Firebase Android Auth对象没有回调触发

时间:2021-01-17 23:13:20

I've been going through the Firebase docs to set up a user authentication system in my android app. For some reason however, it doesn't look like any of the callbacks are running on my FirebaseAuth object!


For example with setting up the Facebook authentication as instructed here


private void handleFacebookAccessToken(AccessToken token) {
    Log.d("AUTH", "handleFacebookAccessToken:" + token.getToken());
    // ...
    AuthCredential credential = FacebookAuthProvider.getCredential(token.getToken());
    Log.d("AUTH", "Credential: "+credential);
            .addOnCompleteListener(this, new OnCompleteListener<AuthResult>() {
                public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<AuthResult> task) {
                    Log.d("AUTH", "signInWithCredential:onComplete:" + task.isSuccessful());

                    // If sign in fails, display a message to the user. If sign in succeeds
                    // the auth state listener will be notified and logic to handle the
                    // signed in user can be handled in the listener.
                    if (!task.isSuccessful()) {
                        Log.w("AUTH", "signInWithCredential", task.getException());
                        Toast.makeText(LoginActivity.this, "Authentication failed.",

                    // ...

Everything fine on the part of Facebook but when it comes to signing in with the retrieved fb credentials, the signInWithCredential function doesn't run any callbacks and nothing seems to happen in my user database.


Furthermore I've tried the much more simpler


mAuth.createUserWithEmailAndPassword(etUserID.getText().toString(), etPassword.getText().toString());

and nothing happens as well. I've enabled both providers in my Firebase console and downloaded the latest google-services.json file for the project. Am I missing something?


EDIT: Just tried running the quick-start authentication demo and it doesn't work as well. I do see on my emulator that this app won't run unless I update google services. Is this the cause of this error? I tried updating google services on various emulators and that just returns an error.


6 个解决方案



Got it working only on a real android device, but had no lucky with the emulator.


For the device, you'll need to add the following dependency in your app gradle file:

对于设备,您需要在app gradle文件中添加以下依赖项:

compile ''

I haven't tested, but it seems that if you update the emulator image with a newer google play services, it also should work.


Hope it helps.




It seems like the issue is caused by certain emulators not supporting the latest versions of Google Play Services! (You will see an error in logcat) Galaxy Nexus 5x API 23 w/ Google APIs seem to work with logins.

似乎问题是某些模拟器不支持最新版本的Google Play服务! (您将在logcat中看到错误)带有Google API的Galaxy Nexus 5x API 23似乎可以与登录一起使用。



Solved it thanks to @feroult post and other resources. In my case OnCompleteListener was never called after I updated the build.gradle with the new version of Play Services Library and Firebase libraries. The solution is to update the Play Services App installed on the Emulator.

In my case it started working with 11.0.4 version of Play services library and 11.3.02 version of Play Services app installed on Emulator.

由于@feroult帖子和其他资源解决了它。在我的情况下,在使用新版本的Play Services Library和Firebase库更新build.gradle之后,从未调用过OnCompleteListener。解决方案是更新模拟器上安装的Play服务应用程序。在我的情况下,它开始使用11.0.4版本的Play服务库和安装在模拟器上的11.3.02版本的Play服务应用程序。

Firebase Android Auth对象没有回调触发 Firebase Android Auth对象没有回调触发



I had the same issue and eventually in my case i forgot enable it in firebase console


Firebase Android Auth对象没有回调触发



On a physical device, I did need to update Google Play Services in order to get the callback to work

在物理设备上,我确实需要更新Google Play服务才能使回调正常工作



I had the same problem here, and the solution was very simple: stop using the emulator and start using a physical device to test the application. I don't know why, but it seems like the emulator has some problems dealing with firebase :/




Got it working only on a real android device, but had no lucky with the emulator.


For the device, you'll need to add the following dependency in your app gradle file:

对于设备,您需要在app gradle文件中添加以下依赖项:

compile ''

I haven't tested, but it seems that if you update the emulator image with a newer google play services, it also should work.


Hope it helps.




It seems like the issue is caused by certain emulators not supporting the latest versions of Google Play Services! (You will see an error in logcat) Galaxy Nexus 5x API 23 w/ Google APIs seem to work with logins.

似乎问题是某些模拟器不支持最新版本的Google Play服务! (您将在logcat中看到错误)带有Google API的Galaxy Nexus 5x API 23似乎可以与登录一起使用。



Solved it thanks to @feroult post and other resources. In my case OnCompleteListener was never called after I updated the build.gradle with the new version of Play Services Library and Firebase libraries. The solution is to update the Play Services App installed on the Emulator.

In my case it started working with 11.0.4 version of Play services library and 11.3.02 version of Play Services app installed on Emulator.

由于@feroult帖子和其他资源解决了它。在我的情况下,在使用新版本的Play Services Library和Firebase库更新build.gradle之后,从未调用过OnCompleteListener。解决方案是更新模拟器上安装的Play服务应用程序。在我的情况下,它开始使用11.0.4版本的Play服务库和安装在模拟器上的11.3.02版本的Play服务应用程序。

Firebase Android Auth对象没有回调触发 Firebase Android Auth对象没有回调触发



I had the same issue and eventually in my case i forgot enable it in firebase console


Firebase Android Auth对象没有回调触发



On a physical device, I did need to update Google Play Services in order to get the callback to work

在物理设备上,我确实需要更新Google Play服务才能使回调正常工作



I had the same problem here, and the solution was very simple: stop using the emulator and start using a physical device to test the application. I don't know why, but it seems like the emulator has some problems dealing with firebase :/
