Google App引擎模板unicode解码问题

时间:2021-11-11 23:11:37

When trying to render a Django template file in Google App Engine

尝试在Google App Engine中呈现Django模板文件时

from google.appengine.ext.webapp import template


templatepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file), 'template.html')
self.response.out.write (template.render( templatepath , template_values))

templatepath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(file),'template.html')self.response.out.write(template.render(templatepath,template_values))

I come across the following error:


<type 'exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError'>: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 17692: ordinal not in range(128)
args = ('ascii', '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Str...07/a-beautiful-method-to-find-peace-of-mind/ -->
', 17692, 17693, 'ordinal not in range(128)')
encoding = 'ascii'
end = 17693
message = ''
object = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Str...07/a-beautiful-method-to-find-peace-of-mind/ -->
reason = 'ordinal not in range(128)'
start = 17692

:'ascii'编解码器无法解码17692位的字节0xe2:序号不在范围内(128)args =('ascii','',17692,17693,'ordinal not in range(128)')encoding ='ascii'end = 17693 message =''object =' reason ='序数不在范围内(128)'start = 17692 'exception.unicodedecodeerror'>

It seems that the underlying django template engine has assumed the "ascii" encoding, which should have been "utf-8". Anyone who knows what might have caused the trouble and how to solve it? Thanks.


3 个解决方案


Well, turns out the rendered results returned by the template needs to be decoded first:


self.response.out.write (template.render( templatepath , template_values).decode('utf-8') )


A silly mistake, but thanks for everyone's answers anyway. :)

一个愚蠢的错误,但无论如何,谢谢大家的答案。 :)


Are you using Django 0.96 or Django 1.0? You can check by looking at your and seeing if it contains the following:

你在使用Django 0.96还是Django 1.0?您可以通过查看main.py进行检查,看看它是否包含以下内容:

from google.appengine.dist import use_library
use_library('django', '1.0')

If you're using Django 1.0, both FILE_CHARSET and DEFAULT_CHARSET should default to 'utf-8'. If your template is saved under a different encoding, just set FILE_CHARSET to whatever that is.

如果您使用的是Django 1.0,则FILE_CHARSET和DEFAULT_CHARSET都应默认为'utf-8'。如果您的模板以不同的编码保存,只需将FILE_CHARSET设置为其他任何编码即可。

If you're using Django 0.96, you might want to try directly reading the template from the disk and then manually handling the encoding.

如果你使用的是Django 0.96,你可能想尝试直接从磁盘读取模板,然后手动处理编码。

e.g., replace

template.render( templatepath , template_values)



Template(unicode(, 'utf-8')).render(template_values)


Did you check in your text editor that the template is encoded in utf-8?



Well, turns out the rendered results returned by the template needs to be decoded first:


self.response.out.write (template.render( templatepath , template_values).decode('utf-8') )


A silly mistake, but thanks for everyone's answers anyway. :)

一个愚蠢的错误,但无论如何,谢谢大家的答案。 :)


Are you using Django 0.96 or Django 1.0? You can check by looking at your and seeing if it contains the following:

你在使用Django 0.96还是Django 1.0?您可以通过查看main.py进行检查,看看它是否包含以下内容:

from google.appengine.dist import use_library
use_library('django', '1.0')

If you're using Django 1.0, both FILE_CHARSET and DEFAULT_CHARSET should default to 'utf-8'. If your template is saved under a different encoding, just set FILE_CHARSET to whatever that is.

如果您使用的是Django 1.0,则FILE_CHARSET和DEFAULT_CHARSET都应默认为'utf-8'。如果您的模板以不同的编码保存,只需将FILE_CHARSET设置为其他任何编码即可。

If you're using Django 0.96, you might want to try directly reading the template from the disk and then manually handling the encoding.

如果你使用的是Django 0.96,你可能想尝试直接从磁盘读取模板,然后手动处理编码。

e.g., replace

template.render( templatepath , template_values)



Template(unicode(, 'utf-8')).render(template_values)


Did you check in your text editor that the template is encoded in utf-8?
