
时间:2021-08-14 23:13:02

I just tried to send a long String param to the endpoint method. One of the params is List<String>, that contains a large number of values, which look like this:

我只是尝试向端点方法发送一个长字符串参数。其中一个参数是List ,它包含大量值,如下所示:

105969550886996847196,109334384788152421649,109172191656045871108,... and more

The method itself is very simple:


@ApiMethod(name = "getFullObjects")
public MyObject getFullObjects(List<String> ids) {
    //body not relevant

It throws this:


Error Code: 400
Reason: badRequest
Message: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The string property ids has a value that is too long. It cannot exceed 500 characters.

Do I really can't pass more than 500 characters in one param? That would be awful... :/


Is there a way to exceed this limit or pass this data some other way?




This endpoint method colaborates with Android app!




If there realy, really is the limitation of 500 characters for endpoint param, wchich I can't find in any documentation for GAE, just wondering how there are list of Entities passable... some of them would sure take more than 500 chars after serialization to string.


2 个解决方案



@Xylian, to bypass the limitation you can either break your String into multiple parameters or play with @ApiTransformer to bypass the limitation.


Other options you have:


  • Limit the number of characters you are sending in each one of the String. Instead of sending Strings 21 characters-long, you can send only numbers (1, 2, 10...) to represent these IDs (or whatever they are), then have a mapping table on the server to "convert" these short IDs to the long ID.

    限制每个字符串中发送的字符数。您可以只发送数字(1,2,10 ......)来表示这些ID(或者它们是什么),而不是发送21个字符长的字符串,然后在服务器上有一个映射表来“转换”这些短ID长ID。

  • Batch several calls to the API to avoid running over the quota in only one call.




I think I found the best solution possible.


But first...


Since Google App Engine developers group was abandoned by googlers and moved here I officialy post it as a bug. This is a ridicolous limitation, that only annoys serious developers and I just had to bypass it. Please remove undocumented limiation of 500 chars in endpoint method param!

由于Google App Engine开发者小组被googlers放弃并搬到这里,我官方将其作为一个错误发布。这是一个荒谬的限制,只会让严肃的开发人员烦恼,我只能绕过它。请在端点方法参数中删除500个字符的无证件限制!

To the solution then...


I've decided to define a a new servlet that would handle this instead of endpoint method. Here it is:


public class LongParamTestServlet extends HttpServlet {

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        String paramsString = req.getParameter("params");
        resp.getWriter().write("string length: " + paramsString.length());

Then I made a request to this servlet with some very long param...


And now the response...


string length: 1664

Viola! Just passed to my Google App Engine backend param of length 1664. I'll just serialize it as a json, and return a json in response too. Not as comfortable as an endpoint method but it works.

中提琴!刚刚传递给我的Google App Engine后端参数,长度为1664.我只是将它序列化为json,并返回一个json作为响应。不像端点方法那么舒服,但它有效。



@Xylian, to bypass the limitation you can either break your String into multiple parameters or play with @ApiTransformer to bypass the limitation.


Other options you have:


  • Limit the number of characters you are sending in each one of the String. Instead of sending Strings 21 characters-long, you can send only numbers (1, 2, 10...) to represent these IDs (or whatever they are), then have a mapping table on the server to "convert" these short IDs to the long ID.

    限制每个字符串中发送的字符数。您可以只发送数字(1,2,10 ......)来表示这些ID(或者它们是什么),而不是发送21个字符长的字符串,然后在服务器上有一个映射表来“转换”这些短ID长ID。

  • Batch several calls to the API to avoid running over the quota in only one call.




I think I found the best solution possible.


But first...


Since Google App Engine developers group was abandoned by googlers and moved here I officialy post it as a bug. This is a ridicolous limitation, that only annoys serious developers and I just had to bypass it. Please remove undocumented limiation of 500 chars in endpoint method param!

由于Google App Engine开发者小组被googlers放弃并搬到这里,我官方将其作为一个错误发布。这是一个荒谬的限制,只会让严肃的开发人员烦恼,我只能绕过它。请在端点方法参数中删除500个字符的无证件限制!

To the solution then...


I've decided to define a a new servlet that would handle this instead of endpoint method. Here it is:


public class LongParamTestServlet extends HttpServlet {

    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {

    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException {
        String paramsString = req.getParameter("params");
        resp.getWriter().write("string length: " + paramsString.length());

Then I made a request to this servlet with some very long param...


And now the response...


string length: 1664

Viola! Just passed to my Google App Engine backend param of length 1664. I'll just serialize it as a json, and return a json in response too. Not as comfortable as an endpoint method but it works.

中提琴!刚刚传递给我的Google App Engine后端参数,长度为1664.我只是将它序列化为json,并返回一个json作为响应。不像端点方法那么舒服,但它有效。