I've a legacy code base where I've four ArraysLists (different sizes). I want to compare these four arraylists and save the same values in a separate Array/Arraylist.
我有一个遗留代码库,我有四个ArraysLists(不同大小)。我想比较这四个arraylists并将相同的值保存在一个单独的Array / Arraylist中。
The arrays can have same values multiple times since ordering is not important. You can say that I just need the intersection of the ArrayLists.
The following code works, but of-course this is not the best way to do, looping on all the arrays-
以下代码有效,但当然这不是最好的方法,循环所有数组 -
For i = 0 To arr.Count - 1 Step 1
For j = 0 To arr1.Count - 1 Step 1
If arr.Item(i) = arr1.Item(j) Then
For k = 0 To arr2.Count - 1 Step 1
If arr.Item(i) = arr2.Item(k) Then
For l = 0 To arr3.Count - 1 Step 1
If arr.Item(i) = arr3.Item(l) Then
// the value arr.Item(i) exists in all 4 arrys
// save this to another array
End If
End If
End If
Since my arrayList size could be in thousands, that's not the way I want to know how should I sort out this.
PS. Sorry if this is a duplicate question, since I was not able search this anywhere (I'm new to VB).
1 个解决方案
you could use ArrayList.Contains
to shorten / simplify things:
For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Count - 1
If Arr1.Contains(arr(i)) AndAlso Arr2.Contains(arr(i)) _
AndAlso Arr3.Contains(arr(i)) AndAlso Arr4.Contains(arr(i)) Then
// the value arr(i) exists in all 4 arrayLISTS
// save this to another array
End If
Probably wont be a lot different in speed, but the code is sure easier to read. NB: AndAlso
is important in this because it short circuits the later tests when it the result is false.
you could use ArrayList.Contains
to shorten / simplify things:
For i As Integer = 0 To arr.Count - 1
If Arr1.Contains(arr(i)) AndAlso Arr2.Contains(arr(i)) _
AndAlso Arr3.Contains(arr(i)) AndAlso Arr4.Contains(arr(i)) Then
// the value arr(i) exists in all 4 arrayLISTS
// save this to another array
End If
Probably wont be a lot different in speed, but the code is sure easier to read. NB: AndAlso
is important in this because it short circuits the later tests when it the result is false.