I have setup my google developers account. Enabled Admin API and also gave credentials with localhost as Authorized origin.
我已经设置了我的Google开发者帐户。已启用Admin API,并且还将localhost作为授权来源提供凭据。
I am trying to explore the Directory API to fetch the list of groups. But it always throws 400 BadRequest error.
我正在尝试探索Directory API以获取组列表。但它总是抛出400 BadRequest错误。
Also, I have tried with JavaScript as follows.
gapi.auth.authorize with the CLIENT_ID and scopes as admin.directory.group, admin.directory.group.readonly
gapi.client.load('admin', 'directory_v1', function(){
var request = gapi.client.directory.groups.list();
request.execute(function(resp) {
// usage of resp object
This also gives me the same error. [resp object returns BadRequest error object].
这也给了我同样的错误。 [resp对象返回BadRequest错误对象]。
I am using the correct CLIENT_ID and also gave Authorized origins. What am I doing wrong or missing in this?
1 个解决方案
Are you authenticating as a super admin user or a delegated admin user who has permissions to read groups?
Are you authenticating as a super admin user or a delegated admin user who has permissions to read groups?