
时间:2021-04-25 22:46:32

I'm a beginner to Python, but I've been trying this syntax and I cannot figure it out -- which was been really baffling.


crucial = {'eggs': '','ham': '','cheese': ''}
dishes = {'eggs': 2, 'sausage': 1, 'bacon': 1, 'spam': 500}

if crucial.keys() in dishes.keys():
    print dishes[value]

What I want to do is -- if crucial has a key (in this case, eggs) in the dishes, it will return 2. It seems simple enough, but I believe I must be messing some type of syntax somewhere. If someone could guide me a little, that would be greatly appreciated.


The real dictionaries I'm comparing with is about 150 keys long, but I'm hoping this code is simple enough.


6 个解决方案



You need to iterate over the keys in crucial and compare each one against the dishes keys. So a directly modified version of your code.


for key in crucial.keys():
    if key in dishes.keys():
        print dishes[key]

It could be better stated as (no need to specify .keys):


for key in crucial:
    if key in dishes:
        print dishes[key]



If you're using Python 3, the keys method of dictionaries follows the set interface. That means you can do an intersection of the keys of the two dictionaries using the & operator.

如果您使用的是Python 3,那么字典的键方法是遵循set接口的。这意味着您可以使用&操作符来完成两个字典的键的交叉。

for key in crucial.keys() & dishes.keys():

Or if you need a list of the values:


result = [dishes[key] for key in crucial.keys() & dishes.keys()]

In Python 2 you could manage the same thing by explicitly creating sets (perhaps from the iterkeys generator), but probably it would be better to simply do a loop over the keys, like several of the other answer suggest.

在Python 2中,您可以通过显式地创建集合(可能来自iterkeys生成器)来管理相同的事情,但可能最好只是对键执行一个循环,就像其他几个答案建议的那样。

Here's a variation on the loop that I don't think I've seen anyone else do. The outer loop gets both the keys and values from the dishes dict, so you don't need to separately look up the value by key.

这里有一个循环的变化,我想我没见过其他人这么做。外部循环从dish dict来获取键和值,因此不需要按键分别查找值。

for key, value in dishes.iteritems(): # use items() in Python 3
    if key in crucial:
        print value



using list comprehension is good


[ dishes[x] for x in crucial if dishes.has_key(x) ]

or ,as per gnibbler:


[ dishes[x] for x in crucial if x in dishes ]

this expression will iterate crucial every key in crucial, if key in dishes, it will return the value of same key in dishes , finally, return a list of all match values.


or , you can use this way, (set (crucial) & set(dishes)) return common keys of both set, then iterate this set and return the values in dishes .

或者,您可以使用这种方式(set (critical)和set(dish))返回两个set的公共键,然后迭代这个集合并返回dish中的值。

[ dishes[x] for x in set (crucial) & set(dishes) ]



If you are not already familiar with Python's REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop -- that thing where you type in code, press enter and it immediately evaluates), that would be a good tool here.


So lets start breaking down your code.


crucial = {'eggs': '','ham': '','cheese': ''}
dishes = {'eggs': 2, 'sausage': 1, 'bacon': 1, 'spam': 500}

Simple enough. Though I note you do not have any values in the crucials dictionary. I am not sure if that is an abbreviation for you example or if you are simply only caring about the keys. If you are only caring about the keys, then I assume you are using a dictionary for the sake of ensuring uniqueness. In that case, you should check out the set data structure.




crutial = set(['cheese', 'eggs', 'ham'])

Continuing on we have


if crucial.keys() in dishes.keys():

here you are using the in comparison operator. Example:

这里使用的是in comparison运算符。例子:

5 in [5, 4] #True
3 in [5, 4] #False

If we evaluate crucial.keys() and dishes.keys() we get

如果我们评估cruci. keys()和洗碗机。keys()我们得到

 >>> crucial.keys()
 ['cheese', 'eggs', 'ham']
 >>> dishes.keys()
 ['eggs', 'bacon', 'sausage', 'spam']

so during execution your code evaluates as


 ['cheese', 'eggs', 'ham'] in ['eggs', 'bacon', 'sausage', 'spam']

which returns False because the value ['eggs', 'bacon', 'sausage'] (which is a list) is not in the list ['eggs', 'bacon', 'sausage', 'spam'] (in fact there are no lists within that list, only strings).


Thus you are evaluating as


if False:
    print dishes[value] #note value is not defined.

It rather looks like you have mixed/confused the in operator which returns a boolean and the for iterator (for item in collection). There is a syntax for this sort of thing. It is called list comprehensions which you can find samples of in @ShawnZhang and @kmad's answers. You can think of it as a terse way to filter and modify (map) a collection, returning a list as a result. I do not want to get too in-depth there or I will end up in an introduction to functional programming.


Your other option is to use the for .. in iteration and in operators separately. This is the solution @timc gave. Such solutions are probably a more familiar or easier for beginners. It clearly separates the behavior of iterating and filtering. It is also more like what would be written in other programming languages that do not have an equivalent to list comprehensions. Those who work in Python a lot would probably favor the comprehension syntax.

你的另一个选择是使用for .. .分别在迭代和运算符中。这是@timc给出的解决方案。对于初学者来说,这样的解决方案可能更熟悉或更容易。它清楚地分离了迭代和过滤的行为。它也更像是用其他编程语言编写的,而这些语言并不具有列表理解。那些在Python中工作的人可能更喜欢理解语法。



has_key() has been removed in Python 3: http://docs.python.org/3.1/whatsnew/3.0.html#builtins

在Python 3中已经删除了has_key(): http://docs.python.org/3.1/whatsnew/3.0.html#builtins

Instead, you can use:


[dishes[key] for key in crucial.keys() if key in dishes]

The method used here is called list comprehension. You can read about it here:






crucial = {'eggs': '','ham': '','cheese': ''}
dishes = {'eggs': 2, 'sausage': 1, 'bacon': 1, 'spam': 500}
for key in set(dishes.keys()) & set(crucial.keys()):
    print dishes[key]

Similarly, you can have set(dishes.keys()) - set(crucial.keys()) , set(dishes.keys()) | set(crucial.keys()) , or set(dishes.keys()) ^ set(crucial.keys()).




You need to iterate over the keys in crucial and compare each one against the dishes keys. So a directly modified version of your code.


for key in crucial.keys():
    if key in dishes.keys():
        print dishes[key]

It could be better stated as (no need to specify .keys):


for key in crucial:
    if key in dishes:
        print dishes[key]



If you're using Python 3, the keys method of dictionaries follows the set interface. That means you can do an intersection of the keys of the two dictionaries using the & operator.

如果您使用的是Python 3,那么字典的键方法是遵循set接口的。这意味着您可以使用&操作符来完成两个字典的键的交叉。

for key in crucial.keys() & dishes.keys():

Or if you need a list of the values:


result = [dishes[key] for key in crucial.keys() & dishes.keys()]

In Python 2 you could manage the same thing by explicitly creating sets (perhaps from the iterkeys generator), but probably it would be better to simply do a loop over the keys, like several of the other answer suggest.

在Python 2中,您可以通过显式地创建集合(可能来自iterkeys生成器)来管理相同的事情,但可能最好只是对键执行一个循环,就像其他几个答案建议的那样。

Here's a variation on the loop that I don't think I've seen anyone else do. The outer loop gets both the keys and values from the dishes dict, so you don't need to separately look up the value by key.

这里有一个循环的变化,我想我没见过其他人这么做。外部循环从dish dict来获取键和值,因此不需要按键分别查找值。

for key, value in dishes.iteritems(): # use items() in Python 3
    if key in crucial:
        print value



using list comprehension is good


[ dishes[x] for x in crucial if dishes.has_key(x) ]

or ,as per gnibbler:


[ dishes[x] for x in crucial if x in dishes ]

this expression will iterate crucial every key in crucial, if key in dishes, it will return the value of same key in dishes , finally, return a list of all match values.


or , you can use this way, (set (crucial) & set(dishes)) return common keys of both set, then iterate this set and return the values in dishes .

或者,您可以使用这种方式(set (critical)和set(dish))返回两个set的公共键,然后迭代这个集合并返回dish中的值。

[ dishes[x] for x in set (crucial) & set(dishes) ]



If you are not already familiar with Python's REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print-Loop -- that thing where you type in code, press enter and it immediately evaluates), that would be a good tool here.


So lets start breaking down your code.


crucial = {'eggs': '','ham': '','cheese': ''}
dishes = {'eggs': 2, 'sausage': 1, 'bacon': 1, 'spam': 500}

Simple enough. Though I note you do not have any values in the crucials dictionary. I am not sure if that is an abbreviation for you example or if you are simply only caring about the keys. If you are only caring about the keys, then I assume you are using a dictionary for the sake of ensuring uniqueness. In that case, you should check out the set data structure.




crutial = set(['cheese', 'eggs', 'ham'])

Continuing on we have


if crucial.keys() in dishes.keys():

here you are using the in comparison operator. Example:

这里使用的是in comparison运算符。例子:

5 in [5, 4] #True
3 in [5, 4] #False

If we evaluate crucial.keys() and dishes.keys() we get

如果我们评估cruci. keys()和洗碗机。keys()我们得到

 >>> crucial.keys()
 ['cheese', 'eggs', 'ham']
 >>> dishes.keys()
 ['eggs', 'bacon', 'sausage', 'spam']

so during execution your code evaluates as


 ['cheese', 'eggs', 'ham'] in ['eggs', 'bacon', 'sausage', 'spam']

which returns False because the value ['eggs', 'bacon', 'sausage'] (which is a list) is not in the list ['eggs', 'bacon', 'sausage', 'spam'] (in fact there are no lists within that list, only strings).


Thus you are evaluating as


if False:
    print dishes[value] #note value is not defined.

It rather looks like you have mixed/confused the in operator which returns a boolean and the for iterator (for item in collection). There is a syntax for this sort of thing. It is called list comprehensions which you can find samples of in @ShawnZhang and @kmad's answers. You can think of it as a terse way to filter and modify (map) a collection, returning a list as a result. I do not want to get too in-depth there or I will end up in an introduction to functional programming.


Your other option is to use the for .. in iteration and in operators separately. This is the solution @timc gave. Such solutions are probably a more familiar or easier for beginners. It clearly separates the behavior of iterating and filtering. It is also more like what would be written in other programming languages that do not have an equivalent to list comprehensions. Those who work in Python a lot would probably favor the comprehension syntax.

你的另一个选择是使用for .. .分别在迭代和运算符中。这是@timc给出的解决方案。对于初学者来说,这样的解决方案可能更熟悉或更容易。它清楚地分离了迭代和过滤的行为。它也更像是用其他编程语言编写的,而这些语言并不具有列表理解。那些在Python中工作的人可能更喜欢理解语法。



has_key() has been removed in Python 3: http://docs.python.org/3.1/whatsnew/3.0.html#builtins

在Python 3中已经删除了has_key(): http://docs.python.org/3.1/whatsnew/3.0.html#builtins

Instead, you can use:


[dishes[key] for key in crucial.keys() if key in dishes]

The method used here is called list comprehension. You can read about it here:






crucial = {'eggs': '','ham': '','cheese': ''}
dishes = {'eggs': 2, 'sausage': 1, 'bacon': 1, 'spam': 500}
for key in set(dishes.keys()) & set(crucial.keys()):
    print dishes[key]

Similarly, you can have set(dishes.keys()) - set(crucial.keys()) , set(dishes.keys()) | set(crucial.keys()) , or set(dishes.keys()) ^ set(crucial.keys()).
