Google App Engine:指向Google网站而不是域名

时间:2022-05-18 23:09:33

Tried following the instructions here:


How to use Google app engine with my own naked domain (not subdomain)?


Where I can use my google app engine website with my own domain name however when setting it up, it seems to be showing my google app sites instead of my google app engine website... any idea of where I went wrong?


2 个解决方案


Can you detail the steps you went through? There are two separate ways to add a domain for an app - starting in the Apps control panel, or starting in the App Engine control panel - and several things you might have done wrong.

你能详细说明你经历的步骤吗?为应用程序添加域有两种不同的方法 - 从Apps控制面板开始,或从App Engine控制面板开始 - 以及您可能做错的几件事。

Also, make sure that you don't have anything else serving on the subdomain (eg, 'www') you want your app on.


Finally, note that App Engine doesn't support 'naked' domains - instead of A subdomain is always required.

最后,请注意App Engine不支持'裸'域名--foo.com而不是。始终需要子域。


The app engine binding doesn't work while google app site is available. So, disable google app site and it should work!



Can you detail the steps you went through? There are two separate ways to add a domain for an app - starting in the Apps control panel, or starting in the App Engine control panel - and several things you might have done wrong.

你能详细说明你经历的步骤吗?为应用程序添加域有两种不同的方法 - 从Apps控制面板开始,或从App Engine控制面板开始 - 以及您可能做错的几件事。

Also, make sure that you don't have anything else serving on the subdomain (eg, 'www') you want your app on.


Finally, note that App Engine doesn't support 'naked' domains - instead of A subdomain is always required.

最后,请注意App Engine不支持'裸'域名--foo.com而不是。始终需要子域。


The app engine binding doesn't work while google app site is available. So, disable google app site and it should work!
