
时间:2021-06-30 22:49:43

From C++, are min and max preferable over fmin and fmax? For comparing two integers, do they provide basically the same functionality?


Do you tend to use one of these sets of functions or do you prefer to write your own (perhaps to improve efficiency, portability, flexibility, etc.)?




  1. The C++ Standard Template Library (STL) declares the min and max functions in the standard C++ algorithm header.


  2. The C standard (C99) provides the fmin and fmax function in the standard C math.h header.


Thanks in advance!


14 个解决方案



fmin and fmax are specifically for use with floating point numbers (hence the "f"). If you use it for ints, you may suffer performance or precision losses due to conversion, function call overhead, etc. depending on your compiler/platform.


std::min and std::max are template functions (defined in header <algorithm>) which work on any type with a less-than (<) operator, so they can operate on any data type that allows such a comparison. You can also provide your own comparison function if you don't want it to work off <.

std::min和std::max是模板函数(在header <算法> 中定义),它适用于小于(<)操作符的任何类型,因此它们可以对任何允许进行这种比较的数据类型进行操作。如果您不想让它工作,您也可以提供自己的比较函数。

This is safer since you have to explicitly convert arguments to match when they have different types. The compiler won't let you accidentally convert a 64-bit int into a 64-bit float, for example. This reason alone should make the templates your default choice. (Credit to Matthieu M & bk1e)

这是比较安全的,因为您必须显式地转换参数以匹配不同类型的参数。例如,编译器不会让您意外地将64位int转换为64位浮点数。仅这个原因就应该使模板成为您的默认选择。(贷给Matthieu M & bk1e)

Even when used with floats the template may win in performance. A compiler always has the option of inlining calls to template functions since the source code is part of the compilation unit. Sometimes it's impossible to inline a call to a library function, on the other hand (shared libraries, absence of link-time optimization, etc.).




There is an important difference between std::min, std::max and fmin and fmax.

std::min, std::max, fmin, fmax之间有一个重要的区别。

std::min(-0.0,0.0) = -0.0
std::max(-0.0,0.0) = -0.0


fmin(-0.0, 0.0) = -0.0
fmax(-0.0, 0.0) =  0.0

So std::min is not a 1-1 substitute for fmin. The functions std::min and std::max are not commutative. To get the same result with doubles with fmin and fmax one should swap the arguments


fmin(-0.0, 0.0) = std::min(-0.0,  0.0)
fmax(-0.0, 0.0) = std::max( 0.0, -0.0)

But as far as I can tell all these functions are implementation defined anyway in this case so to be 100% sure you have to test how they are implemented.


There is another important difference. For x ! = NaN:

还有一个重要的区别。x !=南:

std::max(Nan,x) = NaN
std::max(x,NaN) = x
std::min(Nan,x) = NaN
std::min(x,NaN) = x


fmax(Nan,x) = x
fmax(x,NaN) = x
fmin(Nan,x) = x
fmin(x,NaN) = x

fmax can be emulated with the following code


double myfmax(double x, double y)
   // z > nan for z != nan is required by C the standard
   int xnan = isnan(x), ynan = isnan(y);
   if(xnan || ynan) {
        if(xnan && !ynan) return y;
        if(!xnan && ynan) return x;
        return x;
   // +0 > -0 is preferred by C the standard 
   if(x==0 && y==0) {
       int xs = signbit(x), ys = signbit(y);
       if(xs && !ys) return y;
       if(!xs && ys) return x;
       return x;
   return std::max(x,y);

This shows that std::max is a subset of fmax.


Looking at the assembly shows that Clang uses builtin code for fmax and fmin whereas GCC calls them from a math library. The assembly for clang for fmax with -O3 is


movapd  xmm2, xmm0
cmpunordsd      xmm2, xmm2
movapd  xmm3, xmm2
andpd   xmm3, xmm1
maxsd   xmm1, xmm0
andnpd  xmm2, xmm1
orpd    xmm2, xmm3
movapd  xmm0, xmm2

whereas for std::max(double, double) it is simply

而std::max(double, double)很简单。

maxsd   xmm0, xmm1

However, for GCC and Clang using -Ofast fmax becomes simply

然而,对于GCC和Clang使用-Ofast fmax变得简单。

maxsd   xmm0, xmm1

So this shows once again that std::max is a subset of fmax and that when you use a looser floating point model which does not have nan or signed zero then fmax and std::max are the same. The same argument obviously applies to fmin and std::min.




You're missing the entire point of fmin and fmax. It was included in C99 so that modern CPUs could use their native (read SSE) instructions for floating point min and max and avoid a test and branch (and thus a possibly mis-predicted branch). I've re-written code that used std::min and std::max to use SSE intrinsics for min and max in inner loops instead and the speed-up was significant.

你错过了fmin和fmax的全部。它被包含在C99中,以便现代的cpu可以使用它们的本机(read SSE)指令来执行浮点min和max,并避免测试和分支(因此可能是错误预测的分支)。我重写了使用std::min和std的代码::max在内部循环中使用SSE特性,而加速是非常重要的。



std::min and std::max are templates. So, they can be used on a variety of types that provide the less than operator, including floats, doubles, long doubles. So, if you wanted to write generic C++ code you'd do something like this:


template<typename T>
T const& max3(T const& a, T const& b, T const& c)
   using std::max;
   return max(max(a,b),c); // non-qualified max allows ADL

As for performance, I don't think fmin and fmax differ from their C++ counterparts.




If your implementation provides a 64-bit integer type, you may get a different (incorrect) answer by using fmin or fmax. Your 64-bit integers will be converted to doubles, which will (at least usually) have a significand that's smaller than 64-bits. When you convert such a number to a double, some of the least significant bits can/will be lost completely.


This means that two numbers that were really different could end up equal when converted to double -- and the result will be that incorrect number, that's not necessarily equal to either of the original inputs.




I would prefer the C++ min/max functions, if you are using C++, because they are type-specific. fmin/fmax will force everything to be converted to/from floating point.


Also, the C++ min/max functions will work with user-defined types as long as you have defined operator< for those types.

另外,只要定义了操作符 <用于那些类型,那么c++ min max函数将使用用户定义的类型。< p>





As you noted yourself, fmin and fmax were introduced in C99. Standard C++ library doesn't have fmin and fmax functions. Until C99 standard library gets incorporated into C++ (if ever), the application areas of these functions are cleanly separated. There's no situation where you might have to "prefer" one over the other.


You just use templated std::min/std::max in C++, and use whatever is available in C.




As Richard Corden pointed, use C++ functions min and max defined in std namespace. They provide type safety, and help to avoid comparing mixed types (i.e. float point vs integer) what sometimes may be undesirable.

正如Richard Corden指出的,在std命名空间中使用c++函数min和max。它们提供类型安全,并帮助避免比较混合类型(即浮点数和整数),有时可能是不可取的。

If you find that C++ library you use defines min/max as macros as well, it may cause conflicts, then you can prevent unwanted macro substitution calling the min/max functions this way (notice extra brackets):


(std::min)(x, y)
(std::max)(x, y)

Remember, this will effectively disable Argument Dependant Lookup (ADL, also called Koenig lookup), in case you want to rely on ADL.




fmin and fmax are only for floating point and double variables.


min and max are template functions that allow comparison of any types, given a binary predicate. They can also be used with other algorithms to provide complex functionality.




Use std::min and std::max.


If the other versions are faster then your implementation can add overloads for these and you'll get the benefit of performance and portability:


template <typename T>
T min (T, T) {
  // ... default

inline float min (float f1, float f2) {
 return fmin( f1, f2);



By the way, in cstdlib there are __min and __max you can use.


For more: http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/btkhtd8d.aspx




I always use the min and max macros for ints. I'm not sure why anyone would use fmin or fmax for integer values.


The big gotcha with min and max is that they're not functions, even if they look like them. If you do something like:


min (10, BigExpensiveFunctionCall())

That function call may get called twice depending on the implementation of the macro. As such, its best practice in my org to never call min or max with things that aren't a literal or variable.




fmin and fmax, of fminl and fmaxl could be preferred when comparing signed and unsigned integers - you can take advantage of the fact that the entire range of signed and unsigned numbers and you don't have to worry about integer ranges and promotions.


unsigned int x = 4000000000;
int y = -1;

int z = min(x, y);
z = (int)fmin(x, y);



Couldn't a C++ implementation targeted for processors with SSE instructions provide specializations of std::min and std::max for types float, double, and long double which do the equivalent of fminf, fmin, and fminl, respectively?

对于带有SSE指令的处理器的c++实现不能提供std的专门化::min和std::max for types float, double, and long double,分别相当于fminf、fmin和fminl。

The specializations would provide better performance for floating-point types while the general template would handle non-floating-point types without attempting to coerce floating-point types into floating-point types that way the fmins and fmaxes would.




fmin and fmax are specifically for use with floating point numbers (hence the "f"). If you use it for ints, you may suffer performance or precision losses due to conversion, function call overhead, etc. depending on your compiler/platform.


std::min and std::max are template functions (defined in header <algorithm>) which work on any type with a less-than (<) operator, so they can operate on any data type that allows such a comparison. You can also provide your own comparison function if you don't want it to work off <.

std::min和std::max是模板函数(在header <算法> 中定义),它适用于小于(<)操作符的任何类型,因此它们可以对任何允许进行这种比较的数据类型进行操作。如果您不想让它工作,您也可以提供自己的比较函数。

This is safer since you have to explicitly convert arguments to match when they have different types. The compiler won't let you accidentally convert a 64-bit int into a 64-bit float, for example. This reason alone should make the templates your default choice. (Credit to Matthieu M & bk1e)

这是比较安全的,因为您必须显式地转换参数以匹配不同类型的参数。例如,编译器不会让您意外地将64位int转换为64位浮点数。仅这个原因就应该使模板成为您的默认选择。(贷给Matthieu M & bk1e)

Even when used with floats the template may win in performance. A compiler always has the option of inlining calls to template functions since the source code is part of the compilation unit. Sometimes it's impossible to inline a call to a library function, on the other hand (shared libraries, absence of link-time optimization, etc.).




There is an important difference between std::min, std::max and fmin and fmax.

std::min, std::max, fmin, fmax之间有一个重要的区别。

std::min(-0.0,0.0) = -0.0
std::max(-0.0,0.0) = -0.0


fmin(-0.0, 0.0) = -0.0
fmax(-0.0, 0.0) =  0.0

So std::min is not a 1-1 substitute for fmin. The functions std::min and std::max are not commutative. To get the same result with doubles with fmin and fmax one should swap the arguments


fmin(-0.0, 0.0) = std::min(-0.0,  0.0)
fmax(-0.0, 0.0) = std::max( 0.0, -0.0)

But as far as I can tell all these functions are implementation defined anyway in this case so to be 100% sure you have to test how they are implemented.


There is another important difference. For x ! = NaN:

还有一个重要的区别。x !=南:

std::max(Nan,x) = NaN
std::max(x,NaN) = x
std::min(Nan,x) = NaN
std::min(x,NaN) = x


fmax(Nan,x) = x
fmax(x,NaN) = x
fmin(Nan,x) = x
fmin(x,NaN) = x

fmax can be emulated with the following code


double myfmax(double x, double y)
   // z > nan for z != nan is required by C the standard
   int xnan = isnan(x), ynan = isnan(y);
   if(xnan || ynan) {
        if(xnan && !ynan) return y;
        if(!xnan && ynan) return x;
        return x;
   // +0 > -0 is preferred by C the standard 
   if(x==0 && y==0) {
       int xs = signbit(x), ys = signbit(y);
       if(xs && !ys) return y;
       if(!xs && ys) return x;
       return x;
   return std::max(x,y);

This shows that std::max is a subset of fmax.


Looking at the assembly shows that Clang uses builtin code for fmax and fmin whereas GCC calls them from a math library. The assembly for clang for fmax with -O3 is


movapd  xmm2, xmm0
cmpunordsd      xmm2, xmm2
movapd  xmm3, xmm2
andpd   xmm3, xmm1
maxsd   xmm1, xmm0
andnpd  xmm2, xmm1
orpd    xmm2, xmm3
movapd  xmm0, xmm2

whereas for std::max(double, double) it is simply

而std::max(double, double)很简单。

maxsd   xmm0, xmm1

However, for GCC and Clang using -Ofast fmax becomes simply

然而,对于GCC和Clang使用-Ofast fmax变得简单。

maxsd   xmm0, xmm1

So this shows once again that std::max is a subset of fmax and that when you use a looser floating point model which does not have nan or signed zero then fmax and std::max are the same. The same argument obviously applies to fmin and std::min.




You're missing the entire point of fmin and fmax. It was included in C99 so that modern CPUs could use their native (read SSE) instructions for floating point min and max and avoid a test and branch (and thus a possibly mis-predicted branch). I've re-written code that used std::min and std::max to use SSE intrinsics for min and max in inner loops instead and the speed-up was significant.

你错过了fmin和fmax的全部。它被包含在C99中,以便现代的cpu可以使用它们的本机(read SSE)指令来执行浮点min和max,并避免测试和分支(因此可能是错误预测的分支)。我重写了使用std::min和std的代码::max在内部循环中使用SSE特性,而加速是非常重要的。



std::min and std::max are templates. So, they can be used on a variety of types that provide the less than operator, including floats, doubles, long doubles. So, if you wanted to write generic C++ code you'd do something like this:


template<typename T>
T const& max3(T const& a, T const& b, T const& c)
   using std::max;
   return max(max(a,b),c); // non-qualified max allows ADL

As for performance, I don't think fmin and fmax differ from their C++ counterparts.




If your implementation provides a 64-bit integer type, you may get a different (incorrect) answer by using fmin or fmax. Your 64-bit integers will be converted to doubles, which will (at least usually) have a significand that's smaller than 64-bits. When you convert such a number to a double, some of the least significant bits can/will be lost completely.


This means that two numbers that were really different could end up equal when converted to double -- and the result will be that incorrect number, that's not necessarily equal to either of the original inputs.




I would prefer the C++ min/max functions, if you are using C++, because they are type-specific. fmin/fmax will force everything to be converted to/from floating point.


Also, the C++ min/max functions will work with user-defined types as long as you have defined operator< for those types.

另外,只要定义了操作符 <用于那些类型,那么c++ min max函数将使用用户定义的类型。< p>





As you noted yourself, fmin and fmax were introduced in C99. Standard C++ library doesn't have fmin and fmax functions. Until C99 standard library gets incorporated into C++ (if ever), the application areas of these functions are cleanly separated. There's no situation where you might have to "prefer" one over the other.


You just use templated std::min/std::max in C++, and use whatever is available in C.




As Richard Corden pointed, use C++ functions min and max defined in std namespace. They provide type safety, and help to avoid comparing mixed types (i.e. float point vs integer) what sometimes may be undesirable.

正如Richard Corden指出的,在std命名空间中使用c++函数min和max。它们提供类型安全,并帮助避免比较混合类型(即浮点数和整数),有时可能是不可取的。

If you find that C++ library you use defines min/max as macros as well, it may cause conflicts, then you can prevent unwanted macro substitution calling the min/max functions this way (notice extra brackets):


(std::min)(x, y)
(std::max)(x, y)

Remember, this will effectively disable Argument Dependant Lookup (ADL, also called Koenig lookup), in case you want to rely on ADL.




fmin and fmax are only for floating point and double variables.


min and max are template functions that allow comparison of any types, given a binary predicate. They can also be used with other algorithms to provide complex functionality.




Use std::min and std::max.


If the other versions are faster then your implementation can add overloads for these and you'll get the benefit of performance and portability:


template <typename T>
T min (T, T) {
  // ... default

inline float min (float f1, float f2) {
 return fmin( f1, f2);



By the way, in cstdlib there are __min and __max you can use.


For more: http://msdn.microsoft.com/zh-cn/library/btkhtd8d.aspx




I always use the min and max macros for ints. I'm not sure why anyone would use fmin or fmax for integer values.


The big gotcha with min and max is that they're not functions, even if they look like them. If you do something like:


min (10, BigExpensiveFunctionCall())

That function call may get called twice depending on the implementation of the macro. As such, its best practice in my org to never call min or max with things that aren't a literal or variable.




fmin and fmax, of fminl and fmaxl could be preferred when comparing signed and unsigned integers - you can take advantage of the fact that the entire range of signed and unsigned numbers and you don't have to worry about integer ranges and promotions.


unsigned int x = 4000000000;
int y = -1;

int z = min(x, y);
z = (int)fmin(x, y);



Couldn't a C++ implementation targeted for processors with SSE instructions provide specializations of std::min and std::max for types float, double, and long double which do the equivalent of fminf, fmin, and fminl, respectively?

对于带有SSE指令的处理器的c++实现不能提供std的专门化::min和std::max for types float, double, and long double,分别相当于fminf、fmin和fminl。

The specializations would provide better performance for floating-point types while the general template would handle non-floating-point types without attempting to coerce floating-point types into floating-point types that way the fmins and fmaxes would.
