutil mb gs://<your-bucket-name>
  2. Set the ACL to grant read access to items in the bucket.


    gsutil defacl set public-read gs://<your-bucket-name>
  3. Upload items to the bucket. The rsync command is typically the fastest and easiest way to upload and update assets. You could also use cp.


    gsutil -m rsync -r ./static gs://<your-bucket-name>/static

You can now access your static assets via https://storage.googleapis.com/<your-bucket-name>/static/....

你现在可以访问静态资产通过https://storage.googleapis.com/ < your-bucket-name > /静态/ ....

For more details on how to use Cloud Storage to serve static assets, including how to serve from a custom domain name, refer to How to Host a Static Website.


For more information on how to use the Cloud Storage API to dynamically upload, download, and manipulate files from within your application, see Using Cloud Storage.




You're mixing up standard GAE env app.yaml elements (the static content config) into your flex env app app.yaml.

您正在将标准的GAE env app.yaml元素(静态内容配置)混合到您的flex env应用程序app.yaml中。

Serving the static content is different in the flex environment.


Your express.static-based method for serving static files actually corresponds to Serving from your application:


Serving from your application


Most web frameworks include support for serving static files. In this sample, the application uses the express.static middleware to serve files from the ./public directory to the /static URL.


To serve static content without the requests hitting your app you need to follow the Serving from Cloud Storage:


Example of serving static files from a Cloud Storage bucket


This simple example creates a Cloud Storage bucket and uploads static assets using the Cloud SDK:


  1. Create a bucket. It's common, but not required, to name your bucket after your project ID. The bucket name must be globally unique.


    gsutil mb gs://<your-bucket-name>
  2. Set the ACL to grant read access to items in the bucket.


    gsutil defacl set public-read gs://<your-bucket-name>
  3. Upload items to the bucket. The rsync command is typically the fastest and easiest way to upload and update assets. You could also use cp.


    gsutil -m rsync -r ./static gs://<your-bucket-name>/static

You can now access your static assets via https://storage.googleapis.com/<your-bucket-name>/static/....

你现在可以访问静态资产通过https://storage.googleapis.com/ < your-bucket-name > /静态/ ....

For more details on how to use Cloud Storage to serve static assets, including how to serve from a custom domain name, refer to How to Host a Static Website.


For more information on how to use the Cloud Storage API to dynamically upload, download, and manipulate files from within your application, see Using Cloud Storage.
