好久没用sqlserver,今天打开却出现了一个错误,Cannot find one or more components,令人头疼。
在启动Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio时,出现上面的错误提示,程序无法启动.
在网上发现好多人说在Visual Studio上也有这样的问题,根据程序名对比我找到仅有的几个带有Visual Studio的辅助程序,没有修复选项,直接逐一卸载后修复sqlserver,竟然成功了!
最终定位为Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Shell(Isolate)-CHS辅助程序的问题,只要将其卸载然后修复即可.
不过Microsoft Visual Studio的辅助程序居然和sqlserver有冲突。感觉好坑啊!编程就是这样,总爱出一些你意想不到的错误!
- SSMS2016打开时出现“Cannot find one or more components.please reinstall the application”
- vs 2015使用时有Cannot find one or more components.
- "Cannot find one of more components. Please reinstall the application"--安装VS2013之后不能正常打开的处理办法
- 备忘录:SQL SERVER2014 出现:“Cannot find one or more components”
- VS2013出现“cannot find one or more components .Please reinstall the application”解决办法
- 解决VS2015启动出现“cannot find one or more components .Please reinstall the application”
- sqlserver 2014使用时有Cannot find one or more components
- vs2012 启动遇到Cannot find one or more components
- 解决vs2013启动出现“cannot find one or more components .Please reinstall the application”
- 遇到 cannot find one or more components please reinstall ,怎么办