
时间:2021-07-15 22:59:01

Can anyone explain with one example of warn_unqualified_access and warn_unused_result


2 个解决方案




Suppose you have an array representing a deck of cards:


var deck: [Card] = standardDeck.shuffled()

You want to write a function to deal a card to a player. You want to pull the “top” card from the deck, add it to the player's hand, and remove it from the deck:


func dealCard(to player: Player) {
    guard let card = deck.last else { fatalError("Ran out of cards") }

When you test your app, you are puzzled. All your players' hands are filled with copies of the same card.


Being new to Swift, you think dropLast modifies deck by removing its last element. Sadly, you are mistaken. It returns a new array containing all but the last element of deck. (Technically it returns an ArraySlice.)

作为Swift的新手,你认为dropLast通过删除它的最后一个元素来修改deck。可悲的是,你错了。它返回一个包含除deck的最后一个元素之外的所有元素的新数组。 (从技术上讲,它返回一个ArraySlice。)

The compiler and the standard library have conspired to help you figure out the problem. The dropLast function is annotated with @warn_unused_result, so Xcode shows you a warning on the dropLast call:

编译器和标准库密谋帮助您找出问题所在。 dropLast函数使用@warn_unused_result注释,因此Xcode会在dropLast调用上显示警告:

.../Cards.swift:85:10: Result of call to 'dropLast()' is unused

Seeing the warning, you decide to option-click on dropLast and read the documentation, which tells you what dropLast does (returns a new array), and you realize you need to change the line to this:

看到警告,你决定选择 - 点击dropLast并阅读文档,它告诉你dropLast做什么(返回一个新的数组),你意识到你需要将行更改为:


Many, many functions, in the Swift standard library and in other libraries, are useful mainly for what they return. Ignoring the returned value of one of these functions is usually an error, so Swift makes it easy for the library author to warn the user about this behavior. In fact, Swift will probably soon be modified to apply @warn_unused_result by default, and to use a new @discardableResult attribute on the function to suppress the warning.



You were so successful with your awesome card game on iOS that you've decided to port it to Mac OS X. On Mac OS X, you use NSView instead of UIView to show things on the screen. You're trying to figure out why your custom CardView is drawing itself incorrectly, so you want to call Swift's standard print function in drawRect:

你在iOS上的精彩纸牌游戏中取得了如此成功,你决定将它移植到Mac OS X.在Mac OS X上,你使用NSView而不是UIView在屏幕上显示内容。你试图找出你的自定义CardView为什么不正确地绘制自己,所以你想在drawRect中调用Swift的标准打印功能:

class CardView: NSView {

    var card: Card

    override func drawRect(dirtyRect: NSRect) {
        print("Drawing \(card)")

        // drawing code here...

    // rest of CardView here...

When you run your app, you're surprised to find that it pops up the print dialog! What's going on? The compiler and NSView have conspired to help you figure out the problem. The NSView.print function is annotated with @warn_unqualified_access, so Xcode shows you a warning on the print call:

当您运行应用程序时,您会惊讶地发现它会弹出打印对话框!这是怎么回事?编译器和NSView密谋帮助您找出问题所在。 NSView.print函数使用@warn_unqualified_access注释,因此Xcode会在打印调用上显示警告:

.../CardView.swift:95:9: Use of 'print' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'NSView'

Seeing the warning, you option-click on print and read the documentation. You learn that NSView has its own print method, which lets the user print the contents of the view onto paper. How droll! Now you realize you need to change the call to explicitly use Swift's print function like this:


        Swift.print("Drawing \(card)")

(It is virtually impossible to develop for Mac OS X in Swift without running into this particular case. Repeatedly.)

(在没有遇到这种特殊情况的情况下,几乎不可能在Swift中为Mac OS X开发。反复。)

This sort of problem is much less common than the other problem of ignoring a function's result. NSView.print is the only case that I can recall running into.

这种问题比忽略函数结果的其他问题要少得多。 NSView.print是我唯一可以回想起来的案例。



Consider the following example:


class C { 
   @warn_unqualified_access func foo(x: Int) -> Int { return x } 
   @warn_unused_result func bar(x: Int) -> Int { return foo(x) } 

func main() {
  let c = C()


This generates two warnings.


One in C.foo():


warning: use of 'foo' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'C' use 'self.' to silence this warning


This is because I declared foo as @warn_unqualified_access, so it means the compiler wants me to explicitly refer to the object when accessing said member. This is because - for example - calling print in a subclass of NSView conflicts between Swift.print and NSView.print

这是因为我将foo声明为@warn_unqualified_access,因此这意味着编译器希望我在访问所述成员时显式引用该对象。这是因为 - 例如 - 在NSView的子类中调用print在Swift.print和NSView.print之间发生冲突

The second warning is generated in main(), when calling bar:


warning: result of call to 'bar' is unused c.bar(1)


This is because I am calling bar(), declared as @warn_unused_result, and then discarding its result. This is useful, for example, in methods which return you a new value but have no side effects. If you choose to ignore the new value, you essentially wasted work. The compiler can warn you to point that out.





Suppose you have an array representing a deck of cards:


var deck: [Card] = standardDeck.shuffled()

You want to write a function to deal a card to a player. You want to pull the “top” card from the deck, add it to the player's hand, and remove it from the deck:


func dealCard(to player: Player) {
    guard let card = deck.last else { fatalError("Ran out of cards") }

When you test your app, you are puzzled. All your players' hands are filled with copies of the same card.


Being new to Swift, you think dropLast modifies deck by removing its last element. Sadly, you are mistaken. It returns a new array containing all but the last element of deck. (Technically it returns an ArraySlice.)

作为Swift的新手,你认为dropLast通过删除它的最后一个元素来修改deck。可悲的是,你错了。它返回一个包含除deck的最后一个元素之外的所有元素的新数组。 (从技术上讲,它返回一个ArraySlice。)

The compiler and the standard library have conspired to help you figure out the problem. The dropLast function is annotated with @warn_unused_result, so Xcode shows you a warning on the dropLast call:

编译器和标准库密谋帮助您找出问题所在。 dropLast函数使用@warn_unused_result注释,因此Xcode会在dropLast调用上显示警告:

.../Cards.swift:85:10: Result of call to 'dropLast()' is unused

Seeing the warning, you decide to option-click on dropLast and read the documentation, which tells you what dropLast does (returns a new array), and you realize you need to change the line to this:

看到警告,你决定选择 - 点击dropLast并阅读文档,它告诉你dropLast做什么(返回一个新的数组),你意识到你需要将行更改为:


Many, many functions, in the Swift standard library and in other libraries, are useful mainly for what they return. Ignoring the returned value of one of these functions is usually an error, so Swift makes it easy for the library author to warn the user about this behavior. In fact, Swift will probably soon be modified to apply @warn_unused_result by default, and to use a new @discardableResult attribute on the function to suppress the warning.



You were so successful with your awesome card game on iOS that you've decided to port it to Mac OS X. On Mac OS X, you use NSView instead of UIView to show things on the screen. You're trying to figure out why your custom CardView is drawing itself incorrectly, so you want to call Swift's standard print function in drawRect:

你在iOS上的精彩纸牌游戏中取得了如此成功,你决定将它移植到Mac OS X.在Mac OS X上,你使用NSView而不是UIView在屏幕上显示内容。你试图找出你的自定义CardView为什么不正确地绘制自己,所以你想在drawRect中调用Swift的标准打印功能:

class CardView: NSView {

    var card: Card

    override func drawRect(dirtyRect: NSRect) {
        print("Drawing \(card)")

        // drawing code here...

    // rest of CardView here...

When you run your app, you're surprised to find that it pops up the print dialog! What's going on? The compiler and NSView have conspired to help you figure out the problem. The NSView.print function is annotated with @warn_unqualified_access, so Xcode shows you a warning on the print call:

当您运行应用程序时,您会惊讶地发现它会弹出打印对话框!这是怎么回事?编译器和NSView密谋帮助您找出问题所在。 NSView.print函数使用@warn_unqualified_access注释,因此Xcode会在打印调用上显示警告:

.../CardView.swift:95:9: Use of 'print' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'NSView'

Seeing the warning, you option-click on print and read the documentation. You learn that NSView has its own print method, which lets the user print the contents of the view onto paper. How droll! Now you realize you need to change the call to explicitly use Swift's print function like this:


        Swift.print("Drawing \(card)")

(It is virtually impossible to develop for Mac OS X in Swift without running into this particular case. Repeatedly.)

(在没有遇到这种特殊情况的情况下,几乎不可能在Swift中为Mac OS X开发。反复。)

This sort of problem is much less common than the other problem of ignoring a function's result. NSView.print is the only case that I can recall running into.

这种问题比忽略函数结果的其他问题要少得多。 NSView.print是我唯一可以回想起来的案例。



Consider the following example:


class C { 
   @warn_unqualified_access func foo(x: Int) -> Int { return x } 
   @warn_unused_result func bar(x: Int) -> Int { return foo(x) } 

func main() {
  let c = C()


This generates two warnings.


One in C.foo():


warning: use of 'foo' treated as a reference to instance method in class 'C' use 'self.' to silence this warning


This is because I declared foo as @warn_unqualified_access, so it means the compiler wants me to explicitly refer to the object when accessing said member. This is because - for example - calling print in a subclass of NSView conflicts between Swift.print and NSView.print

这是因为我将foo声明为@warn_unqualified_access,因此这意味着编译器希望我在访问所述成员时显式引用该对象。这是因为 - 例如 - 在NSView的子类中调用print在Swift.print和NSView.print之间发生冲突

The second warning is generated in main(), when calling bar:


warning: result of call to 'bar' is unused c.bar(1)


This is because I am calling bar(), declared as @warn_unused_result, and then discarding its result. This is useful, for example, in methods which return you a new value but have no side effects. If you choose to ignore the new value, you essentially wasted work. The compiler can warn you to point that out.
