- (PHP 4 >= 4.0.6, PHP 5, PHP 7)
- mb_convert_encoding — Convert character encoding
- mb_convert_encoding — 转换字符的编码
string mb_convert_encoding ( string $str , string $to_encoding [, mixed $from_encoding = mb_internal_encoding() ] )
//Converts the character encoding of string str to to_encoding from optionally from_encoding.
- The string being encoded.
- 要编码的 string。
- The type of encoding that str is being converted to.
- str 要转换成的编码类型。
- Is specified by character code names before conversion. It is either an array, or a comma separated enumerated list. If from_encoding is not specified, the internal encoding will be used.
- 在转换前通过字符代码名称来指定。它可以是一个 array 也可以是逗号分隔的枚举列表。 如果没有提供 from_encoding,则会使用内部(internal)编码。
Return Values
- The encoded string.
- 编码后的 string。
* Created by PhpStorm.
* User: zhangrongxiang
* Date: 2018/1/28
* Time: 下午10:34
$str = "Hello World\n";
/* Convert internal character encoding to SJIS */
$str = mb_convert_encoding( $str, "SJIS" );
echo "1---" . $str; //1---Hello World
$str = "Hello World\n";
/* Convert EUC-JP to UTF-7 */
$str = mb_convert_encoding( $str, "UTF-7", "EUC-JP" );
echo "2---" . $str; //2---Hello World
$str = "Hello World\n";
/* Auto detect encoding from JIS, eucjp-win, sjis-win, then convert str to UCS-2LE */
$str = mb_convert_encoding( $str, "UCS-2LE", "JIS, eucjp-win, sjis-win" );
echo "3---" . $str; //3---H�e�l�l�o� �W�o�r�l�d�
$str = "Hello World\n";
/* "auto" is expanded to "ASCII,JIS,UTF-8,EUC-JP,SJIS" */
$str = mb_convert_encoding( $str, "EUC-JP", "auto" );
echo "4---" . $str; ///�4---Hello World
/**遍历字符集 */
$text = "A strange string to pass, maybe with some ø, æ, å characters. Hello 中国";
foreach ( mb_list_encodings() as $chr ) {
echo $chr . " :" . mb_convert_encoding( $text, 'UTF-8', $chr ) . PHP_EOL;
echo $chr . " :" . mb_convert_encoding( $text, $chr, 'UTF-8' ) . PHP_EOL;
header( "content-Type: text/html; charset=Utf-8" );//在所有输出之前输出有效
echo mb_convert_encoding( "你是我的好朋友", "UTF-8", "GBK" );
//SJIS-mac** (别名: MacJapanese)
//SJIS-Mobile#KDDI** (别名: SJIS-KDDI)
//UTF-8-Mobile#DOCOMO** (别名: UTF-8-DOCOMO)
//UTF-8-Mobile#KDDI-B** (别名: UTF-8-KDDI)
//UTF-8-Mobile#SOFTBANK** (别名: UTF-8-SOFTBANK)
//ISO-2022-JP-MOBILE#KDDI** (别名: ISO-2022-JP-KDDI)
//UHC (CP949)
//Windows-1251 (CP1251)
//Windows-1252 (CP1252)
//CP866 (IBM866)
//ArmSCII-8 (ArmSCII8)
// * 表示该编码也可以在正则表达式中使用。
// ** 表示该编码自 PHP 5.4.0 始可用。
//任何接受编码名称的 php.ini 条目同样也可以使用 "auto" 和 "pass" 的值。 接受编码名的 mbstring 函数同样也可以使用值 "auto"。
//如果设置了 "pass",将不会对字符的编码进行转化。
//如果设置了 "auto",它将扩展成 NLS 中定义的每个字符编码列表。 比如,假设 NLS 设置为 Japanese,值将会认为是 "ASCII,JIS,UTF-8,EUC-JP,SJIS"。