如何在SQL Server 2005中比较DTS

时间:2022-09-19 22:51:49

Once your databases are converted from SQL Server 2000 to SQL Server 2005, is there any way to compare DTSs on two servers to see if they are still essentially the same? I need to see if my dev and prod are the same, and comparing them manually is really time consuming.

一旦您的数据库从SQL Server 2000转换为SQL Server 2005,有没有办法比较两台服务器上的DTS,看它们是否仍然基本相同?我需要看看我的dev和prod是否相同,并且手动比较它们非常耗时。

If they were still in 2000, I could use the Red-Gate tool DTS Compare, but that doesn't work in 2005. I can save each as a Visual Basic file, and then compare those (and that kind of works), but the steps may be output in a different order. Is there something out there that is better?

如果它们仍然在2000年,我可以使用Red-Gate工具DTS Compare,但这在2005年不起作用。我可以将每个保存为Visual Basic文件,然后比较那些(和那种工作),但是步骤可以以不同的顺序输出。那里有什么东西更好吗?

1 个解决方案


I would say, don't use DTS jobs in SQL Server 2005. There are a complete new and reworked method to do those things: SSIS.

我会说,不要在SQL Server 2005中使用DTS作业。有一个完整的新的和重写的方法来做这些事情:SSIS。

Here you find an introduction: http://www.accelebrate.com/sql_training/ssis_tutorial.htm


Yes, maybe you can't compare it perfectly, but DTS Jobs are run out of support since SQL 2005 (remember, we are in 2009 :) )

是的,也许你无法完美地比较它,但是自SQL 2005以来DTS Jobs已经失去了支持(记住,我们在2009年:))


I would say, don't use DTS jobs in SQL Server 2005. There are a complete new and reworked method to do those things: SSIS.

我会说,不要在SQL Server 2005中使用DTS作业。有一个完整的新的和重写的方法来做这些事情:SSIS。

Here you find an introduction: http://www.accelebrate.com/sql_training/ssis_tutorial.htm


Yes, maybe you can't compare it perfectly, but DTS Jobs are run out of support since SQL 2005 (remember, we are in 2009 :) )

是的,也许你无法完美地比较它,但是自SQL 2005以来DTS Jobs已经失去了支持(记住,我们在2009年:))