如何在Heroku部署期间运行“grunt build”(angular and ruby​​-on-rails应用程序)

时间:2021-08-27 23:12:03

I'd like to deploy an angular+rails app on Heroku. The app is built off Emmanual Oda's example code, and compiles its assets using Grunt.

我想在Heroku上部署一个angular + rails应用程序。该应用程序是基于Emmanual Oda的示例代码构建的,并使用Grunt编译其资产。

Instead of compiling my assets locally and then committing them to git, I'd prefer to compile them on Heroku. That is, I'd like to run grunt build on Heroku automatically whenever my app is deployed.

我没有在本地编译我的资产然后将它们提交给git,我宁愿在Heroku上编译它们。也就是说,每当我的应用程序部署时,我都想自动在Heroku上运行grunt build。

Does anyone know how I can configure Heroku to do this?



I know server side asset compilation is possible with Node.js apps, for example using mbuchetics' fork of the heroku nodejs buildpack. When I follow the instructions at that site and push to Heroku, though, I get the following error

我知道Node.js应用程序可以进行服务器端资产编译,例如使用mbuchetics的heroku nodejs buildpack的fork。但是当我按照该站点的说明并推送到Heroku时,我收到以下错误

-----> Fetching custom git buildpack... done

 !     Push rejected, no Cedar-supported app detected


For the time being I'm deploying using a Rake task that runs grunt build locally.


task :deploy do
  system("rm -rf ./public/*")       # empty the public directory
  system("cd ngapp; grunt build")

  # make a bogus manifest file to turn off asset compilation on heroku 
  #   see here: https://devcenter.heroku.com/articles/rails-asset-pipeline
  system("mkdir public/assets; touch public/assets/manifest-098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6.json")  

  system("git add public/")
  system("git commit -m \"deploying...\"")
  system("git push heroku master")

A server side solution would be preferable!


2 个解决方案



I believe this is what you want: http://www.angularonrails.com/deploy-angular-rails-single-page-application-heroku/


This solution uses multi buildpacks to run grunt build in production. No build artifacts in version control.




My project is also based off of that sample rails app structure. May I ask why you want heroku to compile your grunt build rather than committing it? Having heroku compile it means even longer deploy times. What I do is I have a deploy script run grunt build and also run all the tests before committing to a build branch. That build branch is pushed to heroku. That way my development branch stays clean without the compiled assets in the public folder.




I believe this is what you want: http://www.angularonrails.com/deploy-angular-rails-single-page-application-heroku/


This solution uses multi buildpacks to run grunt build in production. No build artifacts in version control.




My project is also based off of that sample rails app structure. May I ask why you want heroku to compile your grunt build rather than committing it? Having heroku compile it means even longer deploy times. What I do is I have a deploy script run grunt build and also run all the tests before committing to a build branch. That build branch is pushed to heroku. That way my development branch stays clean without the compiled assets in the public folder.
