如何使用web api2控制器进行firebase令牌认证

时间:2022-02-02 23:14:11

I have a firebase authentication token that i am trying to pass to a web api controller. I am following this post here. *post

我有一个firebase身份验证令牌,我试图传递给web api控制器。我在这里关注这篇文章。 *post

I have the bearer token in the $http request headers. 如何使用web api2控制器进行firebase令牌认证

我在$ http请求标头中有持有者令牌。

I took care of cors(unless I missed something). The end point in my api project is receiving the request with null headers. So I am trying to debug what is wrong but without any specific errors I am not sure where to look 如何使用web api2控制器进行firebase令牌认证


1 个解决方案



You can get the value of an element "Authorization" in header by using following code:


  string firebaseAuthToken = string.Empty;
    firebaseAuthToken = actionContext.Request.Headers.GetValues("Authorization").First();



You can get the value of an element "Authorization" in header by using following code:


  string firebaseAuthToken = string.Empty;
    firebaseAuthToken = actionContext.Request.Headers.GetValues("Authorization").First();