
时间:2021-05-17 22:52:01

Is there a fast way of doing something like this Compare two arrays with the same value but with a different order in PHP?


I have arrays with potentially same data but in different order and I just need to see whether they are identical.


OK, turns out I get back an object and not an array, I guess...


object(Doctrine\ORM\PersistentCollection)#560 (9) etc.

hmm... Would the easiest way perhaps to iterate over the contents of the collection in order to create my own array and then compare like you all suggested?


Just adding code for my final solution


        //Find out if container receives mediasync
        $toSync = array();
        foreach($c->getVideosToSync() as $v) {
            $toSync[] = $v->getId();

        $inSync = array();
        foreach($c->getVideosInSync() as $v) {
            $inSync[] = $v->getId();

        $noDiff = array_diff($toSync, $inSync);
        $sameLength = count($toSync) === count($inSync);

        if( empty($noDiff) && $sameLength ) {
           $containerHelper[$c->getId()]['syncing'] = false;
        else {
            $containerHelper[$c->getId()]['syncing'] = true;    

2 个解决方案



Just get them in a uniform order using sort() & then diff with them with array_diff().


# Set the test data.
$array1 = array(1,2,3,4,9,10,11);
$array2 = array(3,4,2,6,7);

# Copy the arrays into new arrays for sorting/testing.
$array1_sort = $array1;
$array2_sort = $array2;

# Sort the arrays.

# Diff the sorted arrays.
$array_diff = array_diff($array1_sort, $array2_sort);

# Check if the arrays are the same length or not.
$length_diff = (count($array1) - count($array2));
$DIFFERENT_LENGTH = ($length_diff != 0) ? true : false;

# Check if the arrays are different.
$ARE_THEY_DIFFERENT = ($array_diff > 1) ? true : false;

  echo 'The are different in length: ' . $length_diff;
else {
  echo 'They have the same length.';
echo '<br />';

  echo 'They are different: ' . implode(', ', $array_diff);
else {
  echo 'They are not different.';
echo '<br />';



I solved it the following way:





 * Here we check if there is any difference in keys or values in two arrays
 * array_intersect_assoc - returns values that are same in both arrays checking values as well as keys
 * array_diff returns the difference between the arrayNew values and those same values in both arrays, returned by array_intersect_assoc
$result = array_diff($arrayNew,array_intersect_assoc($arrayOld, $arrayNew));

//result is:
Array ( 
    [2] => 32, 
    [1] => 34,
    [5] => 46,

/** We can see, that the indexes are different for values 32 and 34 * And the value for index 5 has also changed from 40 to 46 */

/**我们可以看到,32和34 *的索引不同,而索引5的索引值也从40变成了46 */



Just get them in a uniform order using sort() & then diff with them with array_diff().


# Set the test data.
$array1 = array(1,2,3,4,9,10,11);
$array2 = array(3,4,2,6,7);

# Copy the arrays into new arrays for sorting/testing.
$array1_sort = $array1;
$array2_sort = $array2;

# Sort the arrays.

# Diff the sorted arrays.
$array_diff = array_diff($array1_sort, $array2_sort);

# Check if the arrays are the same length or not.
$length_diff = (count($array1) - count($array2));
$DIFFERENT_LENGTH = ($length_diff != 0) ? true : false;

# Check if the arrays are different.
$ARE_THEY_DIFFERENT = ($array_diff > 1) ? true : false;

  echo 'The are different in length: ' . $length_diff;
else {
  echo 'They have the same length.';
echo '<br />';

  echo 'They are different: ' . implode(', ', $array_diff);
else {
  echo 'They are not different.';
echo '<br />';



I solved it the following way:





 * Here we check if there is any difference in keys or values in two arrays
 * array_intersect_assoc - returns values that are same in both arrays checking values as well as keys
 * array_diff returns the difference between the arrayNew values and those same values in both arrays, returned by array_intersect_assoc
$result = array_diff($arrayNew,array_intersect_assoc($arrayOld, $arrayNew));

//result is:
Array ( 
    [2] => 32, 
    [1] => 34,
    [5] => 46,

/** We can see, that the indexes are different for values 32 and 34 * And the value for index 5 has also changed from 40 to 46 */

/**我们可以看到,32和34 *的索引不同,而索引5的索引值也从40变成了46 */